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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. Calling Pattaya a "Family Friendly" place must be a joke! LOL! Its a place for all the drunks, prostitutes, thieves and mad people from all around the world! That place is a magnet to all criminal elements in the land! Easy targets everywhere!πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  2. I loved those train trips! πŸ˜„
  3. Thank God those days are gone...πŸ˜†
  4. Lung health in a country with air quality like a gas chamber??? LOL! You must be joking! πŸ˜‚
  5. When Thailand wants mass tourism with free pass for all kind of stramge people, some things will go wrong some times, but not even near all the time! Are the Thais pancaking now? If someone behave like a damn monkey, then just arrest them, deport them! Not sound like there is a terror attack going on! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  6. "proportionality" and "logic" I guess are two words unknown to the Tai language....πŸ™„
  7. I suggest start studying the matter for a while. What I read here is a mix of yes and no's! A mess if you ask me. Grain`? Cereals? Fruits? pasta? oh dear. not for anyone trying to lose weight. This topic is to big to get into here. Keep carbs under 100 grams a day as a start and see how tgat worls out. Try intermittent fasting. Go on line and study.
  8. I remember those days from Norway when the coal smog (sulphuric acid rain!) came over Norway and killed of all life in thousands of lakes!! All due to burning of coal! I am certain the diesel cars (millions of them) are one of the causes in Thailand together with all the crop burning. Also, Thais have this thing about burning all kind if garbage at home. There is NO good system for garbage handling. People just do not care! (They actually do not understand, so get on with a campaign to teach them)
  9. That was the reason they banned two strokes decades ago in most of the western world. But as I recall, diesel engines are also not very "healthy", and most cars in Thailand (Millions of them) have diesel engines. With the traffic that Thailand has at the moment no wonder the air quality is more than BAD!! This might be a bit touchy, but the "hyper" tourism industry here, that might not help much either I guess....πŸ™„
  10. Ask Trump to wipe his fat smelly ass with his so-called "peace plan"! It is now time for a European Army. The time that we could trust the Americans are over! America is heading for a new status: A "Third world Country"!
  11. Since the black populations only excuse for all the misery is "the white man" I suggest these people, mostly farmers I guess, get free land in countries that would appreciate their skills and help with the food situation! I wonder what the people left in SA will blame their misery on then? They should look at Zimbabwe! Lol! But I guess they have no clue?πŸ™„
  12. Sad....so many smart drivers....observed every day...they never learn!!
  13. πŸ™„Maybe....just maybe.....it would be smart to drive SLOWER when you cannot see the road in front of you very good?? Hmmm....just mentioning it...πŸ€ͺ
  14. πŸ€ͺSelfie with a shark.....Yeah....smart move! 😫
  15. LOL! The end will be "Uncle Sucker! I am sure of it!!🀣
  16. Fire at a Cannabis facility?? That must be "funny" smoke!πŸ€ͺ
  17. The PM want Casinos? Of Course!! Who do you think will own them??? 🀣🀣
  18. LOVE????? 🀣🀣🀣🀣 Yeah....sure ..... 🀣🀣
  19. Mr. Thaksin started as a policeman....πŸ™„...now he is a billionaire! I wonder what the price was to return to Thailand and continue the same way as before. Soon another of the family will join him from Dubai! I am certain of it! Then it will all be same same all over....πŸ˜‚
  20. 🀣🀣🀣🀣Imagine Thai traffic moving into the air!! That would be hilarious with cars crashing and falling from the sky!!! THAT MUST NEVER HAPPEN!! Its bad enough on the ground!!🀣🀣🀣🀣
  21. I bought a CBR250R in 2011 for around 125.000. I still have it and have been around Thailand multiple time with it! Never failed me once! It will never be sold. The CBR250RR would really be something to own. As you said, nimble and more than fast enough for Thai roads! The price of 170K might seems like much, but I say its worth it. Ps. If I find a good CBR650R for that price I will take it at once!! Only seen one in that price range in all the years I have been here. The smaller 250 is much more fun!
  22. I have already decided to cut my 6 months stay in Thailand each year to 3 months as a start. The only reason for coming back is that I have many friends here! Thats all!
  23. LOL! And that comes from a country that is probably exporting more poisonous goods than anyone else!! A country where more than 80 pct of all freshwater is useless for anything at all???
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