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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Is emailing them a scanned copy of the document/s for the lesson an option? They are probably taking a screenshot or recording the lesson anyway.
  2. + 1 for Seagate drives.
  3. Remember when the "Start" icon disappeared. There was a huge uproar about it. It's what kicked off Classic Shell development. Obviously, MS didn't do their user research very well to see that a high percentage of uses rely heavily on the "Start" icon. Some things by big companies end up being part of their branding, and to not recognize that is a big failure of developers and management. It appears to me that change is now just for change's sake, and does not necessarily benefit the user. They need to survey a broad amount of users and listen to their requests / feedback.
  4. That's becoming less and less as the "user" becomes the product, with their data being mined.
  5. Never had a problem with Classic / Open Shell.
  6. If Windows 11 is still around in 10 years time, sure, it will be the most widely used Windows OS, as old hardware needs to be replace, but my point is, around the time support for Windows 10 ceases, due to hardware incompatibility, Windows 11 may be the least adopted OS Microsoft have released, and it could take years for it to become mainstream. Not really the same old pattern though, is it? The same machines when from Vista, to &, to 10, but these machines can not easily go to 11, if at all. I have an old laptop that had factory installed Vista, which I ten put 7 on it, and then upgraded to 10 on it, but it can't take 11, without a hack, and that's not guaranteed. Yes, but doesn't this comment tend to agree with my point? Millions all around the world, for many years, may very well do just that, keep using 10, and not move to 11, which is why I said, 11 may be the least used OS Microsoft ever released.
  7. I have read some of the reasons that allowed someone to leave Australia during their 2 year qualifying period. Death in the family etc. I didn't see "holiday" so I somehow don't think that could be appealed. Interesting. I'll take that onboard. This website can be viewed by the global public, if one was so vindictive to not help the general public because that would mean helping an individual, whom they have never even met, well, perhaps they need to self assess. I have only personally attacked those who have personally attacked me. What's that saying about people in glass houses? Not sure how I can be regarded as a troll when I have posted link, after link, after link supporting anything I have said, and when I have given my opinion, I have said, "In my opinion." I think you will find because I simply delivered a message that was out of many's comfort zone, and their fear of change, I am the one that has been trolled. I am not assuming any moral high ground. Very strange of you to think such a thing. Says more about you than me. I currently have no skin in the game, but if / when the proposed changes to non resident tax are passed, one strategy I am considering is a complete overhaul of my finances and possibly going from me paying the government every year, to the government paying me every year. Many others may well do the same, so this information is relevant.
  8. Ok. Thanks for the link. We have two websites saying two different things. When I click on the link I see the big disclaimer pop up box, and notice the title of the page says "Guides to social policy law." I'll check it out.
  9. Plenty on Lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/ups/?q=ups&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.home.search.go.11257f6dbYWpNF&catalog_redirect_tag=true They are heavy, so you will probably pay a fair bit of freight. The big appliance stores have them, like Banana IT. https://www.bnn.in.th/en/p?q=ups Look for a UPS that you can also change the batteries. The batteries last around 5 years, depending on how many times they are called upon to supply power.
  10. I need to correct this. The ethernet port on the UPS protects your modem / router, which your desktop is plugged into, so both are protected from electricity line surge and telecommunication line surge.
  11. It's an old machine. Say the screen dies next month. You've wasted your money. More to the point, electric current degrades electronic components over the years. A capacitor on the mobo could give up, or something similar. It's then basically a throw away. Nothing lasts forever.
  12. Seems strange. Did they give a reason for this? is it likely to happen again? You wouldn't accept it if it was electricity or water. Could it have been an excuse for a severed line in your area? Did you neighbors still have internet?
  13. Why do you say "hardly." Do you think hundreds of millions of people, all around the world, will go and buy a new computer as the Windows 10 end of life date nears? I can't see it, especially in poorer nations. I'll check out the link, thanks, but I am not throwing away my computers just because they haven't got the TPM, or whatever it is. A while ago I had a look at the workarounds. I think I can handle doing them, but I think millions will not be able to do it. If so, that would mean Windows 11 would be the least used operating system they ever released, until maybe 5 or 10 years later, as people across the world slowly buy new hardware.
  14. One of the first programs I install. Windows 10 debloater. It stops telemetry as well. https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater When I first got Windows 10 there were games and all sorts of rubbish on there. You don't like VLC? VLC has played anything I have ever thrown at it.
  15. Due to many people seeking a workaround to get rid of the big "B" for bing in the Edge browser, Microsoft has now made a setting where you can disable it.
  16. I think it was Windows XP that many people around the world became familiar with computing. It will be fondly remembered, but for me, Windows 7 took it to another level. I still have the desktop gadgets for weather, CPU, currency exchange, network etc. Microsoft can stick their "tiles" when the sun doesn't shine.
  17. I'll stay with Windows 10 and Open Shell until the week before they cease support, then go to Windows 11. I really do prefer the Windows 7 UI. I understand everyone is different, but things seem to be where I would expect them to put by the developers in Windows 7, unlike Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. I see there are some workarounds for the TPM issue with upgrading to Windows 11 from an older machine. Some of it might be a bit much for many users around the world. Windows 11 could flop when support for Windows 10 ceases.
  18. Over the years there has been debate whether a surge protector plug or power bar / board will work in Thailand. That's because Thailand has a 2 pin plug system, and no third pin to discharge the surge to earth. A surge protector may offer some protection, but can not be relied upon, due to Thailand's 2 pin plug system. You will need a UPS. There are basically three types, Line interactive, Online, and Offline. An online UPS is the best, but they are expensive. I think you will be fine with line interactive UPS which can "clamp" surges" and "boost" low voltage, so you will always be in the 230v to 240v range. Make sure the UPS has AVR (Active Voltage Regulator) which keeps the power 230 - 240v. Many of them have an ethernet port that protects your desktop from a surge coming down the telecommunication line as well.
  19. Is the LINE app still working on your old phone? If so, go into account and get the phone number and password and LINE ID. Then uninstall the LINE app in the new phone. After the uninstall, restart the phone. Install the LINE app again on the new phone. Try registering your LINE account on the new phone scanning Q-Codes from old phone to new. If this doesn't work, manually enter your account details. Once successful, you will not be able to use LINE on your old phone. A notification will tell you this.
  20. Clear cache, cookies, history etc. Maybe use a program like Crap Cleaner to make this easy. Shut down computer. Power cycle your modem / router and wait a few minutes. Turn on your computer and try again.
  21. Windows 7 will probably be remembered as the most popular and best operating system Microsoft came out with. Whilst I'm running Windows 10, I am using Open Shell, formerly known as Classic Shell, to make it look and feel like Windows 7. When support ends for Windows 10 and I move to Windows 11, I'll still be using Open Shell. One only has to look at the amount of downloads of Classic and Open Shell and wonder why Microsoft persist with the Windows 8, 10 and 11 UI.
  22. Interesting. Are you at all concerned that they know what you are doing, but are leaving you in play, whilst they monitor those who access your material, gaining their location? In effect, you could be the one leading the junta to targets. TOR's not as good as it used to be. Intelligence agencies even set up their own TOR nodes now. I have no doubt the junta have this capability. There's a reason why the Taliban prevailed in Afghanistan. No electronics.
  23. I hope you don't spend money on upgrades and a HDD and a few weeks later the screen or mobo dies. You would have wasted money that could have been put towards a new device or even a decent secondhand one. You are putting that device on life support. How long do you expect it to live?
  24. When in doubt, delete. Then, delete from your deleted folder as well. If they persist, put it in your blocked list.
  25. I know you are after an AIO, but with laptops now having 17 inch and 19 inch screens, with everything you need onboard, and can run off a battery for even more portability, they are possibly more AIO than an actual AIO these days.
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