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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 5 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You're quoting Breitbart, hardly the fountain of accuracy and truth there. As often happens with such reports, it starts with describing a possibility, then treating it as concrete.


    Even if it wasn't far fetched, what would it have to do with the post you quoted? And what do the hurricanes figure?

    Sorry, I don't see that in the article which simply echoes what Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security and chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission had stated.


    I didn't see anywhere in the Breitbart article where they had treated what Dr. Pry had stated as "concrete". They made it clear in the title of the article that this was coming from a "Congressional Expert".


    Every paragraph in the article, except two, made it clear that it was either a quote from Dr. Pry or made it clear in some other way that he was the source of the opinion.  The two that did not quote Dr. Pry was simply informational or was the lead paragraph and and neither drew any conclusions.


    So, AFAIC, it was up to the reader to conclude what was "concrete" would be from Dr. Pry's statements, not from any of Breitbart's.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    My rhetoric about trump's wall true believers is entirely accurate. The key inflammatory agent in the dangerous racial divisiveness in the USA is trump itself.

    Please do try to enjoy each miserable second of this Trump countdown.


    Pray for you sanity's sake* that he doesn't get a second term and you be lookin' at a reset countdown. :biggrin:


    * = Maybe it's a bit late for that?

  3. 42 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Of course not. Desist with your low grade shameless baiting. 

    Who's the one baiting here? You are the one using unnecessarily inflammatory and incitant language such as xenophobic, racist, hard core to describe an element of Trump supporters who want the wall built.


    Do you own property on or in close proximity to the US/Mexican border or reside there? I should think not.

  4. 1 hour ago, jimster said:

    Just a few days ago I saw an idiot motorcyclist driving on the shoulder on the wrong side of a two-way, single carriageway road. The stupidity never ends it seems...

    Was there a median? It may have seemed stupid. He could have even been superstitious about the other side of the road. He was on the shoulder probably because he knew he was opposing traffic. Maybe he/she was just drunk and thought he was in a drive-right-side country, but would be safer on the shoulder? :biggrin:


    I often prefer to cycle facing traffic (as an pedestrian should) by reversing to be able to react quickly (or in advance) to traffic rather than have something run me down from behind (like large lorries and buses that kill cyclists rather regularly - an Australian cyclist was recently killed in Ayutthaya when he connected with a motorbike - probably from behind or the side).


    Even doing that I have to be concerned about a motorbike doing a similar reversal and running me down. Which is why I always cycle with at least one mounted mirror. The trick, when reversing, is to remember to check the mirror often and better to have a left-side mirror as well as the usual right-side mirror.

  5. 6 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    Who here is advocating unlimited immigration?

    Who 'here" is neither here nor there. Even if someone wanted a free ride (by either migration or immigration) in a nice, tenable welfare state, they probably wouldn't post that desire here. They'd be communicating with a potential host person in the target country. On the other hand, there are individuals (not necessarily here) who don't want national borders enforced at all.


    This is a sentence, from the individual's post that I quoted: "It's all about political propaganda for 45's xenophobic, racist hard core base". It implies that there is a component of Trump's base that wants a wall (between the US and Mexico, i.e. US southern border enforced) and they are xenophobic, racist and hard core, yes?


    So would this individual say that wanting national open borders is a requirement for being non-xenophobic and non-racist and non hard core?






  6. 16 minutes ago, silent said:

    If you're going to pretend to be smarter by alleging to quote where I started an episode of duelling banjos with an ill equipped opponent, at least get that right and back up a bit to what I'll explain in clearer English. It doesn't matter how many laws there are if there aren't consequences for breaking them.

    Feel free to waste more energy on the keyboard, study religions or maybe a guy named Pavlov that proved something about dog nature. 

    If there "aren't consequences for breaking them" then are they really laws? For example, being so off-topic in this thread as we are without having the whole mess deleted. :biggrin:

  7. 3 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    NK's threats are not serious, they were just uttered after the US threatened NK with war after a ballistic missile test. This is a very good example of 2 hotheads showing eachother who has the biggest. And we know that from Trump's hands, so does not look good for him.

    "Trump's hands"! Good one! Are you expecting fisticuffs action between Kim and Trump? It should be obvious who's got the "biggest" where it counts. The only real issue is the collateral damage and potential (literally, perhaps) fallout.


    Make ridiculous statements about Trump all you want, but don't forget that he is Commander-in-Chief of a well-armed and well-trained, ship collisions notwithstanding, military organization and he has already acted impulsively and extremely with US military assets.

  8. 6 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    "And Kim will certainly not fire first."

    first of all nobody knows that, we just guess


    second if his strategy is to threat and threat and use the time won  to become a nuclear super power

    - we will have a criminal and evil dictator, a murderer of his uncle and his brother and probably many more in control


     - of the world


    - Anyone wanting that?



    I don't see how this threats are winning him any time. Also, he will never become a "nuclear super power".


    A nuclear power, perhaps. He and his country simply don't have what it takes and time may be one of the critical resources it doesn't have much of. If he makes the wrong move his available time could go to zero very quickly.

  9. 39 minutes ago, silent said:

    Where in  in Christ did KE come into play? My original was along the lines of action vs. reaction and the rule of Buddhism that God'll get you for that.

    As always, I'm impressed with another intelligent equation.


    On 9/8/2017 at 9:52 AM, MaxYakov said:

    Laws of Physics consequences still apply (even in Thailand).

    You do remember your original reply to this, right? The formula for kinetic energy (KE) is a "Law of Physics', yes?


    As far as your assertion that "the rule of Buddhism that God'll get you for that" goes ... perhaps you should do a little research on Buddhism. Maybe start with this article: "The Role of Gods and Deities in Buddhism" - ThoughtCo?


    A critical quote from the, above linked, article:


    "The creation of phenomena is taken care of by a kind of natural law called Dependent Origination. The consequences of our actions are accounted for by karma, which in Buddhism is also a kind of natural law that doesn't require a supernatural cosmic judge."


    (Emphasis is mine - the long one at the end. I really like the "kind of natural law" description of karma. Maybe there's a "kind of formula" to describe it? Or are we in the world of magic amulets?)


    Note: I typically avoid (like the plague) researching or even thinking about Buddhism. I let other people do that so I don't have to. However, for you, in this case I made an exception to this policy and I learned something as well.

  10. On 9/1/2017 at 4:33 PM, Jingthing said:

    This "wall" will never get built.

    Mexico isn't going to pay for it.

    The U.S.congress is never going to budget for it.

    It's all about political propaganda for 45's xenophobic, racist hard core base.

    45 will be OK with that base as long as he keeps trying to build the wall that he knows too will never be built. Then when it isn't, the clown sleazeball potus can blame the failure on all the "enemies" of the American people ... the majority that don't support him, the majority that don't want to spend money on the wall (everyone knows Mexico isn't going to pay for it), and the majority that supports border security but realizes such a big long tall propaganda wall is not a realistic way to tackle that issue.


    In software there is vaporware.

    This wall is a vaporwall. 


    "It's all about political propaganda for 45's xenophobic, racist hard core base."


    And how about the ordinary, rational person who doesn't see how unlimited immigration to a country can possibly be considered to be a right?


    Especially when the country is a welfare state that will pay the immigrants from debt or citizen's taxes and the (so called immigrants) will not integrate with the country's culture.


    I don't foresee a wall's happening either, unless Trump pays for it out of his own pocket. All that has to be done is for the US to apply the same illegal migration (in my view immigration is an officially-recognized, legal process) law enforcement that Mexico does - draconian works for me.


    That's what would happen to me in the country I'm in now if I tried to illegally migrate. Migration is ok for birds and butterflies, but not present-day humans. Unless we want to return to being hunter/gatherers, that is.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Blue bruce said:

    First Bangkok Beat, Now the beer garden. where is there left to go ?????

    Nana Hotel, Park Hotel and Amari have toilets they will probably let you use without complaint and no charge. Also, there's (or was) a pay toilet buried in the Soi 5 shopping complex. :biggrin:

  12. On 9/3/2017 at 9:04 AM, BuaBS said:

    Next step Megaton H-bomb . He only has to hit SK's and/or Japan's nuclear plants with conventional loads to win. Checkmate , USA ....

    So, you think this is analogous to a chess match, do you?


    Do these look like chess pieces to you?




    One question would be, under your scenario, is how many NK and SK other civilians would be casualties? Another question is would it go nuclear? Nuclear deterrence works only when all nuclear-armed players are not self-destructive.


  13. 23 hours ago, Machiavelli said:

    Can't beat the ragtag Taliban, almost embarrassed by unprofessional ISIS, couldn't keep control of down and out Iraq, lost in Libya  but expect to beat nuclear armed and highly professional NK. Somebody has got their head buried deep where the sun don't shine. 

    Yes, perhaps the US is not a competent world-cop or empire-builder.


    However, taking the US on in a nuclear conflict and mutually assured destruction scenario is quite another matter, isn't it, since the US has been preparing for nuclear war for some 70 years with some serious nuclear offensive capability (required to provide a credible deterrence)?


    I'm not convinced NK could assure destruction of the US. The question is what would China do.


    Do you think that NK's threats could be made good without China's going all-in to defend NK (as before)?


  14. 1 hour ago, kwak250 said:

    I see your point but it could have been avoided much easier if he had driven the correct way .

    The blame deserves to be 100% on the idiot driving on the wrong side of the road.



    I spend every minute (more like every second) on the road in Bangkok trying to avoid having something like this happen to me. I expect at any time an attempt on my life through negligence of a motor vehicle operator or some other circumstance.


    Any number of circumstances on the road could have injured or killed the victim - not just a wrong-way driver. Therefore, the child should have been in a car seat, regardless. This is the thinking that the Thai media should have been questioning if the child was not properly protected in a seat-belted child seat.


    In my country there are laws against child endangerment and they are enforced - the advantages of a primarily moral (law abiding) and relatively wealthy country that has the wherewithal to enforce child-protection laws and with the threat of severe penalties.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

    Honey Hotel...Soi 19, but yes 31Dec is latest closing date. Got a 3 month reprieve from the original 30 September date. :sad:

    One of the last of the Vietnam era and with a great pool.  Reputedly known as the "Horney Hotel". Fondly remember staying there over a month on my first trip.

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  16. 27 minutes ago, Namrevlis said:

    I used to own (lease) the bar in the Park hotel on Soi 7. We called it the Topaz Room. We had a great dance floor and, for some years, a great quartet of musicians/singers. We were one of only about four bars in Bangkok that did not have bar girls and was popular among expat married couples. Does the Park Hotel still exist? 

    Does a Beer Garden gal ask for money for "companionship"?


    The Park Hotel is alive and well including the VW Combi mobile bar parked out front most nights, but I can't speak for the Topaz Room.

  17. 10 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    Yes! Another shopping mall. But I think the area on the opposite side of the street is not big enough for a shopping mall. Can they combine both sides of the street?

    Does a Beer Garden gal ask for money for "companionship"?


    In case anyone hasn't noticed, the Arabs have taken over Sois 3, 3/1 and 5 and are probably preparing a takeover of Soi 7 as well. There's plenty of room on the Eastern side (where the multiple restaurants used to be) for another trashy little mall selling flashy shoes, glinty fake jewelry and similar bling, IMHO. 

    • Like 1
  18. It was alive and (sort of) well as of yesterday (Monday, Sep 4). I mentioned it's inevitable bulldozing to one of the gals and she went into denial mode. As I said, it's inevitable that will go the way of the rest of Soi 7. I see a Thermae in my future, but don't have the correct ethnicity.

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