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Posts posted by alexpoker

  1. Ive been msging with car owner. He sent me some pics.

    Says they haven't started fixing the car yet, which seems weird to me. He's waiting for money from me I guess?

    I really want to be at this mechanics place with a Thai person when this payment is gonna take place.

    Edit: just found out car owner does not have insurance, the 130k appraisal was done at a Honda dealer



  2. So Im still in the hospital, cause while I was here I contracted Pneumonia somehow. A day before they were expecting to discharge me, I started coughing up blood and had a very hard time breathing.

    Doctor says that there was a complication while trying to put down a tube down my airway after I was put under just before surgery, and that might have been the cause.

    However I dont think they are willing to take the blame because they say that normally if something like this happens you only get it on the right lung, and I have it on both, which also has them perplexed.

    Around the time that I could have been discharged, by bill was 70-80k, but as they found out I had acute pneumonia because I was coughing up blood, they moved me to the ICU for two nights. Im now in a normal ward and my bill WITH a 15% discount, cuz Ive already tried to negotiate it down is gonna be about 110-115k.

    The english coordinator says I could try writing a latter to the director of the hospital. I've been wanting to get discharged for the two days now, but the doctors have been insisting that I still stay as the infection is lower in my lungs now but oxygenation level is only about 92%.

    I think they are expecting me to be able to leave today or tomorrow.

    I guess I should just go ahead and try and negotiate the price down furthur via a letter to the director? Cant be any harm in that.

  3. Just to further clarify. I was driving my scooter, not a car.

    So they have a translator here at the hospital and I've asked her to help me get my current bill from 100k down as much as possible. I retrieved pneumonia while in the hospital, so while my leg was fine Saturday/Sunday I could hardly move 3m without getting overwhelmingly tired. (I was admitted Wednesday and had surgery at around 5pm)

    They moved me into ICU Sunday cuz my lungs were at like 50% capacity. Immediately per night was costing 10k.

    Today I feel better. Just did a round of the ICU on crutches , about 25m, which was tiring but I'm sure it will get better.

    I'll get in touch with car owner once I'm out and settle things up with him.

    In hoping the translator will pull through for me since she's knows ppl in the cashier, but no idea how much she can shave off. I told her I only had like 80k. Whatever she does is fine. I promised her a dinner for her help. She did mention that if she shaves 20k off the bill, I should give her the difference :P

    My future plan for drinking is:

    - Always take a taxi/tuk tuk or a ride from someone on the way out drinking.

    - Drink less often.

    Oh and get health insurance :)

  4. Just to make things clear, I'm very very happy that noone else got hurt. Having someone else's death or major injury on your conscious is never a pleasant thing.

    However I'm lucky enough that the only person to get physically harmed is myself.

    In to the question at hand. I've heard some friends back in Phuket got into similar situations and were told to sign some papers which ended up with them having to pay 90k+ baht.

    To avoid any situation like this I was thinking it might be a good idea to have a lawyer at hand.

    It's not that I want to fight this in court. I just want to avoid getting scammed

  5. Maybe he should have asked where he could get a taxi so he could avoid driving drunk, or where he could get insurance for when he chooses to drive drunk anyway.

    Insurance companies do not want idiots who drink/drive - they would not have covered him even if he did have insurance.

    From what I'm told, here at the hospital, they are not obligated to tell the insurance company wether you were drunk when you wre admitted. Lots if ppl still get insurance covered even if they were drunk at the time.

  6. Hello all.

    Driving down a small Soi in drunken state I hit a moving car on the side in an intersection. Car swerved somewhat into a restaurant and has some damages on the side as well as some minor wall was knocked down in the restaurant.

    I broke my femur and somehow got acute pneumonia while in hospital. Im expecting a 150k bill (no insurance). What are my chioces in regards to damages. Need to pay for car and restaurant. Is it possible for the cars own insurance to cover his damages if I don't have the money? Can anyone recommend a good lawyer in chiang mai?

    I obviously know that I'm at fault here but if I can make some sorta deal with car owner that would be cool too.

    Please advise especially those who've tried this before.

  7. This Pornchita has really gone overboard in the "nose-job" department. I am sure she is some kind of famous tv personality here in Thailand but this lame nose-job fab here in Thailand needs to stop.

    We like your flat baby noses!

    Pornchita here looks like she could be a ladyboy. I kept stairing at that BIG jewish nose like it was from the movie Roxanne.


    2 last girlfriends had nose job, current 1 wants to do it.

    Come on save your money on nosejobs and tattoos and make saving account for tomorrow!

    Or spend that money on a boob job instead! :D

  8. A lot of the things Apple are suing people over, are not things they invented, but things they hold a patent for.

    The patent that they have for "tapping" eg. when you tap on an item it brings up a menu that allows you to choose an action (open it with a particular application, email it etc.) is ridiculous.

    That functionality is pretty much the same as what happens when you right click on an item in Windows. Except that on a touch screen you have to tap instead of click.

    No one previously had thought this was a patent worthy concept. I find it amazing that the US patent office did.

    Large corporations are now using patents as a way of investing and making money, rather than having any real link to innovation and creativity.

    100% agree. fuc_k these pathetic patent wars. competition benefits the consumer and technological progress.

    p.s. i tap N replied to your post. lol.

    Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect App

  9. Fitness Thailand right behind Icon Square is pretty good. Costs 7500baht for a year. Has a solid set of weights and lots of treadmills and cardio machines. NW corner of the moat.

  10. So I called up customer support back in Denmark, from where the phone was bought and they told me I have get someone to send me a Telia micro sim card so I can activate it before they can unlock it remotely.

    Going to get someone to send me one, unless someone checking this post is per chance from Denmark and has a Telia microsim lol.

  11. Hey guys,

    I was hoping someone else had any experience with this.

    I got a brand new iphone 4S sent from Denmark. I made sure it was unlocked by the company that my ex got it from. I emphasized that I needed it unlocked for Thailand.

    However I just received it and after putting in a AIS micro sim card, it wont activate. After selecting language and location services, wifi etc.

    It says "SIM not valid" and tells me that the sim card is not compatible etc.

    Any idea what I can do about this?


  12. You will no doubt get into the situation where you want to hold a giant package under your arm while driving with only your right hand, so don't get a clutch on it.

    I prefer the semi-automatic ones, those with a gear shifter but not a clutch,

    the fully automatic ones is awkward for an old conservative chap like myself

    Good point. The other thing about the scooters that are like the Honda Click is that space in front of you for putting a box of stuff also.

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