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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Listen as far as safety goes here that’s like nonexistent you think they’re safety on the zip line you think they’re safety I’m a slider back of a boat they have no clue on how to deal with the real emergency where it comes to medical maybe they should’ve had a weight limit like if you’re over so many kilos we don’t recommend you use this slide TIT
  2. Big Joe owns a bunch of houses which she like rented to very cheaply the officers below him so they could all keep it in that one group they always then say where to get all his money and every single person always his wife had it from inherence I borrowed the watches from my neighbor you know all types of BS a matter of fact his wife is caught up in some scam but she stole a bunch of money out of a guy’s condo when they get that high up here they’re all corrupt the money flows in the bottom cops up the top cops and the top cops have their own scam going on whether it be gambling online whether being owning part of gambling place the brown envelope they get from the businesses it’s corruption top to bottom he’s just guilty as the rest TIT
  3. Yeah they like to gamble here I’m sure it’s gonna help the poor people get rich or TIT
  4. I’m not surprised Thailand’s not ranked tire up on that list I mean look at these examples here supposedly international red note for the red ball kid but nothing ever happened a criminal leaves Thailand for a 15 or 17 years flies in in his jet very healthy once an hour he’s so sick that he spends a few months in a suite in a hospital and then he’s released With the promise not to get involved in politics where you see how that went and now he’s talking about bringing his sister back this place smells from corruption let’s look at big joke whatever happen with that deal it’s correct from the top to the bottom it’s designed that way from the cops to the principles to the governors it’s all corruption in Thailand TIT
  5. I remember when he met the president of the air American air Association in Michigan how he told him he wanted peace in Gaza and the other day on his plane I hear him saying that he just looks at Gaza as a real estate deal this guy has lied from day one he’s full the people go back to him and now they’re gonna see what he’s made of for real The guy is a maniac narcissist unfit to have the job as president presidency
  6. So the Switzerland put out an international warrant and probably with all Swiss help they didn’t give the information to the type police that follow up and arrest them that’s amazing cause I thought the title had an international warrant for the Red Bull kid but nobody knows where he is international war for the Prime Minister‘s sister TIT
  7. Yeah I was reading one of his Rams he did the same thing a few years ago always monster should drop them I think he change his name to a hole
  8. Well with all the subjects killed I wonder what the real amount of drugs were received TIT
  9. What is this guy think he is the Prime Minister how come Paul hasn’t got her and brought her back to stand trial to go to jail I don’t understand this they know where she is it’s not like she’s hiding had a police arrest her fly her back here not in her brother‘s private 65,000,000+ jet and put her in jail for five years where is the red ball kid What type of justice happens here outrageous next thing you know it will be corruption from the top to the bottom oy vey TIT
  10. I guess you’re trying to send a message to the other foreigners running businesses that you better start paying up or else TIT
  11. I know part of his parole was not getting involved in politics or something well everybody knows he’s really running the country right now this country is corrupt top to bottom when he was in a position of being a high cop boy did he steal a lot of money I heard to do any big business he had to like pay him a cut I’m sorry about people coming from Miramar into Thailand with anything from drugs to human trafficking you got a piece of everything these high ranking cops they live in big houses they spend a lot of money have nice cars how do you say they got all this from being honest and whatever happened to that guy big joke where did he go or how about the red Bull kid they can’t find them give me a break TIT
  12. Do you want a really good deal and they’re all over the country go to bathsold webpage putting in your area and what type of bike you’re looking for I guarantee you’ll find it there TIT
  13. How Thai people drive here the best thing I ever did was two weeks ago sold my big bike TIT
  14. Go to a different branch and don’t mention your other account and just say you wanna open a new account I’m in one branch at Bangkok Bank said OK we’re gonna take your account and come back in a week to get your new book cause we have to send it away or some other BS so then when that book got full I was at a different branch where I knew somebody who worked there and I said so how long do you think I’ll have to be without my Paper bank account book and he said what do you mean I can do everything and you’ll have it back in a new book within less than five minutes and he did so sometimes I would try different branches TIT
  15. Here you guys to transfer money from Bangkok Bank branch in New York over here and then a few years ago they stopped doing that completely it was a big inconvenience for a while TIT
  16. If you read the article it tells you exactly when the bars are closed what is all the confusion TIT
  17. What he really meant to say is he still arranging all the big bags the brown envelopes to pay everybody off and that takes a little bit of time I mean here’s a guy who stole billions left for a long time came back as a hero and now our sister the day before being sentenced to prison she with his help please the country and now misses it and wants to come back I guess the billionaire lifestyle in Europe in Dubai is a little bit getting under her skin Not to mention whatever happened with the Red Bull kid nobody has seen him is he under a rock how come he hasn’t been brought back silly question they paid off all the people in the store paying TIT
  18. I think first Trump will negotiate a building deal where gives his hero the dictator of Russia a penthouse then ask her maybe can you build a golf course there Ukraine will not have a chance everybody knows Trump loves the Russian gals
  19. No worries Tony’s gonna fix everything TIT
  20. I wish Trump would show proof of misappropriate funds in that organization he does things without thinking I won’t be surprised if he next goes after the FBI in the CIA jump hangs around with Elon and he wants to be good friends with Putin should I say more
  21. Happily I sold my bike a few weeks back and I went with the people to the department so they changed everything I didn’t wanna have somebody give me the money and then not change it over right away into their name I’m sure it happens all the time here TIT
  22. She’ll make a deal with the cops give them a bunch of money and pay a small small phone and that would be it TIT
  23. Dave MPs that were convicted in other countries for heroin drugs corruption you name it they’ve been there and done it so this shouldn’t be a big deal I saw mine last night doing a 45 minute bow on TV what a creep TIT
  24. Totally believable corruption in the police department everywhere top to bottom
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