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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Ok. I didn't click on the link at the time of posting. I just took the OP's report of "power outage" to be fact.
  2. Using a VPN is not illegal. I remember there being a lot of discussion about VPN's on this forum as some posts were being deleted for promoting illegal activity. (No. I am not questioning moderation.)
  3. I used to use TeamViewer. I now use AnyDesk. Check it out. https://anydesk.com/en The method you are considering is very energy and labor intensive. Your sister has to leave her computer on for you, 24/7, or you have to contact her and ask her to turn on her computer, and she may not be home, and there are time zones to consider. You could set up a WiFi switch so you can turn the computer on from anywhere in the world. Your system would work, but I think it's just not very efficient, and wouldn't really work for streaming, which would be a bonus with other methods.
  4. I hear what you are saying, but a blackout taking out an international airport for so long, really?
  5. Pardon my ignorance, but wouldn't it be more cost effective for the airline, with no compromise to safety, to have the plane circle near an alternative airport, and if the blackout persists, they land when lower on fuel, and if the blackout is fixed not long after, they land in Manilla, albeit, behind schedule?
  6. If you are using a VPN, don't forget that you have to manually change this every time. It catches me out a lot. I wish Skype would have a setting to enable or disable Country Code via IP Address.
  7. Did you use the same patch lead. (1 m antenna cable between TV and wall plate) for your test in the bedroom? Maybe it's just the short connection lead that has failed.
  8. Like others members say, I'm not so sure you have been hacked, but you might try downloading a free antivirus program, like AVG or Avast, and then run one of their deep scans? See what comes up.
  9. You may be interested in this product. I own a set and the system works great, but you do need to plug the Home Proxy Dongle into a router at a friend's or relative's place, in your home country. https://www.homingsystems.com You can set up something similar with two Raspberry Pi's, but I bought a pair of these and they work well, especially for some streaming websites that have very strict geo blocking. The WiFi signal that the Companion Dongle emits, including the IP address and many other details, s as good as sitting in your lounge room back in your home country. Speeds a slower, but still fine to stream HD content. You only need to pay a subscription if you only buy the Home Proxy Dongle and then access it going through their servers. If you buy a set, you don't need a subscription. As another member said, you could have a friend or family member set up a VPN on their router for you, or you could buy something like this, plug it in to their router, and VPN back to it. They are cheap. https://www.gl-inet.com/products/gl-mt300n-v2/ If you buy two of these, you can make pretty much what the AlwaysHome system is also.
  10. Good description. I would just add that many makes and models of UPS also top up incoming electricity if it is too low, which in my country is called a "brown out." Apparently, brown outs can also be quite damaging. Most of us have seen a light become dim, or flickering, for no reason. This is usually caused by low current. No problem for the light, but not real good for electronics, and particularly damaging to white good with motors in them, but you can't put a UPS on a frigde or washing machine.
  11. It used to be that way, but in recent times, if you are on Centrelink, it's living the dream. Do retirees who are not on Centrelink get "rent assistant, electricity assistant, cheap bus fares and free travel to other cities 600km away" etc etc etc etc? Nah, they pay full freight.
  12. Yeah, great. The Australian tax payer, many of whom don't even own a property, subsidizes a Victorian government initiative, through negative gearing.
  13. Let's hope you are not awoken from your sleep, should these changes come in, and have a negative impact.
  14. What's the point, if the immigration data base now talks to the tax office data base and the welfare data base?
  15. Plan is already in place. Worked it out with the accountant. A few scenarios have been planned for. I hope I never have to use one of them. Good Luck to all of us with these proposed changes.
  16. Yes. You are right. The proposed changes are still just that, proposed. They have not been passed yet. Some have said they will simply wait until they fizz away, or are passed into law, to make their moves. I like to make a plan for the fizz, or the passed, and be ready to jump straight away, when the time comes.
  17. I'll spell it out for you. Yes, 65 for many, 67 for some, probably older for those in the future. No argument from me about this. Say, the Australian government announces the proposed changes have been passed, and will come into effect starting 1st July 2024, but, those already overseas for more than 3 or 6 months will be "grandfathered" and their tax residence status will not change under the new laws. Those that are 65 and on the pension, and always wanted to retire to Thailand, would leave Australia for Thailand in order to take advantage of any "grandfathering" that may be offered. Why wouldn't they? I think it would cause a spike in departures for those over 65, but not ready to retire, or sitting on the fence. Those people would be crazy not to take advantage of any possible "grandfathering" hence a spike 65 year olds leaving the work force and leaving Australia. Get it?
  18. Same here, but the data bases are starting to line up. What one organization (Eg. bank) knows about you and your finances is now starting to talk to government departments (Eg. Centerlink, ATO, Land Titles Office etc) and vice versa.
  19. Did you miss the part about living off saving for a while in order to qualify for any "grandfathering?"
  20. Talking about the lottery, read this yesterday. Just goes to show how quickly Centerlink can change your status. One day you are a disability pensioner, the next day you are a professional gambler. ???? https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/australian-disability-pensioner-unlucky-lotto-winner/99ffb30d-9c47-4cf4-8d5c-5a7d34d2a775
  21. I see the UK raised by 0.75% yesterday as well. December's rise will be interesting. It's obvious 0.25% is having no impact on inflation, and is only shielding mortgage holders from the inevitable.
  22. It was just a thought. I remember seeing it in my online banking. I just had a look and you can enter your TFN, or edit it, but when I clicked "edit" the old number didn't come up and you had to enter a new number. Maybe the OP's bank is different. Worth a look, for all of 30 seconds.
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