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Posts posted by Chupup

  1. The exchange rate was really bad here back in the 90's. After the Asian financial crisis all western currencies sky-rocketed and the baht crashed. People who have only experienced thailand after that need some perspective. Now the western economies are in the shit*er so thus is their currencies.

    The Thai unemployment rate is under 1% so the economy is strong. We may never see that situation again unless like is was in good old days of 1998 to 2004.

    I am glad I am earning baht now.

    Plus the strong baht keeps the prices of imported stuff (like oil and gas) and my favorite foodstuffs in check.

    Funny, seems to me that everything is going UP, food diesle & imported foodstuff Get Real

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  2. Once aqgain the british government are kicking in the balls of the xpat & wife, the short visa at 80 quid is well overpriced as it was at 78 what do they do except give you grief even if you have been to the Uk several times to them we are just a milk cow, what about the price of a renewal for a passport, almost double than in the uk + fees, the economy is a disgrace, but OK if you are NON British and jusat free loading on Brit taxpayers

  3. Pakorn promised that his department would help laid-off workers claim the compensation and benefits to which they were entitled.

    I can't wait to hear what those compensation and benefits exist of.

    Me to, we are STILL waiting for compensation payments for the last 18 months, my M I L is 70 + and gets 500bht a month, can't see the SSO paying any more than that,

  4. "Article 309 endorsed all actions of the 2006 coup regime".. ^^...The operative phrase here being "The Coup regime"..........any other questions?

    But for the PTP, there is a silver lining to this cloud. With the Democrat Party linking itself so closely to defending this "coup regime", certainly positions them accordingly. I'm sure this is not lost on the majority electorate.

    Just solidifies the notion, if it needs solidification, that throughout all this political to-and-fro, following the bouncing ball, always suggests that it is the Democrats who are the principle benficiaries of coups. Is it any wonder therefore, they are defending 309 tooth and nail, and trying the Thaksin change-of-conversation trick behind which to hide their true motives....not to me it isn't.

    Well it wouldn't of course, as YOU only look at things through your RED coloured glasses

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