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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. On 3/25/2018 at 6:49 PM, tukkytuktuk said:

    If you had gender re-assignment to become a trans-women, would you keep your penis and why?


    That is the question I pose for this topic.


    Me, I would keep my penis, it means a lot to me. Is that because I'm more into giving than receiving? Plus, the G-spot thing doesn't work that well for me. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.


    Please leave a comment, tell me what you think?

    You should work more on the "G-spot thing". From now on trying focusing on the woman's G-spot, eh, dude? :stoner:

  2. 19 hours ago, robblok said:

    I am happy that here in BKK i can safely (relatively) drive my motorbike at night. 


    Though i once almost got T boned at 4 am (coming back from fishing) and going through a green light. 

    Motorbikes are inherently unsafe. It's only a matter of wrong place and wrong time and luck on the road in Thailand.


    Your arse planted on a motorbike seat is 1/3 of the above equation satisfied so it is only a matter of the remaining factors of time and luck.


    Here's wishing you Good Luck, at least, because otherwise it's only a matter of time.

  3. 17 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Looking at the video I would say those guys were under pressure as to lift off those bikes properly would mean having to stop the belt,  and move into a more better position to lower them to the floor, ideally they should have a table at the side of the belt that they could be slid onto and a second person lifts to the ground, it is not a question of just lifting to the ground, the operative needs to judge the weight and balance before positioning to lift...


    It is not just bikes but obviously there are lots of bulky and awkward baggage coming off the plane that needs to be separated from the normal baggage, it seems to m the procedure is at fault also,  consideration of "Manual Handling" is very important to prevent injury to the operatives, that seems lacking in the video.

    Nonsense. The one that dumped the bike on the ground from the belt could have easily swiveled and grabbed and lowered the bike. Of course that would have required that he expend more energy in the process, something I'm sure they've learned to avoid. There was only one item on the belt at the time and it was being accepted by the other handler.


    If they were household movers moving your household goods would it be OK if they summarily dropped your moving containers from waist-high onto a concrete apron, making sure they were spinning in the process?

  4. 1 hour ago, jackdd said:

    Actually the tax on luxury items is one of the few things where i think Thailand is doing it right. A Ferrari or a designer handbag for 100k+ THB are definitely not things anybody "needs", these are pure luxury items. So they can go ahead and add 300% tax on designer handbags ;)

    "From those according to their handbags; to those according to their greed." - J Stalin

  5. Blame game escalates in pedestrian bridge collapse that killed six - Tampa Bay Times


    "But design documents and descriptions on FIU's website say the pylon was not meant as the principal means of support for the bridge span, which was designed to hold up by itself. Instead, the pylon system was to provide stiffness to the structure, lessen vibration for pedestrians and provide aesthetic bang."  (emphasis mine)


    I guess they got an "unaesthetic bang" instead. How much did the "aesthetics" add to the cost of the bridge and where are they going to get the new money for paying for the aftermath of this one and for the next version (rhetorical question)?

  6. 1 hour ago, mercman24 said:

    sounds like the poor lady was on the highway, fair game for this stupid driver less vehicle,

    Maybe. Or maybe she was in an oblivious state of mind (lack of situational awareness) put herself in front of a moving vehicle that could have not stopped in time even if she had been seen. The light-controlled, pedestrian crosswalk on Rachadamri near the northwest corner of Lumpini park comes to mind. Nobody (who wants to live) steps out onto the road until the traffic has been visually confirmed to have stopped. I've watched motorbikes blow through their red light at high speed at a high risk to pedestrians having the green light.

  7. 13 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Cable stay bridges usually start wth the tower then sections of deck are added one at a time growing out on each side of the tower. As each section of deck is added it gets fixed and supported by its own cable.

    For me, with this bridge, I would have argued the case for the tower first with cables then deck sections being on temp' supports until cables are attached and tensioned.

    Can't see how that would take longer than the method picked here.

    Yep, there appears to be a flaw in this case with the Accelerated Bridge Construction method applied. From a cursory research the seemed very concerned about interrupting traffic flow on the busy road below. The very definitions of irony and back to the drawing board occurred.


    Of course the computer model of the interim, self-supporting stage said everything was (probably?) going to be A-Ok (heh, heh). Somehow reminds me of the climate computer models. Naaaaah. Forget that I said that.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dinobot said:


    You’ve been here for 16 years and just now realized that they’ve been discriminating against you? I think it took me about 15 minutes after passing baggage claim the first time for that to dawn on me :P


    Don't even have to catch a plane to Thailand to ferret out a lot of eye-opening things about Thailand:


    In the case of dual pricing (example): Google "tourists protest dual-pricing thailand".


    For general info there was (almost always) www.stickmanbangkok.com.


    I read over 250 of Stickman's weekly three-part postings (ten years ago) before planting my you-know-what into an airplane seat that was Thailand-bound. Had plenty of time (and curiosity) on my hands (and still do).

  9. 1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

    This practice is abhorrent. I live here in BKK have for 16 years but they want to charge me more This is truly

    discrimination at its finest.


    It should be Residents and citizens but they feel foreigners are rich so charge them more


    Someone should take them to court on this bias



    Which court did you have in mind? :stoner:

    • Haha 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Photo where the cable stays would/should have been attached. If you enlarge it easy to see.


    Thanks. Cable stays are not much good without the pylon and the cables, yes? They are additional weight that has to be temporarily supported (or not, depending on whether the structure collapses of its own weight or not :stoner: ).

  11. 3 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Can't really see that as the stay cables all go through the centre line of the roofing section which doesn't look wide enough. Also no ramps on the finished bridge models.

    You are correct. My mistake. I guess I mistook the cable stays on the roof for motor vehicles. And, believe it or not, I watched the complete virtual walking tour video as well. Tsk, Tsk.


    Now the mystery is how they thought the component that fell would self-support without the pylon and cables. Awaiting the arrival of the NTSB report.

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, overherebc said:

    It wasn't open for use. That it seems was planned for well in the future. The dark blue section had been put in place only 5 days before. The tests/tensioning were being done on that part when it let go.

    I would still love to know when the section was cast, one week, one month whatever before moving it to site, ie was it still a bit green and not fully hardened etc.

    Additionally, w/r to what could be mistaken for an "over-engineered" design, I saw a model of this bridge and it appeared as though the upper level, the "roof" of the pedestrian walkway. was going to carry vehicular traffic and the required roadway.

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