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Posts posted by sprq

  1. it's perfectly obvious why the military should pass on a lot of its budget - they already have far more stuff than they need. The police, however, always look underfunded in many ways: transportation, technology, training, etc etc. So giving money back just looks like a knee-jerk "hey, we want to look good too" reaction rather than a sensible move.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, CMHomeboy78 said:

    For anybody old enough to remember, the Beatles personified the Mods, the Stones did a good imitation of the Rockers.

    The Mods rode scooters, the Rockers rode Triumphs, BSAs, and Harleys.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Quite wrong. Neither the Beatles nor the Stones represented the mods or the rockers. They were both far above any such connections.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    I would like to know that some brave reporter would ask the question during the daily questions to the UK government on this - Head of Mi6 say they lied, what are we going to do about it. But I fear ALL questions are screened before asking and the feed delayed to prevent knowledge of questions like these being asked


    I would be surprised if questions are pre-screened. But I do think reporters are chary of asking questions which might get their organisation banned from future press conferences.

  4. 45 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

    The deflection was a Thai Doctor claiming the superspreader at the boxing match in Bangkok had connections to, wait for it ... ITALY.


    They never identified who the spreader was but in print and in print in Thai newspapers this cluck said it was the virulent Italian Strain. So that is what the Thai public got. They shut him up pretty quick but just like Anutin, he was never punished or called on the carpet about his Bullpucky. That tells you what you need to know


    The story was  the virus was introduced to a so called "super spreader" after a relative arrived back from Italy. Suddenly 50 people were infected at a boxing event and these have gone on to cause a rocket in cases in Thailand.  ---- so without any science to back it up that is what Thai papers got.

    Dirty Evil Farangs ... sic

    Not the first case of this new xenophobia, unfortunately. For the first time in my four decades in Thailand, this farang gets the feeling when I'm out that people irrationally don't like me.

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  5. 5 hours ago, ukrules said:

    They stopped my package containing a digital thermometer that reads the ear temperature towards the end of February.


    They needed all sorts of documents including my original passport (which never leaves my side), of course I told them to pjss off, I never did get the electronic thermometer.


    They are lying. This came from the US, stopped at customs and now it's showing up as 'lost'.


    I wonder who's using my thermometer now?


    I regard it as having been stolen by the state.

    I had a package of two hearing aids stopped in the same way last year. The requirement to show the actual passport to customs is absolutely idiotic. In the end, I let the courier take it and show it to them, but with great misgivings.


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