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Everything posted by Greenhill

  1. Firstly, the numbers you quote are completely unverifiable. Just imagine to be in the middle of a war-zone & making an accurate count of dead people (children). Ok, so let's assume for a minute the figures to be accurate. The 'Gaza Administration i.e. Hamas have built no 'safe-rooms' or bomb shelters to protect their own people with all those billions of USD's, they've been given over the years. Hamas didn't even let Gazan's into the myriad of tunnels they built, which would certainly have provided some shelter against bombing. Hamas cynically & brutally just use civilians to protect themselves. They want a high rate of civilian casualties because they want gullible people, around the world to lap-up the numbers and incite hatred, to try to isolate Israel. Every Israeli home has a safe room & there are air-raid shelters on almost every street corner. This all because Israel values life, whereas Hamas values death.
  2. More nonsense. The main reason why Israel has not defeated Hamas in 8 months is due to their regard for civilian casualties - which they have tried to keep to a minimum. Don't you think Israel is capable of carpet-bombing Gaza if it had no consideration for civilians.
  3. In any case, we are getting way off topic here!!
  4. Please enlighten me what is not true by ANYTHING that I wrote there?
  5. Have they been charged yet, or are you leaping ahead with no facts, as of today?
  6. Is it 'a matter of opinion' that Al-Jazeera is the mouthpiece of the Qatari Govt. or that Qatar hosts the leaders of Hamas - a terrorist organisation?
  7. And just to prove that Israel wanted more & more territory, they handed back the whole of Sinai to Egypt as part of their peace agreement & there has been peace between Egypt & Israel. Israel also withdrew completely from Gaza in 2005, in the vain hope of peace with the Gazan's but that didn't work after Hamas was 'elected'.
  8. So, why don't you quote from Times of Israel, to maintain a balance?
  9. Quoting from Al-Jazeera is a joke in the 1st place. They are a mouthpiece of Qatar Govt. which hosts the Hamas leadership. The war which they refer to above, known as the Israeli War of Independence was NOT started by Israel but by the Arab states which wouldn't agree to the land-split as suggested by the UN.
  10. So, Israel should have started negotiating with Hamas, right after 7th Oct? There is a UN 'peace-keeping force (UNIFIL) between Israel & Lebanon. Are they doing ANYTHING to stop the fighting there??? There was a UN peace-keeping in the Sinai prior to the 1967 Six-Day War but they soon disappeared just before the war started. The UN decided on land-borders between Israel & an Arab State in 1947. The Israeli's accepted those borders but the Arabs started the 1948 War of Independence. Have you seen ANY proposals from Hamas or the PA (in the West Bank), as to what borders they would 'accept'? I've only seen the Hamas Charter, where they say they want all the land between the River Jordan & the Mediterranean & kill all the Jews that are there now. Some wars, which do kill people, do create peace e.g. WWII. There certainly isn't an easy answer to the problem but it's not only that Israel must accept a Palestinian state, the Palestinians must accept an Israeli/Jewish state.
  11. And what did you expect the Israeli's to do, following the massacre of 7th Oct.? Even if you didn't realise the consequences, Hamas did. They fully knew, Israel would retaliate in a major way but they (Hamas), couldn't care less for the Gazan population but issue figures of 'civilian' casualties, without any corroboration - just to stir up anti-Israel/Jewish feelings in the majority who just follow, sheep-like without thinking what is really going on. That is exactly what the Hamas Charter says about killing all Jews/Israelis & making the whole land a Muslim, Sharia based country, which so many Muslims appear to be running away from, witnessed by their mass immigration to Europe & other Western countries, which, strangely enough, they are now trying to ruin & impose Sharia law on but that's exactly what they were running away from in their birth countries!!! Go figure!!!
  12. Have you heard of 'freedom to worship' for ANY religion in the US?
  13. And your response to Hamas barbaric attack on Israel (or your country), would be??????
  14. Hamas started this war. What did you/they expect? - a counting competition??
  15. It's like so much here - just for show!!!!!
  16. It's just too hot!!!! Why would they leave an air-conditioned building to stand outside in this heat?😀
  17. Exactly! Not ONE 'teenager' mentioned?!!!
  18. Yes. Should be about 1,050 bt for 1 box Harnal Ocas 0.4 mg - widely available OTC.
  19. Do the Thai's have any input into whether the UK should unfreeze pensions for their own UK pensioners??
  20. But on the same flight & seated next to each other?? That's what I call - a coincidence!!
  21. Please provide proof that any Jews have attacked Muslims in Golders Green, where there are plenty of Muslims living?
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