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Everything posted by paul545

  1. Ambler Gambler. There’s always one who cuts it fine trying to rush through on Orange. It’s guys like you that cause serious accidents. You are guilty and not going to beat the BIB. Pay the fine and be thankful it’s nothing more serious like killing someone with you lack of patience.
  2. Should be like the UK if you refuse the Breathalyzer then you are automatically charged for drunk driving.
  3. WTF are admin doing allowing this sh¥t show. Debate yes but trolling should be nipped in the bud.
  4. The last supper was enough. I turned it off. Slow boring and not a family show.
  5. So is the Scottish parliament lol
  6. So many arm chair warriors so far from their own countries and the front line of the Ukrainian War who have all become experts whilst sat in their safe condo or back water village in Thailand. Most of you couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag let alone fight for your country which the Ukrainians are doing. They are also preventing Putin marching further west to regain his old empire. When you are in their position and experience the horrors of war then I think you can comment.
  7. No your point was show me the links. You obviously don’t know how to use Google. But there again the stuff you sprout on TV is a comedy show in itself lol
  8. Try googling it and you will find the links yourself. Here’s one for you to look at. His wife’s family are worth billions. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2653830/big-joke-says-he-paid-reporters
  9. Everyone knows of good and bad relationships. I’ve witnessed quite a few after living in Thailand over 20 years but I have also witnessed more cases of guys screwing up their relationships with good and bad girls and dumping them without a thought and support for a younger model or when they get bored with the same person. None of these guys put their hands up and admit that on this forum.
  10. They wouldn’t bother with a Visa. Present problem is getting entry into the UK once there they will stay for as long as they can like they do in every other country they can get access to like Japan, Korea, Singapore etc
  11. Are you speaking from experience when you say the shows you mentioned didn’t go down well? I’m sure you didn’t even show up for them. I did. Elton John was a sell out and most of those that attended were Thai’s and yes it wasn’t cheap but much cheaper than seeing them in a western country. Not everyone in Thailand stick to their traditional music which by the way I listen myself. They want to broaden their music tastes which I’m guessing you don’t have.
  12. Pray tell me how you get £300 per week then so I can apply because I certainly don’t get it. Maximum you can get from PIP including carers allowance is £250.
  13. And you know they from experience? I’m on higher rate living and mobility allowance and my carer gets an allowance to take care of me and we don’t get even £250 a week. In addition I’ve been waiting for adaptations to just my bathroom for over a year so far and no date in sight of when it will be done. You know what I would prefer to not to be disabled and make a much higher living like I was previously and being independent and not rely on anyone to take care of me. Think you should get your facts right before posting.
  14. If you check out the Swedish Hotel plunge they show the full unedited photo of the same hotel. Must be short in Hotel photos to publish.
  15. I renewed my DLT earlier this year in Surin. No longer living in Thailand and only visit as a Tourist. They wanted proof of residence and my little Yellow Book was accepted. But they would only issue a 2 Year Licence because I no longer had a retirement extension.
  16. Only if the old passport has expired and being replaced. As previously stated by lopburi3 you can have 2 or more active passports issued by your home country for the very purpose of getting visas, travelling to conflicting countries of interest i.e. Israel/Saudi . I actually had 3 at one stage all legal and in my name. Only one was used for my Thai Retirement stamps and I only ever had to transfer the stamps when my passport became full and I needed an empty one. Same passport used for my bank books.
  17. It’s because of people wanting to use it just for weight management that people like me who have diabetes and waiting for open heart surgery and have severe arthritis which prevents me from going to the gym to exercise and lose weight any other way cannot get it at any cost now because of a worldwide shortage.
  18. I had stenosis of the spine and had an operation at St Louis Hospital. Dr Tanin performed my operation and had me back on my meet within 24 hours and home within 48 hours. If he’s still there worth checking out.
  19. I was prescribed the same here in the UK on top of Butec Patches for my arthritis and sciatica pain for a period but it didn’t agree with me and it caused other problems so they stopped it after a while so care must be taken if used and monitored carefully. However knowing Thai Drs I would only ask advice from a reputable one in a recognised hospital. Home town Drs will prescribe whatever you ask them for.
  20. Why don’t they want to use Chinese fighter jets? What with the recent announcement of their new military cooperation with the Chinese?
  21. Watching a video on TikTok, a young girl who lives on the outskirts of London is chatting with a young Liverpudlian lad on video chat. She asks him what time it is in Liverpool. Young lad looks in disbelief and after asking her a few times and confirming where they both lives says to her you’re on a wind up aren’t you. She didn’t even know that London and Liverpool were in the same time zone. So it’s not only Thai girls who have a problem with knowledge.
  22. They were in danger of someone claiming it before they did lol ????
  23. It’s happening on my iPhone. Up until a few days ago it was ok now ads all the time and I can’t get rid of them.
  24. Anyone else being plagued with google ads pop ups? One after another. Tried turning them off in google but it looks like Thaivisa have set this up. I won’t be reading Thaivisa on a browser anymore. It’s annoying.
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