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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Yes, there are free PC to Fax services out there. If you have a Wise account, they offer a virtual debt card. You can change the number as often as you like. Perfect for such websites.
  2. Some on here seem to think Centrelink is their friend. Merely pointing out that once they decide payments should be reduced, or they have overpaid an individual and want the money back, they will give you grief. The guy in the video has been fighting them for 6 years. As shown in the link, after all the negative publicity, suicides, and adverse royal commission findings, they are still chasing robodebt money. Some on here seem to think their pension money is small enough that Centrelink will not chase them as a non resident for tax purposes, yet, they are chasing money from residents for tax purposes, so why wouldn't they chase non residents? The new subject is just how ruthless Centrelink can be when dealing with people with minimum funds available to fight them, and especially those who don't even vote.
  3. You must have a sore back by now, due to all that bowing.
  4. Many free websites require you to register, despite it being free. Registering consists of entering an email address and creating a password. This is common. Any doubt, use a burner email address.
  5. Centrelink still chasing robodebt money, despite adverse findings from a royal commission. Where's Albo? Let's hope Centrelink will be kinder to expat retirees in the future. https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/aussies-chased-over-robodebts-following-royal-commission/80ffcdf2-c722-4cda-9b3a-534098c920d4
  6. Many companies offering this service. This company will send faxes to Aussie numbers. https://faxaroo.com/au/
  7. What you describe has been working well for thousands of Aussie expats, for decades, and I am one of them also. You derive an income in Australia, but live overseas. The government has been missing out on taxing us at non-resident rates. This is the reason the proposed changes were drafted.
  8. The work around is no longer working with some of these streaming apps. The apps now come up with an error message that the Android device is "jail broken or rooted." I couldn't get it working. I have yet to try the Magisk app to get around this. I have read some have used it with success, whilst others have had no success with it. Have other members come across this error?
  9. Off topic. Baiting. Argumentative. Not reported.
  10. Jim, as well as the previous government, has been giving thought to ALL expats that have escaped paying non resident tax for decades, and why wouldn't he / they? We have all been avoiding this tax for years. Carry on.
  11. What planet are you on? I want to be a resident of Australia for tax purposes, and I suggest, so do the majority of Aussie expat retirees. Have you learnt nothing? If you are deemed to be a non resident for tax purposes, there's no tax free threshold and the rate is 32.5% from $0 to $120,000. Links already provided. Most, including myself, want to remain a tax resident of Australia so we can get the tax free threshold and resident tax rates.
  12. Yet, a "slap in the face" for struggling Aussies. https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/jim-chalmers-to-reveal-better-than-expected-end-of-financial-year-budget-position/news-story/e698e354a0fbd9ca763c9fb5b3ad3d5d I wonder how happy Jim, and struggling pensioners in Australia would be, knowing pensioners living overseas in more affordable countries are benefiting for rises in the pension and cost of living relief? It seems to me, finally being able to collect non resident tax from expats would be an easy sell back there at the moment.
  13. Why is that relevant when most members on this thread are living in Thailand?
  14. Are you stating the old age pension is not taxable if it is your only source of income, even if you are living overseas full time, with no domicile in Australia, and no intention of returning to Australia?
  15. scorecard, this post, like many other of yours, goes beyond misleading and inaccurate to just plain wrong. This would usually result in me posting a link, a link I would have posted numerous times before, which results in members reporting me for posting the same link many times. I have posted many links showing the pension is deemed an income and is therefore taxable. I will not post them again for the reason given above. I see other members have corrected you. If you don't believe me then believe them, but stop posting wrong information that has been debunked time and time again with credible links.
  16. So why bother posting then? The OP requires a device/s to perform a function. If you don't, so what?
  17. More like a postit marked, "the country is broke, we need every dollar from everywhere."
  18. Under the current outdated laws, no. When the proposed changes come in, yes, or return to Australia for 45 days or possibly more, each financial year.
  19. Not many votes been cast as yet, but 60% are self funded and paying resident tax, or under the tax free threshold. I am in this group also. How do people in this group propose to continue to be residents for tax purposes if they haven't been back to Australia for years, given the new laws discussed in the other thread?
  20. Access to CCTV, pulling or pushing files to a NAS, video doorbells, and connecting to a VPN at location A to get around geo-blocking, to name a few. One would need to know if none of the above are working due to an internet or network device issue, or a power outage.
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