'This development has spurred considerable concern, particularly among retirees who have enjoyed years of tax-free income.'
There's a CONSIDERABLE difference, between tax-free - and THAI-TAX-FREE!
So ... do the Thai authorities 'plan' to agree double-taxation agreements, with the requisite countries?
Or do they 'hope' - in TYPICAL Thai fashion - that the expats won't notice?
In Bangkok ... DEFINITELY!
In Chonburi, where we're now living ... I really don't KNOW!
If you've a mind to cook them, then you'll find what you want, in Villa Market.
The clue is in your use of the adjective 'wiser' ... it implies wisdom came into the equation, in the FIRST place!
Something that most certainly was NOT involved!
Don't give them your business. If others also refuse to give them their business, they'll learn.
EVENTUALLY ... as vendors aren't GENERALLY noted for their ability to catch-on very quickly!
'Right now, in every area in Phuket, the police are taking offences committed by tourists seriously. We want the people of Phuket to trust us.”'
The RTP MIGHT care to remember that it wasn't FORMED to address offences committed by foreign visitors!
So ... it needs to deal EQUALLY promptly with those committed by Thai nationals!
Which STATISTICALLY, are going to outnumber those committed by foreign visitors!
Try an international hospital ... I'm pretty sure there's a Bangkok Hospital, in Chonburi.
Alternatively, a major shopping mall will quite likely have an optician/opthalmologist, with a sufficient grasp of English to help you.
There is.
As I have said previously, the government CAN'T - or WON'T - deal with the Channel-crossing freebie-seekers ... but it can manage to poke its collective nose into British nationals' bank accounts.
I would normally use Samitivej - perfectly good - but, on this occasion, Chulalongkorn was more convenient.
A rectal tumour - checked, shrunk, and surgically removed; and no follow-up issues, to date.
I haven't read the criticism ... but I seriously doubt any slander was involved.
As for Thai pursuing legal action ... not the BRIGHTEST decision it could have made!