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Posts posted by 1sickpuppy

  1. Just now, sanemax said:

    But have you been on a border run in the last few years ? After the rule change ?

    i only use it every 3 months know because i have a multiple entry retirement visa, before that i had to cross the border every 2 weeks. if you atemt it you may be lucky just make sure to take your flight intenery with you, but to be safe i would use the option to extend at local immigration office to be safe. google it australians only get a 2 week entry  by landcrossings mate

  2. On 12/23/2017 at 5:35 PM, ubonjoe said:

    a. No problem at all to get a 30 day visa exempt entry unless you have already done 2 of them at a land border crossing this year. You could cross and immediately return if you wanted to.

    b/c I cannot help with those 2 questions.

    Australians only get 2 weeks crossing the border here. i know have lived there over 20 years. just go to your local immigration pay the 1.900 baht to get an extension, cheers

  3. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    These kids that were driving were obviously way out of control. Why not just yield to the other driver? Why the need to keep up, and overcome? What is that? Where does that lack of self esteem come from? And astonishing sense of inferiority, a lack of manhood, no self esteem, one could speculate forever. 


    I have been saying for a long time now, the youth of today are very scary people. They have little perspective on anything, and it seems that most parents worldwide, have lost the art of parenting. The very fact that this kid would act like this is proof, that his mother and father have been absent on the job. I am very, very fortunate to not have children. But, if I had them, I would be very strict. Children need boundaries, much like pets. They will test you, to determine where the limits are, and will try to find how far they can push you. These days parents are so hung up on trying to be "friends" with their kids, they hesitate to show them the limits. I see that everywhere I go these days. Here in Thailand it is very pronounced. I hear it is worse in China, where the parents spoil their kids rotten. It is very bad in the US. If I were in the position of this mother, when we got home, he would be locked in his room for a week. No school, no play, no TV, no devices, no screens, 2 meals a day, some water, and a bucket for elimination. With a padlock on the outside of the door. He would learn very quickly where his limits were. And my guess it that he would straighten out. Please, no lectures on parent cruelty. I am NOT a believer in political correctness. On any level. Kids are kids. Parents are parents. They owed it to these kids to teach them something, about basic values. Anything.


    And why are these drivers speeding in the first place? The primary reason is the toy police force. Nobody, and I mean nobody takes these guys seriously. There is absolutely nothing in the way of a deterrent here, and both the local governments, the central government (weak Little P.) and the police do not take traffic safety seriously. Not even one iota. The safety of the public means less than zero to the small men in charge here. Nothing. They show that on a daily basis.


    When I was growing up, we took drivers education classes. They showed us these horrendous films, of semi trucks crashing into cars, and literally obliterating them, and everything inside. Also, they showed very graphic images of head on collisions. Even as a young kid, it left a lasting impression, and I realized driving was no joking matter. Especially when you have your friends, or loved ones in the car with you. I am constantly astonished at the kinds of chances people take here, with their entire family in the car with them. Why? What is the logic? What is the reason? Why take those risks? Often, when someone cuts onto the highway in front of me, as I am doing 100kpm or more on the highway, I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me for quite some distance. Which means, had they paused, and waited 2 or 3 seconds, there would have been zero risk to them, their family, or me and my family. What can one even say? All of this matters even more when driving a motorbike, where there is no protection. 


    The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. 



    Same as driving anywhere in the world, western countries are a lot worse. lots of Mr Ma Goos, i have lived here 23 years, no problem, in western countries been run over by idiots, so why people like to bash Thais, if it is so bad go home

  4. 10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    The OP is an opinion piece patched together by some Reuters employees. 

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  


    Iraq I War showed how wrong the US was, to worry about whether, in that case, Iraqi defenses could hamper vanguard USAF tech.  

    On the other side of the coin.  Prior to and during the VN war, the US military had no doubt its superior tech would force Viet Cong to capitulate in a short time.   How wrong was the Pentagon on that call?  56,000 dead young American men wrong.  


    War is many things, but always unpredictable. N.Korea won't be able to shoot down stealth US aircraft, but that's a relatively small component in what would ensue in a war there.  


    It's like a homeowner, when he hears a prowler breaking into his house:  the homeowner puts on a bulletproof vest and says to his wife, "that prowler won't be able to pierce this vest and plunge a knife into my chest, isn't that great?!"    The wife knows there are a whole lot of other harmful things a prowler can inflict.


    I think the VN would have capitulated if the Govt asswipes had left it to the military, try reading the bright shining lie

  5. 1 hour ago, giddyup said:

    Last year I cancelled my Thai marriage because of advice given on this forum. Advice that suggested it was a bad move getting married in Thailand because of the possibility of Centrelink reducing the OAP. Has anyone had this actually happen to them, and if so, how did Centrelink become aware?

    A friend of mine lost about 1 third of his pension marrying a Thai over 10 years ago, the next year he got divorced to her so  got pull pension back, but still lived with her, i do not know how Aust govt found out, maybe a jealous friend, could be many things, cheers

  6. 23 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    You  have  no  electric output  in  you  garage?

    Unlike liquid  fuels  and  supply  points which  have  been  cleverly   designed  for  compulsory   convenience and  profitability  there  is  an ignored  factor as  yet  about   electric  vehicles.

    The  vast  majority  of  privately operated vehicles   travel  less  than   160 kms  in  any  day. The  range  of  electric  vehicles has   for a long  time  well  exceeded  that  range. Which  means  that  such  vehicles  have   also  had a  very  viable  market  for  a  very  long time. And  that recharging   at  home  has  also  been a   very  viable  option.

    That  market  has  been  willingly  been  sabotaged   by  the   petro   Industry due  to the  political /financial implications of  influence.

    For  that  reason  electric   vehicles  have mostly  remained  in the  "experimental "  status of  manufacturers showcasing generally  with  the  excuse   that   long   range   capacity  has been  a  limitation.

    The  concession  to this  has been  the worthless  hybrid  petro/electric scams .

    Also ignored  is  that   solar  panels  generating energy  into wasteful  national  grids  are  now  considered   viable  yet the  concept  of  them  being  incorporated into the  rooftops  of  the  average  vehicle is  a  non  subject?

    The  impact  on  electric  energy supply  is  too  often given as  a  negative  for  electric  vehicles while deliberately ignoring  many easley  offsetting achieved factors.

    3  years  ago  I  was  priviledged  to  test  ride  an  all electric production "super   bike" with a  200+ kmph top speed,  rang  of 350 kms  at  full  capacity and  1.5 hour   recharge   time. Almost silent  and  scarey!  And  priced  comparably with an  iconic noisy dinosaur ! I can  not  afford  either   but  I  know  that if I  could  where  my  money  would  go!





    You are spot on, they just want the tax $ same ciggs & alcohol, like they give a _uck about clean air

  7. 6 hours ago, kotsak said:

    What was he thinking? You need more than a few brain cells for that..


    another Buffalo, he should be charged with manslaughter at least, hope the girls family  get several million baht compensation Fair would be 20 to 30 million, you cannot replace life, taken by some idiot who abuses the privilege of stupidity

  8. 27 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    been down this road many times with all the electric going off all the time, cost me thousands of pounds sterling, TV;s fridge, salt water system for pool. i just bite the bullet and get on with it, you will drive yourself crazy trying to get anywhere with these people.

    You should earth the whole wiring, would help

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