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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That makes no sense in the context of this story. 

    Why am I not surprised with your reply?


    A leaker's fate (or less than deserved), regardless of his actual complicity, which will probably never be determined.


    From your submitted The Wrap article [link]:


    "Bush was fired from NBC’s “Today” show for his role in the video."


    What was his role, exactly? If Bush had made the recording, doesn't he bear the ultimate responsibility for its dissemination? Did Trump know he was being recorded?

  2. 40 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    ADT to Pull Ads from CNN due to Kathy Griffin 'Beheading' Photo - Breitbart [link]


    "ADT’s announcement comes as the Route 66 Hotel and Casino in Albuquerque, NM has canceled Griffin’s scheduled performance."


    Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences.


    28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    A leaker's fate. I hope to see more of them go down.

  3. 1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:


    ------------------------ Snipped Unneeded Paragraph ------------------

    Anyway, the third party leaves us only two choices - hyper regulation of chemicals (actually, a totalitarian/police state because, like gun control, the bad guys will get the chemicals) or perpetual attacks using (what I call) IWMDs (Improvised Weapons of Mass Destruction).


    My point was that there have to be more alternatives to these two. But maybe not. Maybe we'll be in a perpetual war with the suicidal psychopaths.


    33 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    "Maybe we'll be in a perpetual war with the suicidal psychopaths."


    Funnily enough I thought briefly about the 'psychopath' angle (edit - mainly because I'm convinced there is a frighteningly large percentage of sociopaths in the population!) - but psychopaths enjoy killing others, whilst always ensuring that they are not hurt.  Not the case with suicide bombers.

    So you think my diagnosis/hypothesis of 'psychopathy' is an 'angle', huh?


    I've always used the torture/kill analogy for sociopaths vs psychopaths: sociopaths torture you, psychopaths will kill you. Crude, but it works for me. Another cute one is that sociopaths fantasize about castles in the air while psychopaths move into the castles (or some such).


    In my view, just because these suicide bombers are killing others as well as themselves, it meets my criteria for psychopathology. From the Wiki entry on psychopathology [link]:


    1. Danger: this term involves dangerous or violent behaviour directed at the individual, or others in the environment. An example of dangerous behaviour that may suggest a psychological disorder is engaging in suicidal activity. Behaviors and feelings that are potentially harmful to an individual or the individuals around them are seen as abnormal.

      Note: This is actually the fourth of "four Ds" that define psychopathic abnormality, and the highest, most dangerous level. Wiki may not be the best reference for studying psychopathology, but this entry at least doesn't seem to indicate that suicidal behavior and harmful behavior others are mutually exclusive.


    -------- snipped 1 unneeded paragraph ---------------

    Anyway, the third party leaves us only two choices - hyper regulation of chemicals (actually, a totalitarian/police state because, like gun control, the bad guys will get the chemicals) or perpetual attacks using (what I call) IWMDs (Improvised Weapons of Mass Destruction).

    My point was that there have to be more alternatives to these two. But maybe not. Maybe we'll be in a perpetual war with the suicidal psychopaths.


    13 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

    a cancer must be cut out

    not palliated

    Show us your scalpel, Doc.

  5. 6 hours ago, Grouse said:

    This is the explosive of choice — called the “Mother of Satan”. 


     All of its ingredients are easily obtained, and the process of making it is simple and (relatively) stable. In other words, we cannot stop it from happening.


    "Our future is one in which either we hyper-regulate many common chemicals, or we get used to the gentle sound of explosions and the wailing of victims. "


    To make TATP more difficult to make we MUST make hydrogen peroxide a tightly controlled substance. (Acetone is too ubiquitous - nail varnish remover)




    Note this can not be detected by airport explosive detectors....


    6 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    "Our future is one in which either we hyper-regulate many common chemicals, or we get used to the gentle sound of explosions and the wailing of victims."


    I hope you are as unserious about the false choice as you are the "gentle sounds of explosions" and the "wailing of the victims" - many of which will be deceased or unconcious and cannot. 


    4 hours ago, Grouse said:

    That was actually a quote from a third party and should have been in inverted commas ( it was in my post). It is obviously a prosaic understatement by the author. I will look up the reference. 


    Dont quite understand your point though. Please explain


    Obviously the chemicals must be regulated and this has indeed been done. I don't see any other choice. (I don't think the penalties for contravening the new regs are harsh enough though)

    Sorry, my bad. I really couldn't believe it was your statement, but I didn't see the attribution and it wasn't in italics (good idea) and maybe I was suffering TVFF (Thai Visa Forum Fatigue).


    Anyway, the third party leaves us only two choices - hyper regulation of chemicals (actually, a totalitarian/police state because, like gun control, the bad guys will get the chemicals) or perpetual attacks using (what I call) IWMDs (Improvised Weapons of Mass Destruction).


    My point was that there have to be more alternatives to these two. But maybe not. Maybe we'll be in a perpetual war with the suicidal psychopaths.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    This is the explosive of choice — called the “Mother of Satan”. 


     All of its ingredients are easily obtained, and the process of making it is simple and (relatively) stable. In other words, we cannot stop it from happening.


    Our future is one in which either we hyper-regulate many common chemicals, or we get used to the gentle sound of explosions and the wailing of victims. 


    To make TATP more difficult to make we MUST make hydrogen peroxide a tightly controlled substance. (Acetone is too ubiquitous - nail varnish remover)




    Note this can not be detected by airport explosive detectors....

    "Our future is one in which either we hyper-regulate many common chemicals, or we get used to the gentle sound of explosions and the wailing of victims."


    I hope you are as unserious about the false choice as you are the "gentle sounds of explosions" and the "wailing of the victims" - many of which will be deceased or unconcious and cannot. 

  7. 4 hours ago, vogie said:

    His speach was not racial, he spoke the truth and most of what he said still rings true today. Many people think he would have made a better Prime Minister than Ted Heath.

    "But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country."


    The Telegraph - Full Text of Enoch Powell's speech - Conservative Association meeting - April 20, 1968 [link]

  8. 1 hour ago, richthai said:

    I recall seeing a breakdown of causes for motorbike fatalities:

    1. No helmet / improper

    2. Excessive speed

    3. Drunk driving


    From personal observations I would place Running a Red Light near the top as well.

    This (reactive KE) is on top:  Kinetic Energy = MV**2


    Basic (what-used-to-be-high-school) physics is not (should not be) rocket science.


    Someone told me about a motorbike operator that was strangled by his helmet strap following being rear-ended by a taxi (a security guard would not allow the someone to release the strap). The motorbike pillion rider was killed instantly.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Grouse said:



    This is ON topic both WRT to Manchester and Simple1. Time for the apologists to <deleted> and apologise

    The Australian news article link you provided is a pay wall (for me, anyway). Did a little research and the article apparently is based on a Sunrise Today  broadcast segment (YouTube video, below).


    Imam Tawhidi (Starting @ 1:45):  "It is very hard being a peaceful moderate person in a society that is infested by extremist Muslims".




  10. 52 minutes ago, onthesoi said:



    So when are you leaving Flustered?


    50 minutes ago, uptheos said:

    Hungary is nice.


    47 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

    I've been more than once. It's dreadful. Unless you like being surrounded by aggressive steroid freaks.


    46 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

    Is the food good?


    43 minutes ago, uptheos said:

    If you're hungry


    21 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    I might even move in next door to you........But I see you are too embarrassed to say where you live (funny how certain types of people want to hide where they live). Probably some some down market, back street hovel.


    6 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


    Its a bit too multicultural where I live you wouldn't like it.


    Anyway, dont change the subject, when are you leaving? ...you being a man of your word n'all, would'nt people thinking you're all talk and no action.

    Hi: I'm new to this forum. I'm wondering - does it have a Personal Message (PM) system?

  11. On 2/15/2017 at 4:40 AM, Raymonddiaz said:

    Very sad.RIP. This happens daily in LOS. How to stop the slaughtering?

    Easy! Take away the motorbikes*. Obviously the minimal protection they provide makes them unsuitable for road use. The statistics I saw yesterday indicate that >70% of the road deaths are due to motor bike accidents.


    * = Yes, I know easier stated than done and it's not going to happen! Oh well, usually it's the careless and the unfit that get "taken away", permanently.

  12. On 4/15/2015 at 5:23 PM, jerojero said:

    RIP. Speeding car, wild tourist, quick U turn.... Alcohol? Recipe for disaster, and it happened.

    Who made the "quick U turn"?


    From the OP:

    "Nonthwat interrogated Benjamin and learned that he was speeding his car from his residence in Cha-am to Hua Hin and the policeman made a u-turn at the spot suddenly, cutting into his way and making it impossible for him to stop his car in time." [emphasis mine]
    It strikes me that if this is indeed what happened, the deceased probably would have been dead at any speed Benjamin was going. I've had a similar U-turn accident (they hit me when I was in a right turn) and they are virtually impossible to defend against because it can't be predicted if they're actually going to make a U-turn or not when they make the turn in one continuous motion without stopping to clear for traffic.
  13. 14 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    A few days ago there was an adult tookay and four or five young tookays on the walls of my carport area :smile:.  This morning there is a Golden Tree snake wrapped around and eating an adult tookay in the drainage channel running alongside the house path.  There are many tookays where I live, but I was suprised that a Golden Tree snake managed to catch and kill such a large lizard!

    Tokay Gecko - Ecology Asia [link]

    Golden Tree Snake - Ecology Asia [link]

  14. 1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

    In 1987, a lunatic killed 16 people in Hungerford in the UK. Semi-automatic weapons were subsequently banned by law


    In 1996, a lunatic killed 17 people in Dunblane in the UK. All private firearms were subsequently banned by law


    In 2017, an Islamist jihadi kills 22 people in Manchester. What do we do? Lay flowers, light candles and create hashtags. Oh, and do a lot of worrying about an "Islamophobic" backlash by "extremist elements".


    That's how feeble the UK authorities have become from a 20-year diet of political correctness. It is a terminal illness.

    They should now ban what they should have banned in 1987 and 1996 instead of firearms - they should ban murderous lunatics.

  15. 1 hour ago, iReason said:


    :blink: That's your quote from your post.


    You see this just above it? :

    On May 16, 2017 at 0:44 AM,  MaxYakov said: 



    And so it may be. You never answered the question did you? Or maybe you did. This thread is getting so mangled with the deletions and edited replies and dearth of multi-quote replies so that a dialogue can be easily followed.


    Just like you could not confirm the correct spelling of "hearsay" either.


    Be careful with your insults. Things seem be getting a little touchy over the terminology and such issues.

  16. 1 hour ago, iReason said:


    :blink:  Heresay?


    "I needed video and accompanying audio of the actual leaker performing the leak"


    Here it is from the leaker in chief:

    It's all from the inept fool in the White House's own words along with official transcripts.

    Video and all.

    And NSA McMaster.


    Read much?


    Lest we forget, your whole philosophy on mainstream news re: fake news is based on MSM footnotes.


    On May 16, 2017 at 0:44 AM,  MaxYakov said: 

    I spend as little time as possible on the MSM and it has to be a video of the person at issue, not some second-hand version of what Trump had allegedly said. and I, hopefully, don't have to resort to the MSM for what I want.


    You seem to have this weird idea that because a claim is "reported on" that it is not reported in a way that influences the reader (spin) or any number of any characteristics in this list (courtesy wiki "fake news"):


    Alternative facts, Big lie, Circular sourcing, Deception, Doublespeak ,Echo chamber, Euphemistic misspeaking, Euromyth, False flag ,Factoid, Fallacy, Fake news by country, online ,Filter bubble, Gaslighting, Half-truth Hoax, Ideological framing, Internet manipulation, Media manipulation, Post-truth ,Propaganda, Quote mining, Scientific fabrication, Social bot, Spin, Yellow journalism



    You completely contradict yourself by supplying links or data that have footnotes entirely comprised of, (wait for it)

    The Main Stream Media.






    It appears you spend a lot of time on the MSM. Ain't no videos in there either.

    Quoting your post: ":blink:  Heresay?"


    I'm deducing (since you misspelled it) that you're complaining about the spelling rather than my usage of the word so you may want to check a dictionary for "hearsay" [link].


    Quoting you again:


    "You seem to have this weird idea that because a claim is "reported on" that it is not reported in a way that influences the reader (spin) or any number of any characteristics in this list (courtesy wiki "fake news"):"


    Where did you get an idea like that?


    As far as Wiki being MSM, I don't consider Wiki as a source of news (as is implicit in the acronym MSM). Many of Wiki's non-political and non-biographical entries I've found to be reliable (at least plausible, but it is not to be trusted for some information, of course) and I've never used it much as a source of news (although it can be in a limited way).


    I first learned about  yellow journalism in high school in relation to how it influenced the initiation of the Spanish American War. And it wasn't just "spin". 


    US Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895-1998 - U.S. State Department Office of the Historian [link]


    PS: I read a lot. Probably too much, but I try to be very critical no matter what the source.

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