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Posts posted by jayenram

  1. My thai girlfriend is 24 years old and worked as a waitress for Bht 1,800 a month. It took me 3 months to get her to go out with me and another 2 months to loose her chaperone. Since then she's lived with me for a year (initially in separate bedrooms) and we're very happy together. How long it will last is a different story.
  2. As far as I can tell, I've only had one post deleted from the forum. The post was removed by george because it was very 'critical' of immigration officials. However, george eMailed me and advised of the removed and the reasons why. I had no complaints.
  3. The Chong Chom border crossing is 70 km virtually directly south of Surin. To travel by bus you will need to change at Prassat. Due to the irregularity/infrequency of the service you would probably need to put a full day aside for the run.

    An alternative would be to use the private car taxi service operated from The Farang Connection (http://farangconnection.awebspace.com/). I believe the cost is Bht 900.00 for the return trip. You may need to book the car the day before travelling.

    As stated, the cost of a Khmer visa is Bht 1,100.00 and if you return to Thailand the same day, then the Khmers will ask for between Bht 100.00 and Bht 300.00 (depending on whose shift it is) when you exit. There is no charge to enter Thailand.

    “but they will help you by donating 1000 bht to thai immigration then you wont need any visa to cambodia they will stamp you in immidiately to thailand (dont need to go to cambodia) and it takes about 20 minuits.”

    Regarding the above, I have heard of a number of people obtaining their visa this way but I personally would not recommend it. The paying of a ‘donation’ indicates to me that this method is rather suspect.

    There is a thread regarding this aspect but for the life of me I can’t locate it.

  4. Why do cops (upcountry) pull over the driver if he/she's not wearing a helmet, but ignore pillion riders (like their heads don't crack on impact)?

    A question:

    If there are 4 people on a motorbike, who is obliged to wear the helmet? The driver or the passenger at the front?

  5. My advice would be to transfer from your UK bank to a 'reputable' Thai bank. Then open another account with a different 'reputable' Thai bank, draw the money out of the first bank in cash and deposit it in the second one. I guess this is probably not foolproof, but it worked for me during my divorce.
  6. Is that the left hand lane or the right hand lane?

    The lane closest to the center divider is for passing only outside the cities.

    The lane closest to the center divider is for passing only outside the cities.

    I don't think you detected my sarcasm. It could be that you've never driven in Issarn. My question was: if you are driving the wrong way down a dual carriageway, do you use the left hand or right hand lane?


  7. I live in a village but the location is within the Surin Amphur so land is expensive. In my opinion, Surin has more to offer than Buriram, but of course, it hasn't got all the facilities of Korat or Khon Kaen. By the way, there are around 150 farangs living in or around Surin.
  8. Prior to building my house 3.5 years ago, I was told a good rule of thumb was Bht 5,500 per square metre. Increasing this by Bht 1,500 /sq m to allow for grade A materials and Farang styling brings you to Bht 7,000.00. Add around Bht 50,000 for european style kitchen units etc., Bht 35,000 for each a/c unit and Bht 40,000 for a half decent looking garden.

    My 110 sq metre house was pretty close to Bht 7,000/ sq m. However, that was almost 4 years ago.

  9. Many of my farang friends live in villages somewhat remote from the town (I live 3 km out of Surin). Personally I couldn't deal with village life, but they appear to manage. As has been said, it's each to his own, horses for courses. However, if it's going to be home for the rest of your life, make sure you know what you're doing.
  10. A collegue of mine (a Scot) ate at an Indian restaurant in London with friends. Apparently, the service was a terrible standard and, finding that a service charge was included in the bill, deducted 10% prior to settling it. All the staff and the manager explained that he couldn't do that but he stood his ground and eventually left leaving the staff scowling.
  11. I supervised the building of my house 3 years ago. It's typical thai style, single story, columns and beams but the interior is more farang style. I kept away from structural timber as the termites and ants could be a big problem.

    I bought plans from a local architect and then made amendments to increase the sizes of some of the rooms (particularly the kitchen - thais appear to prefer very small kitchens).

    At that time I paid the foreman Bht 220.00, craftsmen Bht 150.00 and labour Bht 100.00 - 120.00. I paid for all the materials as and when they were needed.

    The Khmer labour was reasonably good but I felt I had to be 'on site' continuously to supervising the work, particularly during the finishings.

    I incorporated the best materials available and the overall price, including fitted euro-style kitchen, 110 sq metres, was Bht 800,000 approx. A friend of mine is utilising my plans with amendments and a local builder has quoted him Bht 880,000.

    Overall, I'm very pleased with the result. There are a number of changes I would make if I built another but that is likely to be the case whatever.

  12. Following my return from Malaysia before Christmas, I awaited the 90 days and duly reported back to Kab Cheong Immigration. There would then be 100 days until it was time to renew my visa, I asked if it was necessary to report within 90 days and then return  around 10 days later for visa renewal. The officer didn't appear to have a problem with that. This was confirmed 100 days later when I renewed my visa without question.
  13. A lot depends where you will be driving. The roads outside the main urban centres are not usually well maintained therefore whilst a car may be more comfortable, a pick-up (4 x 4) will probably be more durable. FYI I can drive around 500 km on about 60 litres of diesel in my Mazda Fighter (long run).
  14. Although I split up with my Thai wife almost 2 years ago, her relations still occasionally call round asking for money (albeit small amounts). I just say "mai" to which I usually get the response "mai-mee?" My final comment is "mai mai-mee - mai". This usually does the trick.
  15. OK, my house and pick-up are paid for. I receive Bht 35,000 a month pension. We (2 persons) live on this very well. We also have a/c and UBC, three telephones but fortunately, no family spongers.
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