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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. You quoted "The Act" as stating aged pensioners did not have to pay tax on their pensions, despite being non residents. My research show otherwise, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and requested you you link "The Act" and quote the relevant clause. You didn't, and just blocked me. Funny that. Why will it be difficult to pass through parliament? The previous Liberal government proposed the changes, and the current Labor government has said they are in their "in tray." Who's going to block the legislation? What redress are you going to seek, and from whom? Is that the same UN that can't even arrange a ceasefire in Gaza? The UN is useless. I can't believe taxpayers from all around the world still fund it.
  2. At least I post content for people to give a <deleted> about. You post ZERO value to the thread. It's like your username is set up to stalk me across the AN website. You must be really bored in the village. The old safety in numbers school yard thing. How's it going for you?
  3. Yet another off topic post with zero content from you. (not reported)
  4. I suppose the Stage 3 Tax Cuts are a myth also. The proposed changes are very real. They are not a myth. No, it's not. It's a complex topic with much to be discussed. For every one of my posts, you have posted a personal attack, off topic, or troll post. That's trolling.
  5. I prefer Seagate Skyhawk HDD's for my system. I suggest you install two HDD's, if your system supports multiple HDD's, which most do these days. The reason is, if one HDD fails, footage is still being recorded on the other HDD. If money is tight, 2 x 2TB HDD's would not be much more than 1 x 4TB HDD, but you now have some redundancy. You might find the info that backblaze collect on HDD's interesting. Backblaze publish reliability stats on HDD's. Here's an article from pcworld. https://www.pcworld.com/article/1810214/back-it-up-most-dead-hard-drives-fail-within-3-years.html Here's backblaze's HDD stats for Q2 2023. https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-drive-stats-for-q2-2023/
  6. The proposed changes are the single biggest issue to face Australian expat pensioners in decades. Considering we went from, "that's only for guys like Paul Hogan" and "I still have a Medicare Card so I am still a resident" to now the reality, it's been quite a journey. That said, just a few posts ago a senior and active member on this thread was still under the belief non resident tax brackets had a tax free threshold. I posted the tax brackets again for him. Should he not discuss this topic? Who are you to say what can and can't be discussed on this thread? It's members like yourself that have tried to stop the discussion about this serious issue facing Aussie expat pensioners, and your latest post is just more of the same. There's nothing stopping any member from making a post or asking a question in relation to the Australian aged pension. The most recent case of this was some discussion about qualifying for portability. Threads evolve. Deal with it.
  7. I agree. It's the same as a member on the pension thread. One post he's on a veteran's pension, next post he's on the age pension. You can't be on both pensions, at the same time.
  8. He's having a bad trolling day. The best he's got now is posting that the proposed changes are a myth. It's fake new. I made it all up.
  9. Just more deflection from you. The proposed changes to tax residency is FACT, as per the many many links provided. Do you have any thoughts of your own about them? I have never once said they have been legislated and are now in law. I have only ever discussed their possible impact on Aussie expats, including those on a pension. If you have taken that discussion to be "fact" than that's your problem.
  10. If you have 2 houses, how is it you can get an Aged Pension? Yes, we all know the answer.
  11. I would be interested in your comment about how a 19 year old starting out their career and paying income tax is not supporting a baby boomer on their 5th or 6th, or more, negatively geared property.
  12. And I don't care if you report anything I post. What I know is, you haven't contributed any content for pages and pages, except for trolling, baiting, flaming, and personally attacking me, which, I couldn't care less about. So, a senior member on here with over 28,000 posts, after months and months, and hundreds of posts from everyone about the topic, FINALLY understands there is no tax free threshold for non residents for tax purposes. No disrespect to that member, we are all getting older, but could it be some dementia, or he's just baiting. I post, yet again, the tax brackets for non residents, and you straight away bang on about repetitive posting. Should I tell the member to search through the pages and pages for the previous post, or simply post the information again? I chose to just post it again to help the member out, and couldn't care less what you think. Meanwhile, what assistance do you give the senior member - ZERO. The only posts you have made in the last 20 posts is personally attacking me, and I dare say reporting every post I make to the point the mods have probably had enough of you. Get over yourself and start posting some content,not for my benefit, but for the benefit of others. If you can't, why post at all. You just make yourself look like a wannbe Mod. It's funny. Just a while ago a member thought if he used his ATM card in Thailand, then his bank would think he was still a resident for tax purposes. I posted otherwise to provide information, and all you post is yet another personal attack, and nothing for the member. Try to post some content. It's not that difficult. And so will I.
  13. Report me for what? You are contradicting yourself. In one post you say Aged Pensioners could lose $120 per week due to the proposed changes, and then in this post say "this topic is about Aged Pensioners." WTF?
  14. Which would also include part pensioners. I'm not throwing stones at people, you are. All I have ever pointed out is that non resident tax may be changing up with all of us, due to the proposed changes. You crunched the numbers for pensioners, but many others have their own individual circumstances, which I suggest may go over your $120 a week figure. What about the part pensioners? Didn't you say "this topic is about Australian Aged Pensioners?" Are Part Pensioners also not Aged Pensioners? Can you do the math for the "meteorite" for them?
  15. I think the point the member was making is the boomers were allowed to "steal" due to government policies.
  16. They are not stupid, they just have no way to escape.
  17. Nah. Not for the average guy. They only do that for guy like Paul Hogan.
  18. Maybe he's too afraid to make the move, so keeps holding off. Maybe he can't afford to stop working. Heart surgery isn't cheap. True. It's smarter to to give it all to a Thai bar girl and tell your friends, "my girl is different."
  19. All most Australians will see is a drop in living standards over the next few years, and beyond. Successive governments have presided over the decline of Australia on the world stage. Banana Republic here we come.
  20. Correct. We took in the wrong immigrants. That's changed now, as they need to be skilled migrants. Nothing to do with racism or elitist, it's a fact.
  21. Can you give a few examples? What is Australia doing right these days? I think not much.
  22. Interesting article. I can't remember a time when this was the case. Sad, indeed. So much land, yet so little housing. Supply restricted, to create an artificial demand, thus inflated prices. Basically, government made homelessness. https://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/more-australians-set-to-retire-in-debt-amp-20231211-p5eqkg.html
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