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Posts posted by Chupup

  1. Abhisit pretends to be reasonable. In fact he is the opposite. He and his party decided to boycott the February elections, and people who block elections, in my view, are the lowest of the low. Added to the charge-sheet is that fact that Abhisit connives with the criminal Suthep, who advocates kidnapping the PM, demonising the Shinewatras, and an extreme policy of opposing democracy.

    As a result, I would place Abhisit in the Thai pantheon of political criminals down there with the fascist Phubul, the corruptest-of-the-corrupt Sarit, and the infamous book-burner Thanin.

    This fellow Oak seems not to have commited any such crimes from what I can gather. He seems to support democracy

    cheesy.gif Having read your post, i would sugest that you do a little research befor posting such drivel whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  2. i seem to remember this lad was caught cheating in his university exam?

    You remember a lie that was promoted in an effort to destroy a young man's life.

    His crime was having notes related to a different subject in his possession. Those documents were seized at the time and reviewed by the university.

    The university stated that the documents were not related to the exam and he was cleared of the accusation.

    Why repeat what is untrue?

    Hey GK " he had notes" and unless you were privy to such notes how can you say it was a lie, what else would the University say with his father the PM ( no pressure brought of course rolleyes.gif ) whistling.gif

  3. When i first moved to Esan the rice was all labour intensive,then i noticed a couple of machines doing the work but basicly it was still labour intensive, Then YL promised all workers a 300bht minimum wage which started the price rises, Now i see mostly machines working the paddys and very much higher prices in the stores

    The Moral is " be careful what you wish for..... you just might grt it"

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