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Posts posted by honeyen

  1. Hi there, I have actually sent you an e-mail but so far haven't got any reply, so I thought maybe I should just reply here one more time.

    I do notice that your gf is interested in nanny type of job, but how about housekeeper? My housekeeper is going back to Myanmar soon, so my brother and I are urgently seeking a new one.

    Duties: Laundry, ironing, floor cleaning, some garden works, paying bills, translator for my mom when she's here on holiday.

    5 days a week.

    English is not an issue because both my brother and I speak pretty good Thai.

    Awaiting your soonest reply. Thanks.


    - At least 4-star condo / apartment.

    - Company car.

    - Restaurant dining most of the time, with at least THB500/meal.

    - Visiting The-Bed-like clubs, instead of Nana / Patpong.

    - High-so girlfriend(s); BG is very unlikely.

    - At least 2 holidays / year.

    - Branded clothes.

    - Work hard (Mon - Fri) & Party hard (Fri & Sat).

    - Some might enjoy 'Coke' every now and then.

  3. My understanding of EXPATRIATE - People who is sent by the comany in home country to another foreign country to take up a high-level position.

    EXPATs are normally paid in strong currency (USD, EURO, YEN) + lavish perks (company car, high-so accommodation, miscellaneous expenses, at least 1 trip/year back to home country, etc.). Net salary (excluding perks) of an expat is normally more than THB14,000.

    I don't think foreigners who gets a job locally are considered as EXPATs. Instead, they should be classified as local employees.

  4. Voted "None of the above".

    Personally, I think compatibility and commonity are above all. I don't believe in "changing oneself for another", you just have to find THE ONE who suits you the best.

    My ex & I were crazy for each other's look & characters when we first met (it was kind of like love at fist sight, no kidding), after dating for a while, we knew that we were of very different type but still thought that because of what we liked about each other, we could change ourselves to suit each other better. Unfortunately, it didn't work :o

  5. I know it's weird to point this out now...

    I thought she had an engineering or electronics degree... why did she need to look for a 7-11 job as suggested by a few of you out there? (I might have lost track somewhere, been reading this in the past 4 hours and eyes are swollen now :o

  6. I would love to meet with you and talk sometime. Maybe that's something the women's forum can do together. I'd also love to meet SBK and Honeyen. Let's plan something. However, I am leaving tomorrow for Indonesia for about 1 month. Maybe we can plan a get-together for October?

    Good idea. Shall I start planning this gathering?

    Well, whoever is interested, please send me an e-mail, telling me where, when would be best for you :o (gotta be end of Oct I presume, Kat is now in Indo for a month).

  7. Dear Monkey Girl,

    First of all, I am not here to oppose but simply would like to share some personal experiences with you.

    I can't deny that until now I still am bothered, although to a lesser extent, by the fact that my bf's ex was a prostitute. It actually took me quite a while to decide whether or not to carry on with the relationship (I was worried that he would become what he used to be again).

    But, who doesn't have seedy past? It's the present-him that I should 'evaluate', not the past. Instead of ignoring or pretending I care nothing for his past, I'm now trying my best to confront with all the facts (yes, he's been very honest) and I can see that he really appreciates my yet-to-be-100% generosity and effort :o

    I have learned through a hard way that by being more emollient, easy-going, things would seem much better than they actually are :D

  8. :D Thanks honeyen, for not letting me get too down.

    Admittedly, I wasn't in KL long, maybe about 10 days, and in the Perhentians for about 10 days, but I was there previously for about 2 weeks.

    In all that time, I had 2 dating encounters with 2 men, one Malay, and one Chinese Malaysian. I'll tell you more in a private email.

    I wasn't there long enough to meet many foreign men, except for one Sudanese guy, who was studying in Malaysia and trying to get some distance from his country at the moment. I got chatted up by one white western guy, but he was leaving the next day.

    Anyway, in spite of my shortlived disappointments, I definitely cannot wait to go back :D I liked KL a lot. I get the feeling that once I learn how to protect myself by ferreting out the different signals of "bad" men, I could definitely find a great guy there.

    On top of learning the men-screening skills, you need to know WHERE to find the good ones :o

    Anyway, awaiting your e-mail and we shall talk more from there :D Cheers!

  9. Thanks guys for the valuable information :o I am actually working on a project related to this issue, so... really appreciate your personal experiences.

    In return, I would like to share some of my info too.

    It's quite a funny situation last weekend when my brother and I took friends from overseas to Poseidon on Ratchadapisek. I ended up sitting outside of the 'club' (shall I call it a hotel or club?), chatting with the security guards and PR manager for 2 hours while waiting for my friends got on with the business (unlike Nana/Patpong, females are not allowed in this place, so there must be something pretty different in there, I presumed).

    - Pricing: From 2,000 Baht to 5,500 Baht per 2-hour session (including room), depending on the girl's quality. 5,500 Baht - model-looking, no joking man, I have seen the catalogue; in fact, even the 2,000 Baht ones looked gorgeous!!!

    - Girls there get PAP Smear test every 3 days, blood test every month (for AIDS), they even have in-house doctor! Very clean.

    - No matter how much you pay, Condom is a MUST, PR manager said that that's "COMPANY POLICY". (I raised the condom question because having known that Asian men hated rubber thus wondered how they got around with this).

    - Believe it or not, they even come out with quarterly Newsletter!!! Although it's in Thai, but gee... it's really like a big biz there!!!

    Oops, I left out the Arabs ... in fact, they hardly go for local girls, most of their chicks are imported from Russia :D

    I've been to Nana but really hard to get to talk to the people there, so would appreciate even more if you guys could contribute more info on this :D Thanx.

  10. Hey, I'm single, lived in Bangkok for 2 years because of work, dated rotten men until I couldn't stand to be around them any longer, and would occassionally hang out on Khao San when I got lonely for Western men. Met some great men in my travels, but problem was, they were travelling! They don't stay here, but are just passing through. I have one Norweigan guy that is still calling me after a year, but he can't leave Norway and I'm not moving there.

    I'm now in Malyasia and seriously considering moving to Kuala Lumpur. If I can find a professional job here I will be here for another year or so. Urban, hip Malay men seem pretty sexy, so we'll see. But eventually, I definitely plan to move back to the west, unless I meet a man that I could fall in love with out here.

    Good choice sweetie. I'm from Malaysia, been living in Bangkok for a year now. Without a doubt, Bangkok is an amazing city but sometimes get really lonely here as not many people speak your language :o

    My case is even worse -- Thais see me as farang, not because of my skin colour (i'm chinese) but the language I speak; whereas the farang see me as Thai, and... well I'm not saying I'm ashamed of being seen as a thai, it's just that... alas...

    Anyway, personal advice - Western women who like living in Asia and would like to meet someone with like-background and good career, I think Thailand is not your place. I'm not saying that there is no non-jerk farang in Thailand, but compare with other Asian countries, e.g. HK, China (Beijing, Shanghai), Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand seems to offer less.

  11. The truth is that most ordinary thai girls wouldn't look twice at a farang. We're considered ill-mannered and rude.

    In relations with BGs you usually get what you give as with every other people: treat them nice and you're treated equally. Don't complain about their interest in the money - I would also stop working if my company stopped paying.

    That is so not true! Most of my bf's mates are dating proper Thai ladies* who have very good job, some even earn more than the bf!

    It's all depending on how much effort / time the guys are willing to put in.

    (BG : less than an hour + no effort + money)

    *proper Thai ladies = non-BG (my definition) :D

    In relations with proper girls, you usually get MORE than you give! :o

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