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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. What attracts me is how come Joe Ferrari didn’t have like $1 million stash in case of some problem or had some of his car sold so we had a big stash in case the <deleted> hit the fan he’d get out of Dodge seems like most of these high officials They’d like to leave the country and like maybe a day before their sentencing they just meet somebody in a foreign country adjacent to Thailand that happens to own a jet and they fly away some people even after 15 years can come back and become Prime Minister and never spend an hour really in jail I’m just saying go figure TIT
  2. And other spy news Trump is walking the Russians back to America so they can set up their spy organization isn’t it weird that Trump could talk bad about a lot of different people but when it comes to Putin he never says a bad word about him what does Putin have on this guy
  3. BOB where do you come up with all these different titles and questions and all the different BS that you post on this you should get a life for yourself you just sit home all day reading replies then you replied to them I remember when you said you were leaving the country in three days later you said you were coming back and you were gonna take a boat or cargo ship to somewhere in Europe and then I don’t know what happened Come on you don’t put a subject in your how much you pay your wife or partner or whatever and you instantly put that you don’t pay anything cause she’s so wealthy like you and all your girlfriends and all the BS do right I mean you need to get a life go enjoy life TIT
  4. It was mad at the president of Ukraine because the president Ukraine and the phone call said that he didn’t have any dirt Biden Trump just said just send me anything and I’ll take care of the rest of it and he wouldn’t do it so Trump now is getting even with him by embarrassing him and insulting him Preventing him from defending the country and obviously supporting Putin for some reason he’s afraid of Putin Putin must have some dirt on them or something but it’s a shame what a turnaround selling out all the people in Ukraine for Russia
  5. I had a dermatologist once told me that signs weren’t good for your face like you’re cooking your face but I don’t know
  6. The Thai government in general they have no shame they all should be embarrassed what they did to these poor refugees TIT
  7. Yeah I remember him saying he was just coming back he want to spend time with his grandkids in the swimming pool what a joke the guy stole billions of dollars they let him off the hook he said he wouldn’t get involved in politics that’s a laugh and he’s running the country right now TIT soon as sister will be here
  8. The country should’ve known if they wanted them they need to pay Thailand a bunch of money that’s all timing government thinks about his money what they did is shameful I forgot there’s no shame in this country TIT
  9. The Russian belt him out years ago when he’s almost gonna go bankrupt again cause he had to all these units and the Russians came in barn for over 10 times their value I mean a lot of them is son-in-law is the guy that’s doing a lot of money work with that dictator killer in Saudi Arabia and Trump he never says one bad word about Putin he won’t even say his dictator anything Putin must have something good on Trump or Trump really an agent for the Russians it seems like he’s in a lot a lot a lot of the Russian spies come back when they open all the embassies Trump is ruining America our allies and our enemies and our enemies he wants to be our allies what’s wrong with this guy the orange man is selling out America for his own wealth look his best friend who gave him over 245 million comes into the office with T-shirt and a pair of jeans since Ukrainian guy comes in as usual dress uniform type of style and they make fun of them it was embarrassing people should be embarrassed by Trump
  10. Some politician high up has just got a very important raise paid monthly this money will never ever pay for any insurance for any Tourist that doesn’t have any TIT
  11. Trump and the word chaos disruption he causes the president of Ukraine a dictator and then asked about it two days later he give us a smirk and says did I say that he is a big con he’s gonna give tax break to his wealthy billionaire friends and he’s gonna make more money for himself he cares nothing about anybody but himself it was very disgraceful how him and the VP set up that poor little present of Ukraine Now he’s saying that Ukraine started the war his lawyer once told him if you lie enough people will believe you America is gonna turn into a dictatorship he doesn’t wanna leave the office ever Putin is good tenant in Mexico and all of Europe they’re bad North Korea will be getting a love letter soon it’s bizarre world
  12. Immigration people at that station have been seen in the Mercedes-Benz dealership shopping for new cars TIT
  13. I bet you’re her daddy told her what to say TIT
  14. And for the rest of the story police took him to the station where they started negotiating a price that he should pay them and we also escort him to the nearest ATM machine TIT
  15. Do you go down any major city or town in Thailand you find out half the businesses are owned by foreigners it’s not only that one area take a walk down Chiang Mai Main street a lot are owned by Chinese how curious TIT
  16. The guy was in his 60s he think the security guard could’ve just like sidestepped them were just kind of easily taken care of it instead of taking off his uniform for some reason and then hit one time old drunk English blow and knock him out hidden injuries and conscious who knows but I think there was an easier way for the guard to handle one old drunk British guy possibly maybe it’s just me TIT
  17. Whatever the Chinese government wants Thai government to do they do unquestionable TIT
  18. This new government came and find the Red Bull kit for some reason TIT
  19. The president doesn’t like him because when he lied to the people for his first impeachment that was a perfectly great phone call he was asking the President of Ukraine to lie about Biden he said just send a little bit of that to me don’t worry I’ll take care of the rest just like when he lost the election he called the Georgia official and said find me X amount of votes he knows he lost the election into this day he won’t admit it he started an insurrection against America the guy wants to be a king and a dictator those are the people he looked up to Putin is his best buddy and Cannon Mexico our enemies and all of your enemies the only one he wants to be friends with is the guy from North Korea Putin and anybody who’s a dictator America is gonna be ruined thank God I’m not living there anymore TIT
  20. Next thing you’ll probably wanna go into Gaza make a resort for himself you know like he did in New Jersey at all casinos he went bankrupt made millions off it in the poor people they owed money to got nothing he’s a con next thing you know he’ll be saying how Putin can be trusted Thank God I live here TIT
  21. It was reported that Trump‘s appointed the head lawyer to review everything before releasing any of the names out probably to delete his name there’s pictures of him like their best buddies and then after all this came out Trump says I barely knew the guy what was the guys name again oh I take pictures of many people I don’t know it’s almost like Trump will say that Putin is not a dictator but the president of Ukraine is a dictator then when I asked about it the next day he said did I say that next question but I’m so happy I left their TIT
  22. It was the letter he handed Trump in the beginning the invitation from the king I watched the CNN with him in the Ukraine president Trump and vice president like ganged up on the poor guy next thing you know is Trump‘s gonna be saying that Ukraine started the war and they’ll probably start mimicking everything his friend Putin says Trump likes dictators he loves the guy in North Korea they sure love letters any dictator in the world Trump respect Myers America will never be the same with him I remember him saying from the first day he was gonna lower the price of eggs and everything it’s the exact opposite it’s bizarre world Easy you make these chairs everything’s gonna be more expensive our friends our neighbors they’re now our enemies our enemies are our friends up down down wow I’m so happy I live in Thailand TIT
  23. They definitely had Singapore authorities tell the cops here the guys location but they should’ve said as many the top officers wife have been seen with expensive namebrand purses on the top cops are driving luxury new cars TIT
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