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Posts posted by 1sickpuppy

  1. Although I feel for this person, when you visit or settle in a foreign country you have to realize you have to abide by their rules and laws. Go in with your eyes open, you are not in your country anymore. No matter how superior you feel in what you consider a third world country, they are a sovereign nation and you abide by their rules and laws.

    Just another pommie pedophile, too many of them here, hope he enjoys his holiday

  2. Ping 248ms? What did you ping? Does your actual internet use "feel" fast?

    Yes that ping is outragous i used to get that amount 5 years ago on kee kneeow line now i have been using true after using TOT then 3bb who all whored out there lines got true got 30 mb downloads or sometimes 4.5 mb , been in Thailand 21 years trues actually works, for me anyways, is trial & error good luck in your location, my ping is F---all

  3. 2015 and thaland airports still dont have those automatic guiding systems for a correct landing... if half of the planes could land in chiang rai, why 2 had to fly back to port of origin ?

    Are you retarted? i live northern Thailand, i cannot see 100 feet lety alone metres at best of times, had no wind at all, maybe they got some later in the day. Probably why some planes went elswhere, ya do not have to be a rocket sciencetest to work this out. What planet do you come from?

  4. You can't really do anything.

    I had the same problem many years back and a friend of mine just had the same problem a few months ago.

    The best, just move on and learn from it.

    Forget lawyers. If you really want to go after them hire a hixmex

    Seriously if you have more than half a brain, why would you push shit uphill ? if you have the $ rent, dont do buisiness they will find a way to screw you out of it, enough said. is great country great people, but do not do buisiness, you have a better chance of winning in Iraque

    • Like 1
  5. Don't try and overdo it, traveling takes time and energy and was something that I overlooked last time I went.

    The Lake District was a winner for my missus, but so was the tour of Old Trafford.

    Having roast lamb for Sunday lunch in an English pub had appeal, as did most of the real ales!

    We are going again for a month in June/July and I always 'bookend' my trips with 3 nights in London. The tourist things are there for a reason so Buckingham Palace is a must. The British museum is interesting - and free. Covent Garden has so much going on and Leicester Square, Oxford St/Bond Street are worth a look. My misus spent over 3 hours in Primark, Oxford St - that is a morning gone. I would recommend the London Eye.

    There is so much more to see and you are the only one who can second guess what your GF might like. 10 days is not long and if you have family/friends to meet that time will soon get taken up. Quality is better than quantity in my opinion.

    Don't forget to pack Mama noodles as your GF will need a fix of Thai food and UK prices for Thai food are horrendous.

    Get her to steal a loaf of bread, she might get lucky & get sent to the land of Oz like the smarter Poms did, at least then she would get to see smething worth seeing, & they even have started playing girls football, i think you call that soccer over there,

  6. are you gay or have you found something nobody else has in last 30 years, either that or your not fussy

    Not at all but by avoiding Thai women

    1. With young child/ren

    2. With unfunded financial imperatives

    3. With family members unable to support themselves and

    4. With the impression they'll receive a monthly handout

    I've not had even a WHIFF of the nonsense men like you have to deal with.

    I make as many mistakes as the next guy but by sticking to those basic rules of engagement, it's easy to avoid making them with Thai women.

    I've no doubt whatsoever that there are some true gems out there who do have one or more of the no-nos I mentioned but why take the risk when there are so many gems who don't?

    Good ideas mate,
    but I'm a bald, fat, sweaty four eyed geek and I'm 60, so what do you think my chances are of getting one that fits your ideas and under 35 years old without a cash incentive?

    If you want I can sent you some photos......not entirely without....any....cash incentive ...though
  7. Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.

    i totally agree but you & i wouldnt be living in these countries otherwise, there all looking for that bit extra, been here over 20 years tell me it isnt so, what is the difference 100 300 baht here to as what others are doing, same all over

  8. seriously i have 2 cats the female frefers the tuna you buy at locol market for 100 baht is enough for 3 days, the male cat will eat it as well but prefers babeqed chicken which costs me 120 baht for a huge chicken & my better half eats half of it & dried food is the rest, you do not want the canned shit unless you would eat it yourself, im am a vegitarian i eat cheaper than they do, all i can say is thank _uck they dont drink beer

  9. Those who are paying 6, 7 k should check their deep down values of respect to human being dignity. Ask yourself what you can do with this amount of money? Strange enough these people will talk about justice, democracy and humanism while their actions are far from that.

    Another useless quote from a Troll with no understanding on Thai lifestyles.

    Gotta be a tight assed Pom eh

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