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Posts posted by Phil_ne_uk

  1. I am confused about visas and hope someone can please advise me. I will be moving to Thailand within the next 2 months when my house is sold to live there with my girlfriend. I intend to start/buy some type of business when I find my feet there. I think the best visa for me will be a retirement visa as I’m now 50 years old. However I understand that initially I need a non imm ‘O’ visa, then I will apply for a retirement visa when I’m in Thailand. Is this the best procedure?

    In the Hull website it says as follows……


    Persons requiring Non-Immigrant Visas who are not able to provide a letter of employment or appointment or marriage certificate are required to provide a letter of guarantee from someone who is prepared to meet any costs incurred by the applicant which they cannot pay themselves including the cost of repatriation if necessary.

    Does this mean that if it’s not work related then I do need a letter from a friend?



  2. Hi Phil,

    I would suggest that because of the restricted opening over Xmas and New Year the embassy is likely to be busier on the 2 days it is open. Other than that, how long is a piece of string? I've heard some people say that they started queueing at 05:00 and were turned back and others who say that they waltzed in at 09:00 and were seen. I don't think there's a definitive answer and it's one to judge for yourself based on the prevailing circumstances.


    Hi Scouse,

    Thanks for the advice, cheers & all the best for xmas


  3. Can anyone please advice whether my girlfriend could be refused a vv on the grounds that she has a 10 year old daughter who would stay with the grandparents while she was with me in the UK?

    When she applied mid October that was one of the reasons why the vv was refused.

    I’m going out to bkk for xmas and we intend to re-apply and I’m concerned they will use this excuse again.



  4. I’m off to see my girlfriend for 2 weeks arriving on xmas eve morning. Can anyone recommend any nice, reasonably priced hotels preferably close to the British embassy? Within walking distance if possible.

    Also if anyone is looking for a good travel agent in the UK try Benz travel in London. I used them 1st time in July this year and again for this xmas. They are without doubt the least expensive and the guy gives great friendly service.

    The guy is called Rajan, his number is 0207-323-7333 email [email protected]

    Web Site: www.benztravel.co.uk



  5. My girlfriend’s v v was refused on 11th October. I contacted the embassy at BKK and got no-where! I contacted my MP who contacted the foreign office in London to ask them to request that someone different had a look at the application again. I finally received a letter from the foreign office today stating that the entry clearance manager re-looked at the application and have still said no visa.

    In October I spoke to the entry clearance manager and asked her to please have a look at the application, she said she would but she would still NOT reverse the decision to grant a visa!

    My question is, does anyone know if there is there more than one entry clearance manager at the embassy in BKK?

    Because if the application has been reviewed again by the same woman that I spoke to, then no wonder it has been refused!!

    Thanks in advance


  6. I’m trying to complete part of the VAF1 form for my g/f vv. can anyone advise me which box to tick in section 1 after ticking the 6 month box. Should it be “other- please specify” stating simply “holiday”??

    In section 6 it reads at No. 6.10 “how much money is available to you for your stay”

    What the ###### is one supposed to put there?

    Any sensible answers would be appreciated!



  7. Can anyone tell me what the chances are of my girlfriend getting a tourist visa to visit the UK? I know everyone thinks that their circumstances are different but mine are a bit unusual (I think lol)

    I met a bar girl when I was in Thailand in July. I am planning to live in Thailand with her when I sell my house, which is now on the market.

    I met her in Patong, Phuket. The negative points are that we only stayed together for 6 days before I returned home, and that we met in the bar where she worked. So, for the visa application, we’re going to say that we knew each other for 2 weeks and that we met in the hairdresser’s where she worked. Only 2 lies, the rest is true. I realise that they wouldn’t want to know if they knew she had previously worked in a bar!

    The good points are that she has gone to stay with her 10 year old daughter and parents at her parent’s home in Jomthong, about one hour outside Bangkok as she has stopped working now, obviously. She has no job now but doesn’t need one as I support her now while I wait for my house to sell. I provide her with money via a nationwide cash card, which is the best way to get money to her without ANY (no transaction charges, either way) costs apart from sending the card to her.


    I phone her landline (via 18866) sometimes around 2.00am before I go to bed for about an hour, and always about 4.00pm for at least an hour every day since I came home on 31st July, so I have online itemised bills, which I can print out as proof of our calls.

    We have a few emails but I prefer to phone her, so no letters sent by post either. The phone calls should be more important, I think.

    I have about 75 digital photos of her and us together.

    I have 5 estate agents agreements to prove that I am trying selling my house.

    I have a friend living in Patong for a year now having apartments built, hopefully I intend to do the same.

    I’m self employed and work from my home, so she can be with me all day while I work, when I do.

    I can afford to take care of her while she stays with me as I have sufficient money in my building society account

    I own my home, well, apart from the bit belonging to the building society! Lol

    I will put money in the nationwide account for her airfare when needed.

    She has her daughter to return for.

    The plan is that she comes here for a visit and hopefully my house will be sold before her 6 month visa expires, so we can return to los together.

    Any idea what the chances of getting a visa will be?


  8. another lucky pimp met a jerk

    ..... and life goes on!!!!

    PS. If you need some of us to make some routine maintenance to your G/F before you'll arrive to LOS, let us know we will transform her in a vergin nun!!!

    Hi duke69,

    After reading a few of your other posts I am now able to understand the concept of your above post relating to myself.

    I now understand the reason behind it is obviously due to your attitude towards women and novice falangs also.

    I mean lets face it, with a name like duke “69” what can anyone really expect to perceive about you!!

    So who’s the jerk here in reality?

  9. Well I’m surprised at you all! If troll means that I’m winding you all up, then NO, I’m not, I’m serious!

    I suppose you ALL know 100% what YOUR girlfriend is doing and where she is?? I didn’t think so!

    Regarding harry palmer’s remarks, this is not about how many shags one can get in a week and as much as I know many Thai girls are just out to con us falangs, they are actually human too!

    From a recent survey in high schools in Thailand, for many of them it’s a dream for then to have a falang boyfriend/husband to live with. Yes of course they initially want security, but hey! Don’t British girls want that also as well as girls anywhere in the world! So if a guy can give them that security and they fall for him also why not? Or don’t you think that’s possible? Some trust is needed of course, otherwise why bother? But the way I see it, if she isn’t genuine with me, well there’s lots more there who are. Having said that I do believe that she is!

    The difference is, which most of you are forgetting, is that she knows that I intend to live with her in Thailand! Not just go on hols a couple of times a year as some guys do and expect their girl to just sit around waiting for her guy returning just to be with him!

    I don’t think she wants to jeopardise the chance of living with a falang, and she knows I have friends there who also know her.

    So think about how secure your own relationship is before you comment in a negative way! If you can’t, is that down to the insecurity of your own relationship I wonder??


  10. This could well be a silly question but here goes anyway.

    When I was recently in Thailand, I met a nice girl. I send her 4000 baht a week on a monthly basis. Anyway I am in the process of selling my UK house to live out there with her. When I met her I gave her 1000 baht each day when she stayed with me, even though it was only 6 days before my holiday finished.

    The point is when we live together, obviously I will pay for everything for the home and living expenses etc etc but will I be expected to give her personal money for her as she does have a 10 yr old daughter and parents?

    Before anyone lectures me about maybe being a mug, she has met my mate & his g/f who live in Phuket, she has seen how they live and I don’t think she would do anything (like work) to jeopardise this from happening. Also my mate and a few other lads (who she has also met) go drinking down town on a Friday night including the bar where she used to work, so I would get to know if she was up to no good. She is also aware of this fact.

    I also phone her via 18866 @ 2p a minute which is great for 30 minute calls everyday, it’s usually late evening when I phone her, sometimes she is out with a g/f for a drink, and sometimes in her room. If she was working I don’t think she could have nights off to stay in her room? Any comments on this???

    I don’t expect her to sit in her room waiting until I return so I have to trust her when she does go out, hard sometimes I know!


  11. Boris,

    If you want to know, after a relationship ended which effected me big time, I got involved with an old school mate and 2 older crooks that he knew. I got involved with them in a robbery and I was the one that used a starting pistol to hold up a jewelers. (yep daft I know) This was my first and ONLY offence, however it was classed as armed robbery.


  12. Thanks for your help everyone. However I understand that I do need to show details of my police record. See below what I found. No.’s 1.3 & 2.6 also the footnote. . I haven’t received the info back from police yet, so there’s a 1% chance it won’t show

    Cheers, Phil

    Procedure on the Issuance of Non-Immigrant Visa Category

    “O-A” (Long Stay)

    1. Qualification of an applicant

    ·1.1 A foreign national whose age is over 50 years or above

    ·1.2 Not being prohibited from entering the Kingdom under the Immigration Act B.E.2522 (A.D.1979)

    ·1.3 No criminal record of the Kingdom of Thailand, the country of national and country of permanent residence as well. :o

    ·1.4 Holding the nationality or permanent residence of the country of application

    ·1.5 No medical record of contagious disease.

    ·1.6 No permission of working in Thailand.

    2. Required documents for visa application.

    ·2.1 Validity of passport at least 1 year

    ·2.2 Three (3) visa application forms and 3 passport size recent photographs

    ·2.3 Additional application form for Non-Immigrant “O-A” (Long Stay)

    ·2.4 Copy of bank statement having in possession of annually income equivalent to Thai currency at least 800,000 Baht or monthly income 65,000 Baht. (approximately GBP


    ·2.5 In case attached copy of bank statement as stated in 2.4, the original reference letter from the banking concerned is necessary.

    ·2.6 Criminal Record from own country or country of permanent residence of validity at least 3 months. :D

    ·2.7 Medical Record proving applicant has never been infected with contagious disease with validity at least 3 months (in accordance with Immigration Act B.E.2522)

    ·2.8 In case wishing to be accompanied by spouse, the marriage certificate will be attached. But spouse will be granted Non-Immigrant “O” in stead of “O-A”

    (Long Stay)

    Note: Documents as stated in 2.4 - 2.8 must be certified by Notary Public or from the competent authority concerned of the country of application.

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