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Posts posted by Chupup

  1. Try as they have, with every illegal action they could possibly think of, this one, very astute and level headed lady still occupies the highest political office in the land.

    Many in her shoes would have long ago wilted or made a political miscalculation that would have hastened their ousting, but not the Divine Miss Y - she has outsmarted, outwitted and outplayed them all.

    If she keeps this up, historians will be referring to Thaksin as only the second most popular and successful PM in Thai history

    Yea, but only in Your Dreams, post again when the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. ...................coffee1.gif

  2. What about us married guys, where is our support? We haven't even broken any laws but once you sign that form zap, sex is gone.

    chooka, you crack me up at times.coffee1.gif

    Reminds me of courting days, you could have all the breasts at any time, but as soon as she gets the ring on the finger it's SORRY they're for the kids.cheesy.gif

    On topic, I think controlled visits is good for the prisons for less agro, and for the prisoners, why should you lose your loved ones because you are serving for your wrong doings.

    Methinks ginjag i have heard that saying before, on topic.....just what are your "loved ones " doing while you are doing your time, anyway so long as you have one or both your hands............giggle.gif ..coffee1.gif

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  3. So whats next murder charge's against Yingluck because the airforce waited to long before reporting to Malaysia about the missing plane

    These charges of Murder would be thrown out of court in the first hearing in any western country

    But Thailand loves to play games and holds court hearing like my daughter has tea parties

    Guess it proves they have a reason for being

    Rubbish, they wouldn't throw the charges out of court. Either these soldiers were acting under orders or they weren't.


    The footage is there, the witnesses are there, we know it was army snipers, and the court has ruled (back in June 2013) that Suthep and Abhisit gave the orders to shoot. So they face their charges.

    So that was their order "Shoot"

    Fairly sure the orders would be more complex than just "shoot" - rules of engagement?

    If I am not mistaken, some guys just burnt some buildings and tried to turn Bangkok to a battle field. They worn red shirt , if I remember rightly....

    Correct, and there is vidio footage of leaders urging them on to do same, also wearing RED shirts

  4. I made an observation about some Farang posters getting all stressed out and letting the whole political situation get to them when the bottom line is if your not a Thai resident matter your opinion on who's right and whose wrong it's just that an opinion where it means zero to the bigger picture.

    What's the point in getting all worked up about it ? What's the point in having bigoted views when you're not a Thai? Does the average Thai actually give a toss about your opinions either ? I suspect not many do especially the ones so many here say are stupid dumb ignorant or uneducated ? Is it their fault they lack your passion for politics and name calling? Nah again I doubt they lose any sleep about any farangs opinion on how they should be living their lives mate

    Have to say Haggis, it is you who seem to be "getting stressed out", have your cofee and relax, take a day off and get " calm" enjoy the village life......................coffee1.gif

  5. Well Well Well here we go again with the media taking it the wrong way, any western person would come to the first meaning of what he was talking about, the bridge has a slope on it meaning it is lower on one side than the other. The saying, it slopes to one side. No backing for him from any of the media, if I was Him I would put 2 fingers up to them all and for desert spread the cheeks of my ass. He di nothing wrong probably does not know that meaning any way.

    you know full well that was NOT how the phrase was intended.

    And YOU Do of course Numpty.....................coffee1.gif

  6. What a load of old Bol..ks the people who complained about this need to get a life, my mrs is Thai and had never heard it said or knew what it meant IMHO JC was just refering to the angle only, slope is an English word used by English people , what will be next ????? cheesy.gifintheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

    Again you miss the point.

    the term is a derogatory racist ten used by mostly Americans referring to the "enemy" and other S.E. Asians during the wars they fought there.

    saying your wife has nervier heard this term is completely irrelevant.

    It appears that Clarkson & Co were using the term with reference to this and inferring that ALL S.E. Asian peoples must be the same.

    The British used the ten <deleted> originally to refer mostly to Araic people it then sifted to refer to those from the Indian subcontinent. By the time Italians and Greeks were immigrating to Australia, they found themselves of the receiving end of this word.

    it's not who it;s applied to that matters it is the generalisation and thinking behind it that is so appalling.

    And what POINT would that be Numpty, i don't think that Clarkson even knew the implication that YOU are submiting.........................coffee1.gif you should get out more

  7. And we foreigners coming here spending near all our money and paying tax. We are equally as bad as her or even more bad, as we have to attend every 90 days, over a lifetime, not probation for 3 years. JOKE. Just shows you what they think of us.

    You don't have to attend anywhere every 90 days. You can report by post. Apply for permanent residency and you don't have to report at all. You are talking crap.

    Talking "CRAP", i think not, you are a most impolite person with limited knoledge, Go have your morning Coffee newbie.....................coffee1.gif

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  8. When costs out weigh the cash from the sale of rice don't plant it ! or plant juist enough for food, another fk-up caused by the rice pledging scheme with the FARMERS getting shafted instead of rich, and this situation will continue for the next couple of years unfortunatly........................coffee1.gif

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