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Posts posted by DumFarang

  1. To hammered

    Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

    To most the other commentators

    Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

    Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

    As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

    This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

    Get used to the idea.

    "..........a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme." You repeatedly re-post this untruth, thohe ugh its error has been pointed out to you. The law bans the PM from accepting another paid position while in office - it is there to prevent conflict of interest. Samak's main problem was that he lied in court and was proven to be a liar, and should have faced perjury charges after he left office. Though he was "deposed" he could have been re-appointed the next day, there was nothing to stop this, except that a fugitive criminal decided to run his brother-in-law instead.

    Only computers and idiots repeat the same mistake.

    As said, samak broke the law - the law is very clear - cannot have another paid job whilst sitting in the PM chair. But is seems again and again the likes of thaksin, samak, chalerm, sanoh, sanan and many more think they have some special status - above the law.

    Further, he lied above payment for the cooking show.

    Further, the citizens of any country expect the PM to spend all of his working hours devoted to running and developing the country. Cooking fairly standard Thai dishes has zero connection to running and developing Thailand.

    Further, the recording of the show took much much longer than the total time of broadcasting the showclose (as is the case with recording any show), that time should have been devoted to the duties of PM.

    Further, hardly a positive example for the young of Thailand who desperately need to see leaders who are credible role models.

    Technically you're right down to the letter of the law, yet what about its spirit? Every law has a spirit in that it is written for a certain purpose when it is conceived. Obeying every letter is like actually trying to follow every step of a set of instructions for a prefab construction project. We already know that a screw with a cross-head carved into it takes a Phillips-head screwdriver don't we? So forth and so on, and we can skip certain steps in the instructions as long as the final product is right. Do you get it?

    Of course Samak was dumb to do the show b/c he should've been smart enough to know that it would give his enemies enough ammunition to open fire. But really, was his doing the show a big deal? Did it hurt anything or anyone? No, of course it didn't, except Samak in the end.

    I'm not trying to argue you down. I actually feel sorry for people who interpret laws down to their very letters and fail to see the spirit in which they were conceived. It's sad.

    Clearly a law such as this was meant to combat corruption not the villainy of cooking shows.


  2. Somebody should ask Yingluck what is meant exactly by "Reconciliation?"

    Because her interpretation is going to be very different from many in the country.

    "Reconciliation" is when her sweet brother, the man who had ONLY and SURELY the best for this country in his HEART and MIND, when he came into power in 2001 and during his reign, till the "military Junta" of an "suppressed country" took over and committed so much injustice that he needs to be aquitted from ANY wrongdoing and in one single swipe all the other "wrongly accused" of his team of helpers, arsonists', granade launchers, snipers, bombers, canvassers and the like as well - then everybody will see what justice REALLY is and it will cause much applause on the streets across the country, so the citizens will rush to Suvannabhum airport, which is also a gift of this samaritan national hero, and roll out a red carpet, let rain red rose petals and pray that he may grace this country with his immaculate presence once again and be helpful in bringing this country to the forefront of world economies and make everybody rich,in fact so rich that the streets in Bangkok will be paved with gold bars!

    Yes and this is not from "Notthenation" or a new version, re-write of "Alice in Wonderland"!

    I'll tell you one thing. I don't know if you're a tourist, involved in tourism, a retiree, or what, but I'm in the tourism industry. My god, if this means they finally stop fighting maybe we can all get back to business as usual. If the fighting doesn't stop, then da#%it, how many more years of wondering how bad it will get?


  3. To hammered

    Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

    To most the other commentators

    Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

    Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

    As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

    This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

    Get used to the idea.

    yeah and irakis also loved saddam, germans in the early thirties also loved you know who and north-koreans love their dear leader.

    Seri - I don't recall the Iraqis or the North Koreans ever having a free and fair election under their dictator and yes the Germans did vote for Hilter in the 30s - they suffered the consequences and I doubt they'll ever do it again. So whats your point?

    You know you touch on a good point here. Hitler was voted in by a desperate people who just nodded their heads to whatever he said while thinking, "as long as you make us prosperous please." Interesting to see how things go here b/c the promises of prosperity part has already been issued.

  4. To hammered

    Everytime I read your more sensible comments - i like Titanium even more.

    To most the other commentators

    Come on everyone get a life - PTP Won - why do you think they WON - because the common people of Thailand know what they want and they know who can give it to them. Which is why they voted PTP and why they WON.

    Do you really believe that the millions of Thais who voted PTP didn't know what they were voting for? Do you thinlk they care about the niceties of Thai law?- a law that bans PMs because they appeared on a cooking programme.

    As has been said the establishment lost - they have tried everything to get rid of Taksin - but he won't go away - because he is popular - respected - and despite what you think or believe about him a Thai who is loved by poor Thai people.

    This is their country and they want him back and I'm sure he will be back - why not? he is Thai and he has more of a right to live here than most of us.

    Get used to the idea.

    Of course he has every right to live here, and no one forced him to leave. He was sentenced to prison and fled. For the time being anyway, but probably not for long, he can come back anytime and be arrested.

    And why discourage people from talking about it here in a forum when the subject is on topic? That's pretty much it's raison d'etre. It's a forum. If you don't like the subject maybe you can find an article more to your liking.


  5. Well that didn't take long. whistling.gif

    ...and so it begins.


    Any bets on how many weeks or months it will take before all of this becomes the mother of all tangles, with no answers in any direction.

    Yingluck is not experiences enough to dodge the tangles, very soon everything she says will bring on further criticism as nothing will show any credibility or consistency, or morals.

    I don't even want to think about it! bah.gif

  6. THe methods used to prosecute or persecute these people - coup and politically motivated legal system - cannot be regarded as valid. THe majority of Thai people have voted against this and the situation needs to be set straight.

    Because of the lack of separation of the legislative executive etc any legal rulings during the past 5 years really can't be worth the paper they are written on. Whether justified or not.

    Many posters seem to think that so long as an action is in support of someone they agree with, it doesn't matter what that action is or was. Well it does matter as part of establishing a secure democracy, there needs to be both an independent judiciary and a de-politicised military.

    Whether or not the intentions of this new government are genuine remains to be seen.

    but one thing is sure is that Thaksin cannot remain in exile when the majority of the country want him back. Hopefully this time there will be an increased awareness by all sides of appropriate democratic procedures.

    THe string of cynical partisan posts on TV does nothing but show how vacuous some members are.

    Exactly right. Many years ago I hoped it was the end of Thaksin but it isnt and people have chosen in the election of let the people choose. Those who lost need to accept it and move on. The alternatives for them would seem to only get worse as time goes by. Every bit of resistance of all things Thaksin ironically only seems yo delay the day when the country will move beyond him

    Stop spoiling all the fun!


  7. THe methods used to prosecute or persecute these people - coup and politically motivated legal system - cannot be regarded as valid. THe majority of Thai people have voted against this and the situation needs to be set straight.

    Because of the lack of separation of the legislative executive etc any legal rulings during the past 5 years really can't be worth the paper they are written on. Whether justified or not.

    Many posters seem to think that so long as an action is in support of someone they agree with, it doesn't matter what that action is or was. Well it does matter as part of establishing a secure democracy, there needs to be both an independent judiciary and a de-politicised military.

    Whether or not the intentions of this new government are genuine remains to be seen.

    but one thing is sure is that Thaksin cannot remain in exile when the majority of the country want him back. Hopefully this time there will be an increased awareness by all sides of appropriate democratic procedures.

    THe string of cynical partisan posts on TV does nothing but show how vacuous some members are.

    A de-politicized military is a phantom claim even if, or perhaps especially when, it is most claimed.

  8. Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

    Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


    We might as well just get the group amnesties over now and see the country move on as delaying it is just going to add more and more people to those needing amnesty and increasing utter hatred and eventually it will still happen but after more acrimony.

    The establishment have lost. They need to accept this as if they dont the only options they have left are a horrible violent coup that will probably result in failure or ever more court cases that more and more people see as poltically motivated and unfair to the point where the whole justice system is discredited. This was a let the people chose election and they have. They have rejected the establishment and their supporters and chosen Thaksin and his even after the establishment and the poltical parties close to them had two years to change minds or even crush their opponents. They failed in such a way that PTP are now stronger and more united than PPP 4 years ago. Unless anyone wants to see more tragedy, it is time to put this to bed, and if that means a few old elite figures have to go to tending their flower beds rather than sitting in smoke filled rooms plotting what the government are allowed to do then so be it.

    Right now the country has a senate, a reasonable sized opposition and the courts havent been totally undermined in government supporters minds. There is also the media. This is a check and balance enough on a government coalition. Thailand remains a functioning developing democracy if it is allowed to be. Sadly further interferance will only destroy this with the only possible outcomes being a military backed up hated government of probably useless old people with no forward vision but plenty of backward vision, or a Thaksin government full of suspicion, utter hatred and control of everything and with absoltuely no check and balance on it. Neither of these scenarios is anywhere near as good as letting the elected goevernment get on with its job and the check and balances theirs while those who like to interfere find more pastoral pursuits and enjoy family time

    And when have you known politicians to stop going for each other's throats?


  9. A review of his case sounds fair to me.

    Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

    - Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

    - Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

    - Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

    These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

    I see your point, but you act as if the group that acquits him will do it fairly. He was condemned by enemies and he'll be acquitted by friends. Where's the fairness in that?


  10. It don't matter. He's still divisive for the simple reason that he was in charge when the demo at RJP got busted. Whatever you think about the merits of how he handled it, the fact is as Hammered said it'll always be something to distract from any re-invention of the Dem Party —— and hell do they need reinventing.

    Naaaa...Thaksin's divisive for the simple reason that there are people who will always love him and those who will always hate him. He really forces people to take sides, even after exile. Unless Abhisit wants to get back in the spotlight he should be able to just quietly fade away now. I personally like the guy. I always found him believable and felt in my gut that he has a good heart. His legacy will probably always be RJP and the 91 deaths, but there are a lot of positives that could catch up with him too given enough time. Until then, unfortunately, he's just the guy who stepped in after the military coup, tried, and failed, albeit against nearly impossible odds. When people like him fail they're a distraction and an old, tarnished face when a new one is needed, just as Abhisit was when the military stepped aside. He's not a political wedge like Thaksin is. Being divisive and being a distraction are two similar yet completely different things. Thaksin=divisive--Abhisit=distraction


  11. he is now in reality divisive and distractive for a huge number of people and to reelect him will only be lessen effectiveness of opposition and lessen the chance of offering a viable alternative, which is difficult enough already.

    How is Abhisit divisive? It is only UDD's smear campaigns that have tarnished him. He and the The Democrats should have made a public effort to counter such smear campaigns, however, instead of getting into mud slinging matches, it seems that Abhisit just wanted to quietly and diligently focus on his job and let the people see the good outcomes that help them. The problem was that the noise of the UDD kept the attention of the people on their hate campaigns and not on Abhisit's achievements.

    Could Abhisit file some defamation suits?

    Yes and the mud slung at him stuck and now he is a distraction from the opposition doing their job and a viable alternative party being moved towards. It doesnt matter if he was technically good or liked by some people or some feel sorry for him. Political reality is that in many places he is seen as unelectable and quite worse. Politics isnt a nice clean game. And in the places where Abhisit is seen this way there is sympathy for Thaksin who they think unfairly driven out. To them their hero who was elected was driven out by a coup, which isnt democratic or legal and then eventually Abhisit was forced onto them by the same guys who led the coup and then he oversaw/ordered the killings at Rachaprasong. This is how it is seen and that isnt going to change. Time to move on to an untainted leader or just face more defeat and confrontation. Of course Abhisit is divisive and worse a major distraction from his party being able to do anything. This is about political reality that has just been amply demonstrated in a national election. Do the losers want to move on and become competetive again, which is actually good for the country, or do they want to just refight the same battles ad infinitum until totally destroyed, which also isnt very good for the country. The coup of 2006 was an utter failure and the wrongs that have come from it can be righted now in a deal or be fought over again and again until the outcome is a lot more devatastating for the side that is always losing. It really is time to move on. The dems and their supporters have just had two years in power and all theyhave done is increase the Thaksin side majority. The writing is on the wall. It just needs to be read.

    Oh and if you go back and check all my old posts, you will find I am not someone who supported Thaksin or any of his parties. But it really is time to end all this and look to the future and that future is going to imho include Thaksin

    Mostly true, it's a good post. However, Abhisit still isn't divisive. His party actually wants him back since he resigned. He was just the guy standing at the head of the Democratic line when all the mud stuck, so he decided to step out of the way and let it stick to someone else for a change, smart move. Whoever gets the next majority leader job for the dems will be in the same line of fire Abhisit was, b/c it was aimed at hurting their party and its pursuits. He's just not a very controversial figure like say Thaksin is or even his sister. Abhisit would have to be more dangerous and interesting to be counted among the divisive characters of Thai politics. He's more like that smart dog the family used to own that always shook hands and rolled over on command, and that made him part of the family.


  12. he is now in reality divisive and distractive for a huge number of people and to reelect him will only be lessen effectiveness of opposition and lessen the chance of offering a viable alternative, which is difficult enough already.

    How is Abhisit divisive? It is only UDD's smear campaigns that have tarnished him. He and the The Democrats should have made a public effort to counter such smear campaigns, however, instead of getting into mud slinging matches, it seems that Abhisit just wanted to quietly and diligently focus on his job and let the people see the good outcomes that help them. The problem was that the noise of the UDD kept the attention of the people on their hate campaigns and not on Abhisit's achievements.

    Could Abhisit file some defamation suits?

    Agreed. Thaksin, the whole PTP, and the Dems in general are far more divisive than Abhisit will ever be.


  13. What the anti-Thaksin brigade do not mention is that it is highly likely - and this is backed up by talking with many policeman - that most of the killings were in fact done by the drug lords.

    The drug lords did not want the little people "shopping" them and implicating them, so they set about wiping out the dealers and erasing the links back to them.

    It was thugs killing thugs in most cases.

    And yes, you will find most Thai people were very happy with the war on drugs, and they hope another one comes again soon, and it is one of the reasons they keep voting TRT, PPP, PTP.

    That is the line the police and government came out with at the time. No human rights organization ever bought that it was a major factor. That people are so willing to support extra-judicial killing is a big worry in any society that hopes to be democratic. Everyone deserves their day in court whatever they have done in a democracy and it is usually best to look at what the neutrals say about such campaigns rather than interested parties. After all we wouldnt ask the army about the May killings and beleive their response. If any more drug wars are launched lets hope they are done within the law and not subject to multiple criticisms by the human rights organizations

    Edited to add: Back on subject the Democrat party need to find a leadership that appeals to all including more to people in areas that they are currently unpopular in. Any democracy needs a both an opposition and a viable alternative to the governing party and right now the Democrats are really the only choice for these roles in Thailand, and they need to do better. Whether people like Abhisit or not or whether they think he is fairly or unfairly labelled, he is now in reality divisive and distractive for a huge number of people and to reelect him will only be lessen effectiveness of opposition and lessen the chance of offering a viable alternative, which is difficult enough already. And whether Thaksin is divisive or not is irrelevent to these decisions about the Democrat leadership

    Actually I'm kind of thinking that Thaksin's the divisive figure. Is he not? Abbhisit just didn't do anything that made him particularly popular and aided in his party losing. I wouldn't call that a dividing force, not to mention his party hasn't mounted an effective campaign in decades.

    However, I agree that it is moot. Absolutely the Dems must find a way to reach out to more people, especially the north.


  14. Just what you would hope for & expect, an honest man keeps his pre-election word, and gives his party the opportunity to consider other options. :jap:

    what about the death of 91 people? how do you know he is honest?

    And you think he has the blood of 91 dead people on his hands? That was a very complex situation. How would you have handled it?


  15. Whatever you think of him it's clear Abhisit was a divisive figure in the Thai political landscape. Let us hope a new Yellow leader emerges who is both more willing and able to identify/engage with the Reds allowing the Dems to undermine Thaksin's powerbase with the Poor/North. Only then I think will the Dems be able to lead the Nation democratically and in a truly representative manner.

    If the Dems are smart, and I'm not saying they are, they could bide their time until the bs policies like this price hike on rice finally turn out not to be helping. Surely there will be others too. Then they can move in and try to fix the situation/s with the farmers that the PTP is almost surely going to create. That would help curry favor in the north. Who knows what they'll do, but they can't stand by and allow this almost civil war-like divide to exist between the political parties and the north and south.

    The northerners/poor have shown that they must be heard, now they need better representation than the likes of Thaksin and family.


  16. You've definitely got that right, but I think a large percentage of the debate here has centered around the fact that Thailand's majority, the agrarian north, are primarily poorly educated, disgruntled people, easily sidetracked with the waving of a carrot in front of their faces. These people have spoken, but do they really understand what they've said?

    The issue isn't that they are well, or poorly educated. They feel they have been left behind for a very long time, simply to provide produce for a very select bunch of people in Bangkok to generate enormous wealth. No political party gave a dam_n about them until TRT came along. Not the dems, not any of the local overlords, no one. All PTP has done in their various political guises is make the people in the countryside believe that they have their needs at the forefront of their ideas and policies. Hardly a political wonderstroke.

    Now I don't presume that TRT/PTP is the best answer for their problems, but it isn't much of a political stunt to take a 75 year old political party and stand up after 75 years and claim "We are the people who will help you", when apparently they didn't even notice you existed for 75 years. I don't blame anyone in the North, or North East for voting PTP, it isn't as though they had too many believable options among the political parties who had any track record in delivering anything to make their lot in life one iota easier or quickly tangibly better.

    What amazes me, is that no one political party noticed this before, which would only lead me to believe that they were encouraged not to, because it suited the business aims of a few in Bangkok. Roll on the price increases for commodities, and listen to the traders in Bangkok plead poverty.

    Fair enough. Who can blame them for responding to the first party that actually paid attention to them. Personally my hope here is that these are the first ugly steps in the rise of Thailand's middle class, because the whole rich and poor gap never works. The PTP will probably last for quite some time. I just hope they get over Thaksin and puppet/s et al. They need to move on and get a real agenda.

  17. Yingluck ran a tight campaign, Abhisit a lack luster one, he seemed to anticipate defeat, I think he was getting the message from both the army and higher up that he was on his own. He may even have been told to throw the fight, I think deals have been made which only indirectly involve politics.

    No, the Thai people have voted TRT to power, TRT to power, TRT to power, PPP to power, PTP to power.

    Its got nothing to do with being told to lose - they always lose now as everyone hates their corrupt puppet masters.

    Every excuse under the sun will come out for the apologists to the invisible hand BUT the Thai people choose Thaksin and his party - that is democracy and until the invisible hand starts meddling again that is way it will be.

    You've definitely got that right, but I think a large percentage of the debate here has centered around the fact that Thailand's majority, the agrarian north, are primarily poorly educated, disgruntled people, easily sidetracked with the waving of a carrot in front of their faces. These people have spoken, but do they really understand what they've said?

    There is no educational test to be allowed to vote in a demcoracy. It is pretty much omov based on a constituency and party system. As education and other demographic factors change then so may voting habits and parties. Then again how many well educated and rich westerners vote for the party offering the biggest tax cut even when the country is in mega debt?

    Well obviously there's no education test in order to vote, only a requirement of citizenship. This hasn't added to the debate at all. I feel dumber.


  18. Yingluck ran a tight campaign, Abhisit a lack luster one, he seemed to anticipate defeat, I think he was getting the message from both the army and higher up that he was on his own. He may even have been told to throw the fight, I think deals have been made which only indirectly involve politics.

    No, the Thai people have voted TRT to power, TRT to power, TRT to power, PPP to power, PTP to power.

    Its got nothing to do with being told to lose - they always lose now as everyone hates their corrupt puppet masters.

    Every excuse under the sun will come out for the apologists to the invisible hand BUT the Thai people choose Thaksin and his party - that is democracy and until the invisible hand starts meddling again that is way it will be.

    You've definitely got that right, but I think a large percentage of the debate here has centered around the fact that Thailand's majority, the agrarian north, are primarily poorly educated, disgruntled people, easily sidetracked with the waving of a carrot in front of their faces. These people have spoken, but do they really understand what they've said?

  19. Pretty speaker especially in English - and I liked him because I don't speak enough Thai. But I'm not Thai - I'm a guest in this lovely country and the PEOPLE have spoken. So I must support an earlier member - Good Riddance.

    If, like someone argued above - he was a real statesman and an honourable man - he should have called an election earlier and the Reds could have won it - (like they have done now) Instead of being stubbon and intrangient - which in the end resulted bloodshed and extra judical killings which have made this great country look like a banana republic. Without that we would already be well on the way to full reconcilliation and development. The troubles could have been avoided - people were angry because their vote for the Government of their choice was subverted - by court rulings (banning a guy who appered on a cooking program - really) and allies crossing the floor to join a group of people who occupied an International airport and got away scot free. I can tell you that little incident moved more airlines to hubs in Malayasia and Singapore than the occupation of a down town junction.

    So bye bye Abhesit - I don't think there are going to be too many folk crying about your departure - remember you only really deserve what you WIN not what you grab or steal.

    Just thought about that last comment - There are some folk crying for you but unfortunately they all seem to be expats on a very right wing site - who don't count politically because they don't have a vote - they like me should just be glad to be living here and be prepared to accept that the majority of the electorate have spoken and that they are sensible and reasonable citizens - and that they voted Red because they want someone they appreciate to come home.

    Most of this is total bs. Of course we, as visitors, are entitled to our opinions. We just don't get to vote so it has no bearing on the outcome. There's absolutely no reason you need to support the outcome unless you are opposed to the Dems. all by your self.


  20. Great, now with the Reds back in power the Yellows will have to protest again or lose face. Now those people know how to protest. They're the educated ones, remember? They do things like shut down an international airport putting an immediate choke chain on international travel while the lower class, simple minded, farming Reds are torching buildings. How much more can Thai tourism take? Please let it end.


  21. I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

    He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

    That was a very complex situation. There was no one solution. I thought he handled it quite well. The protests, looting, burning, and violence had to be stopped. It could have been tanks and rolling thunder. Think about it. A lot of people were put on buses and safely returned home.


  22. "As the Democrat Party leader during the election, we won fewer seats than in the previous election, so I think as a good leader I should take responsibility by resigning."

    He never had a mandate! Not one but. Military backing was his only mandate - and Abhisit should never ever have been in power.

    Now, at last, justice has been done and PTP/red shirts are back in power: exactly what the majority of the people want. And for those who point to the burning of Bangkok last year: never forget that injustice through non-democratic methods (as we saw in Thailand many years ago with Suchinda, and in many other countries across the world since) can bring a powerful backlash.

    Open your eyes. Thaksin's "political machine" as another poster termed it has been giving handouts to the poor in exchange for support for years, support of any kind: votes, protests, any kind. Thailand's majority is poor and dumb, sorry, but facts are facts. If you tell them their life will be better and it is you who can improve it they will offer support. Thaksin talked the talk while embezzling his country and selling out to foreign interests. Wake up.


  23. I'm Brian and so's my (non Isaan) wife!

    He's not the messiah...he's a very naughty boy....

    Life of Brian took about 15 hours, so it's midday on Election Day, my wife has voted, picked up some more beer (hidden in a noodle box), moving on to the Holy Grail! I'll report back later!

    And now (later) for something completely (same, same but) different!

    A man with two butts!

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