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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. "I never lived in an Ex-pat area I lived in Ratchaburi," Your words. So what would you know about living in an expat area? Zero.
  2. How can you know the rules and regulations for farangs in an expat area when you have never lived in one? Geez, you didn't even get my balcony flying joke. So, a holiday in Ratchaburi and you are commenting on an expat forum. Too funny.
  3. "It comes down to either us or them." Her words. Remember when "us" were Christians and "them" where Muslims? What an easy sell that was. Saddam's WMD etc. Now "us" are regular citizens and "them" are politicians, and the west's politician's WMD is taxes, taxes, and more taxes, and throw in more legislation, after more legislation, and somehow westerners think they actually have more freedom than people living in Communist countries.
  4. When you next visit your mother, open a bank account and use her address. Get a debit card attached to the account. Don't mention ANYTHING about Thailand.
  5. Do you honestly think a holiday is the same as residing in the country? Then, there's what location in the country. Eg. rural village versus expat area.
  6. Not late at all. I have agreed with you in the past on this. Then, there's also the proposed changes to non resident tax enforcement, but that's in another thread. I have suggested that moving to a more affordable country may be the only option for many, that would be Cambodia for most, or, to the village in Thailand, to live out one's days in a pitiful manner.
  7. Your thread topic was "try." Merely pointing out trying something similar in Thailand can lead to consequences that are detrimental to one's health. Do you agree, or not?
  8. Legal question. Say an apprentice is "hooning" in his bosses tradie ute and the boss receives a heap of fines in the mail. Should the boss have his ute crushed?
  9. Like I said, it encourages people who want to "hoon" to use someone else's car, right? Get it?
  10. Balconies are common in Thailand. So is getting assassinated for going up against connected Thai's, but hey, keep thinking they play by Australian rules here.
  11. No one is worried, just sorting out the BS from the facts here. Can you tell us all where all these police cameras are take photos of car thieves joy riding? Do those stolen cars get crushed? No.
  12. This guy was that stupid he didn't car about the dash cam. Looked like a meth head to me. My question to you is, where were all the police taking photos of him???? That's not how they caught him. He got caught because he was that high he drove there car to either his house, or where he was staying.
  13. Well, I guess there's no need to wear a balaclava when robbing a bank then. Talk about pea brain.
  14. That's great. Better than getting thrown off a balcony for complaining.
  15. Is there a police officer sitting next to the car thieve taking photos while they are joy riding? What a ridiculous comment.
  16. Minimal town planning laws in Thailand. If you are a vegan in Thailand, someone cooking meat next door is the least of your worries. You could have a pig farm, Thai karaoke, or nightclub open up next door, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  17. Funny how the government is directing people's focus towards "The Voice" and not the harsh economy reality facing tax payers, and future generations.
  18. Getting the dole comes with some obligations. For some who have been in Thailand for quite a while, they may not like to abide by such obligations.
  19. All that does is encourage people to steal cars for their thrills. The car owner picks up the tab.
  20. I agree, but another member on this forum has stated that one is allowed to go overseas for a "prolonged period" of time and not be cut off, and not have the clock restarted on the 2 year prison sentence, because a nice girl at the call center told him so. When asked for a link on what is a "prolonged period" of time, and what is not, there was no reply. Grain of salt.
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