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Posts posted by Chupup

  1. The winning of the next election will indeed be a poisoned chalice as the birds are coming home to roost financially and the true cost of this governments populist self enriching scams schemes is soon to be rendered as an''account payable.''

    Irrespective of what faction or factions may assume power it is going to be extremely rough ride financially and politically and with a high probability of yet more serious civil disorder.

    Be careful in what you wish for acting Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan, the leader of the ruling Pheu Thai Party,you may well get that which you desire. However it isn't going to be just beer and skittles all the way, more like flying skittles that hurt when they hit you and brickbats too.

    Exactly my thoughts on his Quote, great post SP

  2. The controversial money-losing rice price guarantee project is a good example of misconceived and mismanaged populist initiative aimed at winning rural support. The rating agency Moody's and IMF itself have issued warnings that the scheme would become a large black hole of debt and corruption if it is not abandoned soon. To date over Bt450 billion is considered irrecoverable. And the National Counter Corruption Commission is set to rule about corruption practices in the entire scheme

    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."

    When the elected government chose to pass a bill, in the middle of the night, that had been altered to benefit a criminal, and that they knew was hugely unpopular, they earned these protests. Let's get one thing straight, Thaksin Shinawatras name was not on the ballot. Thai people did not elect him to office. Nobody asked him to phone in with his advice, and when elected MPs talk to him, visit him, or follow his orders, they are breaking the law and should be expelled from the legislature. People have a legitimate right to blow the whistle when they see their government breaking the law, I applaud them.

    But when Abhisit is on the phone to his paymasters it's Ok?

    ????........SebD,.Reminder to myself to ignore your nonsence posts in the future.......coffee1.gif

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