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Posts posted by Phil_ne_uk

  1. As Mijan24 stated they paid 800 Baht for a 1300cc engine, how can 3297 Baht be correct for a 1500cc engine as Artisan states?? Such a difference can’t be right??

    It’s for a 4 seat, 4 door Honda City vtec vtr if this helps. Anyone else got one who can tell me what they pay for road tax please??



  2. Regarding GU22’s question,

    So, what would you do? Employ more staff? This will put the costs up, and so the fee increases.

    So, if you were in charge of this office, what would you do to cut waiting times?

    I would say yes, employ MORE staff so people don’t have to wait so long for something as basic as wanting to visit the UK. It’s such a farce, you would think we wanted to visit the moon! Having said that you can even do that soon if you have enough cash! Oh sorry I forgot, Thai’s can go to the UK easy too if they’ve got enough cash! It’s only the poor/average people who have such a hassle trying to get there.

    Why the H*ll should employing more staff put costs up? They now charge 425 Baht plus VAT as a fee for this service, they don’t do it for free! Let’s assume the staff were paid 700 Baht per hour, which is unlikely. Just suppose they spend 15 minutes with each applicant then they would see 4 per hour. So that’s 1700 Baht income per hour, less the 700 baht wages = a nice profit of 1000 Baht per hour for someone! So yes they should have sufficient staff so people don’t have to wait for hours. Just like when you visit your bank, you certainly wouldn’t expect to wait hours!

    Regarding ChrisP’s post stating,,

    4. She gave us a printed ticket, Ref No, web-site and phone number to check in 3 days. She made sure my Thai understod.

    Does this mean that everyone has to wait 3 days to find out if they are granted a visa? Is this any type of visa or visitor’s visa or what?

    If this is the case as standard, then so much for a quicker service! That’s 3 days slower now than before!!!!

    Early last year my girlfriend applied for the second time for her VV. She went early in the morning and was told to come back in the afternoon for an interview. She went back about 3 hours later as requested, and was given her passport with her 6 months VV stamped inside.

    Quicker service? What do you think???

  3. I bought a car last November here in Pattaya and the car road tax expires in July. The thing is I’ll be in the UK then so does anyone know if I can get the tax in advance before I go to the UK without losing the unexpired period that’s left?

    I know I need to go to the office where people get licences near the road to Rayong and I understand I need to show the blue book, and insurance papers, is there anything else needed to show them?

    Also does anyone know the actual road tax cost for a 1500 litre engine? It’s just that the previous owner has paid 3297 Baht each year previous as it shows this in the blue book. My girlfriend thinks that’s more than it should be.

    Thanks in advance


  4. Oh Scouse, I forgot to ask, are you perhaps suggesting what I stated in my post is incorrect??? If you think so why not try emailing or phoning the number I posted, but pleeeze don't forget to post your results when you CAN'T get through either!!! I'm certain others will agree with me if they try to make contact via these incorrect contact details! cheers! Phil

  5. Yeah! the new improved service, as THEY call it is so good the new site http://www.ukvac-th.com/index.aspx shows the contact details as,,

    The UK Visa Application Centre is located at:

    Regent House, 2nd Floor,

    183, Rajdamri Road,

    Kwaeng Lumpini,

    Khet Pathumwan,

    Bangkok 10330.

    Location Map

    Helpline phone no. : +66 (0) 2541098 / 99

    For information kindly mail: [email protected]

    However both the phone number & email address are WRONG!! Neither work! If you look at the info on the old website the contact info is correct I think. This is a typical example of the crap service provided by these so called professionals, who are in fact, a bunch of W*****S evidently! How can we have faith in these people when they don't know what the H*ll they are doing themselves????

  6. I’m English from the UK and have a 12 month non Imm multi O visa from Hull which started on 7th April 2005. I’m now staying in Chiang Mai and was told in Pattaya that if a do a final visa run a week or so before the 12 months would expire in April that I would get one more 90 stamp making my visa last a total of 15 months. Is this true?

    If so, how late can I leave it before doing the run? 1 week 1 day?

    Can anyone please tell me the procedure to go to Mai Sai for the visa run. I read somewhere that you have to show 10,000 baht in cash or bank book to get back in. would a printout showing my UK building society balance be good enough to show?

    One more question, are there any visa run companies in Chiang Mai? Or do you have to DIY

    Thanks in advance


  7. Two identical threads merged.

    Don't start a new thread just because no one posted in your first one. :o

    Why don't you go to a motor insurance company and get them to do it all?

    because I thought that a new subject title might generate some response, but I was wrong as obviously knows the answers! I have insurance already so can't ask them. thanks.

  8. I’ve just bought a second hand car in Pattaya. The car is registered in Bangkok, I’ve searched for tips about changing the registration to my name and found conflicting opinions (quoted below) about where to go and if it should be re-registered for the place where I live.

    Also it’s been stated that when buying a car that the dealer should change the registration details for you. So my questions are as follows,,,

    Will they change a fee for doing this or should it be in with the price of the car?

    What is the actual cost to transfer car registration?

    Should my car be registered in Pattaya where I presently live?

    If so what does it cost for new plates?

    If I do this will I still need to go to Bangkok where it’s presently registered?

    My girlfriend suggests keeping Bangkok plates as this will keep the resale value higher. I stay in a rented apartment/resort so legally I don’t have a fixed address i.e. my own house meaning I don’t need to register in Chonburi.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Quote from Brew

    go to the registration office in your province with all required documents, and signed copies of the documents. Of course you have to take your car with you, it will be checked.

    They will request the file in the province where the car has been registered before. But it takes time. When I did it, it took nearly 3 months. And they didn't inform me like they promised. So I went there again when it took to long. Of course they insisted they sent me a letter, and I had to pay a fine of some 100 baht.

    Quote from Cobber

    Best to go to the office in the province where the vehicle is registered and do the transfer there. Its not compulsary to take the previous owner along but take him if you can, just in case there is something he hasnt done on the paperwork. The staff at these offices can be a bit perdantic and it might save you another trip back there.

    To comply with the law you should change it over to the province that you live in but many people dont and it doesnt seem to be a big drama. However its not that difficult to do. Its just 2 trips to your local Dept. of Transport office . One to do the paperwork and another trip to pick up the new plates.

    If your buying new or second hand from a yard they should do all of this for you, and there are also many agents that will do it all for you.

    Quote from Astral

    You don't need to go in person to change the ownership, or the province.

    The local garage, or dealer will have a guy who will handle it for you.

    One of the forms you sign is Power of Attorney to let the guy handle it on your behalf.

    All you need to do is sign the forms, get a copy of you passport

    and a letter from immigration confirming where you live.

  9. I’ve just bought a second hand car in Pattaya. The car is registered in Bangkok, I’ve searched for tips about changing the registration to my name and found conflicting opinions (quoted below) about where to go and if it should be re-registered for the place where I live.

    Also it’s been stated that when buying a car that the dealer should change the registration details for you. So my questions are as follows,,,

    Will they change a fee for doing this or should it be in with the price of the car?

    What is the actual cost to transfer car registration?

    Should my car be registered in Pattaya where I presently live?

    If so what does it cost for new plates?

    If I do this will I still need to go to Bangkok where it’s presently registered?

    My girlfriend suggests keeping Bangkok plates as this will keep the resale value higher. I stay in a rented apartment/resort so legally I don’t have a fixed address i.e. my own house meaning I don’t need to register in Chonburi.

    Thanks in anticipation.


    Quote from Brew

    go to the registration office in your province with all required documents, and signed copies of the documents. Of course you have to take your car with you, it will be checked.

    They will request the file in the province where the car has been registered before. But it takes time. When I did it, it took nearly 3 months. And they didn't inform me like they promised. So I went there again when it took to long. Of course they insisted they sent me a letter, and I had to pay a fine of some 100 baht.

    Quote from Cobber

    Best to go to the office in the province where the vehicle is registered and do the transfer there. Its not compulsary to take the previous owner along but take him if you can, just in case there is something he hasnt done on the paperwork. The staff at these offices can be a bit perdantic and it might save you another trip back there.

    To comply with the law you should change it over to the province that you live in but many people dont and it doesnt seem to be a big drama. However its not that difficult to do. Its just 2 trips to your local Dept. of Transport office . One to do the paperwork and another trip to pick up the new plates.

    If your buying new or second hand from a yard they should do all of this for you, and there are also many agents that will do it all for you.

    Quote from Astral

    You don't need to go in person to change the ownership, or the province.

    The local garage, or dealer will have a guy who will handle it for you.

    One of the forms you sign is Power of Attorney to let the guy handle it on your behalf.

    All you need to do is sign the forms, get a copy of you passport

    and a letter from immigration confirming where you live.

  10. Hi again tywais,

    thanks for the contact info.

    This is the first time I will have arranged insurance in thailand. Do you know if I will be able to arrange cover over the phone with credit card to pay, as I understand that insurance companies require photos of the car prior to issuing cover??

  11. Hi Bikkel, you said it was a hassle getting a non o visa. Which country are you from? I got mine from the Royal Thai consulate in Hull UK which was so easy I phoned them several times with questions before applying and they were very helpful. My Thai girlfriend was my guarantor, she was staying with me on a 6 month v v.

    All I had to do was copy the guarantee letter on the website as below


    word for word, just filling in the blanks with my GF’s name & address in BKK, she signed it & I posted it special post on the Monday & it came back on the Wednesday.

    It reads on the letter at the bottom,

    “This guarantee can be provided by anyone residing in the UK or in Thailand”

    The form was dated 1st July 2005 so it seems to be even easier now!

    Here’s the website for the Thai consul in Hull below


  12. Today I got a medical certificate from Pattaya memorial hospital. I first asked what the cost was and they said 150 baht I had a wound dressed there which I have had done for a week now, anyway they only charged 100 baht + my dressing which was 126 baht (same each day) mind you it took them 3 days before they said NO alcohol while on medication.

    They asked me to read small writing with one eye covered, not easy as my eyesight is not perfect for short distance. I wear glasses for driving which I told them, so they suggested using them to read the small print, this of course was useless as they are for long distance! Anyway I passed!

  13. For the last 8 years I’ve had a small sort of cist/boil on my head behind my lower ear. Its not bothered me but I was going to have it removed in the UK before moving here to Pattaya but didn’t get an appointment soon enough. It’s never been a problem until 2 days ago when it got bigger, about the size of a large pea now and is sore when lying on that side. Anyway after reading some of the horror stories about hospitals here I’m pondering about whether to go to a hospital and if I can trust them! If I go, can I ask them what the cost would be for removing it before committing to anything? Are they capable and if so which hospital would anyone recommend?



  14. Sorry its taken so long to reply but just to confirm that there is no attached undertaking in my girlfriends passport stating that she must return within 2 months.

    It states the visa is from 17/1/05 – 17/7/05 also states for 180 days.

    So should we just ignore what she was verbally told about this 2 month lark?



  15. Thanks for that lads. I should have explained a bit more. My house should be sold in about 6 weeks, however it could be delayed and take up to 12 weeks, so obviously we want to return to los together where we intend to live when my house is sold. So if the sale takes longer, naturally I want her to go back to los with me. It was suggested that when she gets here that I email the embassy to explain that my house sale is taking maybe 1 month longer to cmplete so she will return after say,,, 3 months with me. Does that sound ok?



  16. I went to Thailand on the 25th December 2004 to visit my girlfriend, Keetapat, for xmas & the new year, to accompany her while reapplying for a visitor’s visa for the UK. After three hours sleep we arrived at the embassy at 4.10am on the Wednesday 29th December, only to discover that the embassy was closed due to the terrible disaster. We were informed that the embassy would re-open on Tuesday 4th January so we went to Pattaya to stay while we waited. I telephoned the embassy on the Monday to confirm that the embassy would be open on the Tuesday and was told that it would not be open until the Wednesday 5th. On the Tuesday I telephoned again to confirm that the embassy would be open on the Wednesday and was then told that the embassy was only open for emergencies. I had to return to the UK on the 6th January 2005. Keetapat went back yesterday 17th to apply again on her own. They were not clear about my online statement from my building society, so Keetapat phoned me at 3.00am so I could email it to Preecha (“the old man”) after a lot of hassle when he could not print it out, I finally faxed it to him. Keetapat went back to the embassy, it was about 1.00pm by now and success Keetapat was given her v v. better late than never I guess!

    One problem, we wrote 6 months on the application form, but Keetapat told the eco she wanted a v v for 2 months. When issuing the v v, the Thai woman eco told Keetapat that she must return to Thailand after 2 months or she may not be given a visa again in the future! However, the visa paper inside the passport states from 17/1/05 – 17/7/05 and also reads 180 days. My question is, does she HAVE to return after 2 months when the visa states 180 days and the dates are for 6 months? I just read on a post that someone said that his girlfriend was given a 6 month visa but made to sign a letter stating that she would stay no longer than 3 months.”

    Keetapat did not say anything about having to sign anything so I do not think she was made to do so.

    Thanks to those who helped and advised me back in October 04


    Phil & Keetapat

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