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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Met Police, PM and so on have named the far right for targeting BLM  and police with violence, as well as chanting racist comments.






    There are various definitions for today's far right, some info below. 



    Thanks for your comment and the links (especially the Guardian), but, sorry, you earned a big loud Clunk for missing the point of my comment entirely (IMHO, of course).


    For reference purposes, my original comment to which you responded is HERE.




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  2. I've been wearing an N95/PM2.5 respirator-style mask since 2017 when out in public and have not had a virus or bacteria-based infection/sickness since I started wearing it full-time while out and about. This is an amazing record disease-free period for me as I used to come down with a cold very often in Bangkok and they were awful and lasted for weeks.


    I have not ever worn the medical/surgical mask that I see most people wearing (depicted in the OP's image) which were not designed to protect the wearer. The ones I use were designed to protect the wearer and WILL NOT PROTECT THOSE NEAR ME since my exhaled air is not filtered in any way. I would have to wear a medical/medical masks over my respirator-style mask in order to protect those near me.


    Most people not wearing the proper mask or not wearing a mask has probably contributed to the rapid expansion of the virus infections and many deaths, IMHO.

  3. 16 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Sory I don't buy it.


    Do you have any link to prove he knew he was positive for Covid 19 at the time this incident occurred.


    Or was he discovered to be covid 19 positive after the incident at autopsy? 



    Sure, CNN Health of all things!: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/04/health/george-floyd-coronavirus-autopsy/index.html


    What?! Can't do your own google or need to be retrained on it? What's so important about whether he did or did not have the virus compared to all the other issues exposed by this death and inflicted on the entire USA and several other countries?




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  4. 3 hours ago, Donekys said:

    We should stop using the term "social distancing"...remove it from the narrative or it will be the "new normal"...another expression that must be removed from the common narrative. Seriously, tvf should ban these expressions! Where did we learn them, why have we accepted them? Help us all by stopping their use

    Social distancing is a misnomer anyway - It should be termed anti-social distancing.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

    Unbelievable...Ok first of all, of course I edited your post which everybody does on here...sorry I didnt include your quote on Biden's "gaffe" which with your "critical thinking" you decided was more important than actually any providing analysis of what W had to say, which is the very topic of the post. 


    Second, the whole episode of Trump's church photo op is VIDEO and it speaks for itself, there isn't any amount of editing that is going to shine that up in a different light than what actually occurred...unless you are doing a Fox News spin on how that was "courage" (and that is what FOX news is notorious for doing....fair and balanced....LOL) That is what CRITICAL THINKING is my friend....looking at a situation and the objective analysis of the Trump power walk to "domination" in front of the church and how he chose to "plow the field" and Bush's reaction to it. And as far as "TDS"...you are the one calling people senile (including a former president from the Republican party because with your critical thinking you decided W now has a mental disorder since he does not have his lips firmly pressed up against Big Orange's sizable buttocks. With your hatred for the dems maybe you should look in your own back yard and apply some of that critical thinking you seem to think you champion.  

    Looks like we have we have a Tagged team going here. ???? I'm done with both of you. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:
    1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

    Bush has gone senile. It's a good match for Biden. They should <deleted> and work on their non-political bucket lists. They've already done enough damage to America and the world at large. Or have we forgotten about the invasion of Iraq already?

    Looks to me like W has had a moment of clarity...senile would be the one that has a problem with his message.

    And that "moment of clarity" would be, exactly?

  7. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:
    1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

    President Trump just made a national speech. He promised he would do what it takes, US military and all to get the unlawfulness stopped. The rule of law seemed to me the primary focus of his speech. He is going to be accused of taking dictatorial action. If that's what it takes, that's what it takes, IMHO.






    You should read up what the ‘rule of law’ has to say about deploying the Military against US citizens.


    Trump will do nothing other than play hide and tweet.

    Are you sure, Kuhn Chomper?  Chomp on this: I just heard an emergency broadcast message being broadcast on KSFO AM 560 (internet streamed), San Francisco, interrupting the current program underway and announcing an 8PM curfew in San Francisco to take effect immediately.



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