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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Unlike yourself, and your many "nom de plumes" I have a life outside AN. I sign in occasionally to debunk inaccurate posts, many of which are yours.
  2. Government manufactured change in Australia culture. https://www.9news.com.au/national/rental-crisis-australian-children-move-back-in-with-parents/de73d3a4-192a-4370-912a-ce43a3f8edf4
  3. It's not hypothetical. It's about law, and it happens every day, all around the world. "Intent" is difficult to prove. How does the prosecution actually prove what the accused was thinking at the time of the crime? Eg. Did they want to really kill them, or just mess them up? If the accused does say, "I wanted to kill him" how can the prosecution prove "intent" to kill? I was speaking in general. Without the evidence you mention, say she just committed the crime, what would the prosecution have? Very little. Just the first one on a Google search. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/22/1158356619/plea-bargains-criminal-cases-justice#:~:text=In any given year%2C 98,from the American Bar Association. "In any given year, 98% of criminal cases in the federal courts end with a plea bargain — a practice that prizes efficiency over fairness and innocence, according to a new report from the American Bar Association." Of course, you say you would fight your case.
  4. Better than the conduit pipe inserted up you know where, then a piece of barbed wire put up the pipe, and then the conduit pipe removed. Triva / Quiz. Guess who?
  5. Listen to the lies. Do we want post covid tourism, or not? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-07/catherine-king-airfares-to-come-down-qantas-competition-730/102828870
  6. And if she said it was an accident, or he grabbed her hair, punched her, domestic violence etc? How would her case look then? Point being, difficult to prove murder in this case if that was her story, or, she chooses not to be interviewed. Well, if you didn't deny it, I guess you also see an unjust judicial system in that bastion of freedom and democracy called, America.
  7. What's $48 million when you have to make payments on this? https://australiandebtclock.com.au
  8. Makes you wonder who has a lot of shares in Qantas, doesn't it?
  9. How does a tradie work on the tools past 60, unless they have their own business? Their body is just not up to it anymore, despite mechanization.
  10. The Voice was nothing but a diversion from the high cost of living, rising electricity costs, higher petrol costs, rising interest rates, mortgage foreclosures, homelessness, unaffordable housing and a housing shortage etc etc. Now The Voice is over, Albo has no where to hide from the real issues facing ALL Australians.
  11. No need to worry folks. This law is only for guys like Paul Hogan.
  12. I'm not arguing. In her police interview, say she said, "All I wanted to do was crash into his car so he couldn't use it." That's very different to saying, "I wanted to crash into his car to kill him." Do you see the difference, at law? Once again, not arguing. Can you give some more information about this case? Easy to say from a keyboard, and not in handcuffs. Many innocent people take the plea deal, or do you deny this?
  13. A friend of mine chose to do this. Then again, living in your car is becoming a common thing in Australia now.
  14. Why do you constantly post about the old age pension when you are on a vet pension? They are very different pensions in amounts, and benefits.
  15. Wrong. Where's the last time you went back to Australia? How many 65 year olds are working in blue collar jobs back there? You have no idea, as usual.
  16. Over 21,000 posts, on this username alone, and you have admitted to more than one username. Talk about being a hypocrite.
  17. Is that like "imitating" your own posts on your "nom de plume?"
  18. No, I didn't move the goal posts, you are just a troll. Provide links. I have. Where's your links? Jesus, you come on here and play the poster, not the post, and provide nothing but your own opinion. I've posted link after link after link, to the point the mods have stepped in deleting posts because they have the same links, because you refuse to accept them. Post some links of your own for examination.
  19. You say I have no idea, yet, you post no links showing what amount of debt the ATO will, or will not chase. How about you stick to some facts, and not get personal? The whole system is migrating to computers doing the heavy lifting. To a computer, a debt is a debt, thus, a letter is generated. Once that letter is in play, one is on the ATO merry-go-round. Do you really think expats can hide from their ATO debt because it's small? Once again, post a link to show what the ATO calls "small debt." Post a link, or STFU, because it's you has no idea.
  20. What's your plan for a medical emergency and having to return back to Australia with your wife, who you are separated from?
  21. Not familiar with the case. What I do know is, the American judicial system has such a backlog that the plea bargain system has seen many innocent people go to gaol. For example, you are "offered" 2 year prison time for a guilty plea, but go to court and lose, we will ask for 10 years. If innocent, what would you do?
  22. Sure, but "intent" to kill is murder. Killing someone without the intent to kill them is manslaughter. As for a "real" car accident, that comes down to culpability. Eg. speed, drugs, alcohol, negligence etc.
  23. So, wouldn't that make it murder, rather than a car accident?
  24. "Sorry Mitch. No one retires from backyard cricket."
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