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Posts posted by lowprofile

  1. Thanks,

    problem is, I bought 25Kg of regular allowance - not seeing a "sporting allowance" option, when I bought the ticket online. Now I can't find anywhere on the site to actually buy the "sporting" version. There are plenty of references as to being able to do it but I'm bug*ered if I can find it!

  2. Does anyone have "recent" experience of Air Asia travel with a cycle? I'm getting conflicting information about allowances.

    The web site states that cycles are "sports equipment" and normal baggage allowances do not apply - charging extra for it but some people I've talked to say they had no problem with either a bag or box when checking in.

    Don't want to get stung at check-in!



  3. Hi Joe,

    instead of coming back into Thailand on my Retirement visa and going up to Laos to renew as a Marriage visa, do you know if it is possible to do the renewal (to Marriage) whilst I am in The UK, at the Thai Embassy there? Do you know if they require any different docs from Laos renewal (and proof of funds in Thailand - I can do proof of funds in The UK more easily).



  4. 11 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    If you are married to a Thai you could change the reason for your extension (it is not a visa) to one based upon marriage instead of retirement. You would only need 400k baht in the bank for 2 months or 40k baht income.

    Thanks Joe

    If I use this option, I could actually come back to Thailand and then head up to Laos  to get the new Marriage extension, where I wouldn't need to show proof of 400k+, correct? :smile:


  5. I'm currently here on a Retirement Visa, my third. I'm leaving the country for four months, returning three weeks before it expires but do not intend to renew this type of visa due to the 800k requirement.

    I legally hold two UK passports. Could I return with a tourist or Non O (marriage) in my second passport? Would it confuse the immigration computers?

    I plan on doing a few trips to neighbouring countries after my return, does a single entry make sense, renewing prior to return each time, or the multi?

    Just tossing some ideas around in my head :smile:



  6. Thanks for the replies.

    Basically it comes down, as someone stated, to "how far do you want to take it"?

    The problem is "consequences".

    How badly do I want him to be a good neighbour? If I was here all the time I would probably follow up with the proper complaint process, but I'm not and there is the security and safety aspect of wife, house, cars, bikes, etc, etc. He may not (will not) like being reported and have something bad happen to me or mine - not necessarily by his own hand.

    The neighbourhood is mixed 50/50 Thai and Falang. None of them are prepared to complain to him.


  7. A legal question, if anyone is able to offer advice, I'd be grateful. (That is proper advice and not dumb stuff, please).

    My next door neighbour is operating a soap factory from his house which is in a private soi. Lots of smell and a concern about waste, etc.

    Do I have any legal recourse against him? Is there a government department I could request to visit and inspect for licences etc?




  8. "find a company that makes clear plastic awnings etc and have them sew or glue you one to spec".


    There is a company close to where I live called LekStar, I think they would be able to run something up for me but I think it will be much more expensive than a simple large plastic bag.........

    Anyone used this company before? Know if the quality is good?



  9. Hi,

    I'm looking for very large, strong plastic bags. Big enough to cover and seal a three seat sofa.

    I've tried Bigmove, the moving company in Nabon, but they say they have nothing like that.

    I could try buying a single sheet and then use strong tape to join the sections but would prefer a single bag.

    Lazada has nothing suitable but I have been able to source something in The UK. Posting would be a problem with that, though, I think.


    Anyone know where I might find what I'm looking for locally?


    Thanks :)

  10. Sounds like fun.

    I think I might have to do trains and motorbikes, too. I can cover a lot more ground in the 28 days. Go back again later if I find an area to explore more on a MTB.

    I plan on going late Nov or so, should still be green and the burning won't have started (I hope).

    Thanks again.

  11. Flying out with a bike seems to be out of the question due to weight and size.Do you think putting the bike on a bus or truck  and me flying to Tachileik could be an option?

    I'm beginning to think I might be better off just backpacking, using some buses and trying the trains for the scenic trips. I'll miss out on the cycle ride back south through Thailand then, though. Maybe I'll have to do a second trip and do a loop through Cambodia / Vietnam and Laos.

    Motorbike would be best but I believe that might not be entirely legal in Myanmar:(

  12. Thanks Richard,

    I'll have to do a bit more research, I think. Not sure about bike on plane requirements. I just brought one from The UK and had it in a proper cardboard box, partially dismantled, I think it will be difficult trying to source something similar in Burma. They may just need cardboard wrapping around it, though, depends on the airline. I took a bike from Tasmania to NZ years ago and only needed cardboard around the chain!

    Appreciate the info.

  13. Thanks Richard,

    are you sure about Tachileik, though? It is one of the new land crossing points open for tourists.

    Not looking good for a south to north trip on a bicycle. I fancied covering as much ground in the 28 days as I could, using the odd bus, train or boat where it made sense but even that seems like wishful thinking.

    I'm based in Phuket. I had also planned on cycling back down through Thailand from the far north using "B" roads where possible, taking my time and avoiding the main #4 highway.

    If I enter at Mae Sot and head to Mawlamyine it looks like 3 days on a bike and 4 more days to Yangon, plus days for looking around at points of interest. Riding north to Old Bagan on the old highway is 8 days. 2 days to look around and a 3 day ride to Mandalay. That is 3 weeks. A couple of days for side trips and a bus to Inle Lake for 2 more then ??? Tachileik or??????


    The idea of cycling is to see the countryside at leisure, you miss that on a bus.


    Do you have any suggestions? :))



  14. Hi,

    I had the idea of cycling north from Kawthaug but reading various reports pointed me to getting the boat from Kawthaung to Myeik and then cycling. Unfortunately the boat service seems to have been cancelled. Now I'm thinking of a bus, does anyone know if it is possible to get my bicycle onboard for a bus trip?

    Getting from Kawthaung to Tachileik via Yangon,Old Bagan and Mandalay with points between will be a struggle on a 28 day visa.



  15. Went to immigration this morning and queued in the main downstairs office just in case. Volunteer told me to just go straight to the other outside office. When there I was asked what I wanted and given a number and told to wait outside (fill in the forms and make sure all other docs are at hand). He calls you in from the window. Procedure takes about 20 minutes, unless an agent gets in ahead of you with a handfull of applications.

    Yes, picture of self in front of house is needed, I did not have one so need to take it on Monday when I pick up my passport - couldn't process it today as the big fella was out of town.

  16. Renewing my visa on Friday or early next week but not sure if I have to go to have the paperwork checked out by the lovely volunteers first, now that this type of visa is processed in another room. Could someone enlighten me, please?


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