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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 19 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Bangkok is an unplanned, urban nightmare.  Far too many dead ends in the center of the city. There is, however, that long walk way that connects Sukhimvit with Lupini Park.  It struck me as dangerous at night for the less able bodied, but during the day it seemed like a nice way to get around.  Sadly, I cannot remember the name of this walkway. 


    How would they water these to areas of green ?  I watched them water a Wat's lawn with a 40 meter long spray from a water truck.  They would have to come up with a better way to water this new greenery. 

    If the walkway even had a name. I call it the Tobacco Monopoly/Luphini walkway (it is also intended for bicycles). However, it cannot be used to continue to the Tobacco Monopoly/Soi 10 portion of the walkway as the pass through at Duang Phithak Road (often logically referred to as Soi 0) is blocked and the ramps must be taken HERE on Soi 0 down to or up from street level where there is a poorly-maintained bicycle path that connects with Sukhumvit Road.


    The Soi 0 bicycle path and the walkway are the best way to avoid motor vehicles and people (safest way - except for the occasional motorbike using the bicycle path, but not the easiest) when cycling or walking from lower Sukhumvit Road to Lumphini Park.

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  2. 1 hour ago, midas said:


    And to just two days ago YELLOWSTONE volcano’s Steamboat Geyser blasted its first triple eruption in 15 years and there were also three earthquakes under the ocean in California

    Coincidence? Or is something more serious happening deep down in the earth?





    Thanks. I fear that far too many seriously attribute this to:  Ref Post

  3. 14 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    I Think (IMHO) that racial profiling is necessary to find these guys................ It is a short-cut to getting to them faster............ Before they make their moves............. If people profiled are not guilty they have nothing to fear......... No more so than we do when we go to the airport and are ALL searched..............

    I replied to sawadeeken's post, above with:


    9 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    I didn't know Islam was a Race. My bad (I guess).

    Which you replied to me with:


    4 hours ago, Catoni said:

     It's not.   Islam is a religio-political ideology of hatred and murder and subjugation.  The very word..Islam...means "submission".

                              Muslims themselves can be any race.

    Tell that to sawadeeken to assist him in his "racial profiling".


    I guess I should have included a /sarc (Sarcasm) indicator in my reply, above, eh?

  4. "However, Seoul wants the troops to stay because U.S. forces in South Korea play the role of a mediator in military confrontations between neighbouring superpowers like China and Japan, another presidential official told reporters on condition of anonymity earlier on Wednesday."


    Yeah, right! Nothing to do with the additional income and not having to finance self-defense forces, of course.

    • Like 1
  5. U.S. Boy Scouts to change name in appeal to girls the politically-correct

    "The Boy Scouts of America has lost about a third of its members since 2000, which now stands at about 2.3 million. The organisation has said the decision to admit girls to the Cub Scouts was in response to the needs of families and because of dropping membership.

    The Boy Scouts last year opted to allow transgender boys to join."


    To satisfy PETA, maybe they should allow any primate to join starting with chimpanzees and orangutans.

  6. 4 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    I Think (IMHO) that racial profiling is necessary to find these guys................ It is a short-cut to getting to them faster............ Before they make their moves............. If people profiled are not guilty they have nothing to fear......... No more so than we do when we go to the airport and are ALL searched..............

    I didn't know Islam was a Race. My bad (I guess).

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


    Yes, thanks. but Thailand is not a Spanish-speaking country, is it? The question was how they "classified" (I used "catagorises") a worker as a "labourer", not what word they used to describe them.


    From this quote from the Thai PBS article:


    "The center director Thanawat Pholvichai said the survey found that 96% of the total labour force were in debt and total average household debt amounted to 137,988 baht per household with each of the labour household has a monthly installments payments of 5,326 baht." (emphasis mine)


    The survey uses both "total labour force" and "total average household debt" which is are very wide classifications, IMHO and would seem to me to cover just about everyone in Thailand who worked for wages and/or every household as well.


    3 hours ago, coulson said:



    Categorized, classified, workers, peons.....these are all words :1zgarz5:

    Yes sir, words comprise language and communication. You seem to prefer those that cannot be found in a dictionary and animated emoticons. For clarity, can you define "Meeeeeooow" for us, please?

  8. 2 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    I can't help but  wonder how the UTCC’s Center for Economic and Business Forecasting categorises an individual as a "labourer".


    1 hour ago, coulson said:

    Well, it's a tad more polite than peon

    Yes, thanks. but Thailand is not a Spanish-speaking country, is it? The question was how they "classified" (I used "catagorises") a worker as a "labourer", not what word they used to describe them.


    From this quote from the Thai PBS article:


    "The center director Thanawat Pholvichai said the survey found that 96% of the total labour force were in debt and total average household debt amounted to 137,988 baht per household with each of the labour household has a monthly installments payments of 5,326 baht." (emphasis mine)


    The survey uses both "total labour force" and "total average household debt" which is are very wide classifications, IMHO and would seem to me to cover just about everyone in Thailand who worked for wages and/or every household as well.

  9. 6 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    They can afford motorbikes only at the expense of education and other necessities. It should be back to walking and bicycles, it's healthier than riding a motorbike for sure. You are aware of the 80% death/injury rate due to motorbike use, yes? Can they afford that and the long-term health care from severe injury and the loss of income and family members as well on 300 baht/day?


    Thai people have become faster, fatter and deadlier with their motorbike obsession. Shall we discuss their smartphone obsession next and their use of them while riding motorbikes and other vehicles and walking? They seem to be able to make the payments on those on 300 baht/day.


    PS: I'm ignoring your obvious false choice gambit (i.e. "expensive cars with top of the line safety features"). And, BTW, thanks for editing my original post for us without even an indication thereof to create a potential out-of-context situation.


    54 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Complete and utter claptrap/nonsense.

    What kind of response could be expected from someone with a motorcycle avatar?


    Same as this utter claptrap/nonsense are we to presume? (80% of fatal accidents involve motorbikes/cycles):


    Full Road Accident Statistics 2017-2018 - Richard Barrow


    and then there is the upcoming crowning of Thailand as No. 1 on the planet in road mayhem:


    Road deaths rocket by 3,000 as Thailand set to be named world number one in carnage, say academics - thaivisa.com


    A better question is perhaps: What will it take to get through to the Thai people and people like you?

  10. 5 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    I stopped using Thai banks and their ATMs altogether in Thailand years ago when I began doing debit card cash withdrawals at exchange windows. Keep the cash in my apartment/safe and travel only with minimal cash. If doing long-distance traveling I can always avoid carrying a lot cash by withdrawing in the destination cities.  This strategy has in general saved me a lot of time and ATM/bank hassle with only a little risk (getting the max 15k baht, passport and debit card home from the exchange window).


    2 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Have used a Thai bank and ATMs as well as depositing US$ to their New York branch for crediting here for 20 years. Never had a single problem.


    There's a difference between being cautious and  being a paranoid luddite.




    Your edit of my original post that you used used in your reply:


       "I stopped using Thai banks and their ATMs altogether in Thailand years ago"


    First you edit my original post without giving any indication and only a partial sentence at that, causing an out-of-context situation. Then, to add insult to injury, you imply I'm a paranoid luddite going beyond caution. These actions were both very brain-dead. Did you even get as far as reading the final sentence?:


    "This strategy has in general saved me a lot of time and ATM/bank hassle with only a little risk (getting the max 15k baht, passport and debit card home from the exchange window)." (emphasis is mine, of course).

  11. I stopped using Thai banks and their ATMs altogether in Thailand years ago when I began doing debit card cash withdrawals at exchange windows. Keep the cash in my apartment/safe and travel only with minimal cash. If doing long-distance traveling I can always avoid carrying a lot cash by withdrawing in the destination cities.  This strategy has in general saved me a lot of time and ATM/bank hassle with only a little risk (getting the max 15k baht, passport and debit card home from the exchange window).

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