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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. This article is very typical of the articles here I have no idea what business it was or is who the owners are Chinese and if they really wanted to close it all down they have to shut the country cause there’s so many businesses they’re either run by Chinese or other foreigners they’re not Thai do a corporation done by lawyers that are just greedy who want money TIT
  2. This has been one of the most warmest winners that I can remember living in Thailand TIT
  3. Thailand government should be ashamed of those actions that have been taken oh wait a minute there’s no shame here all they know isis money money money money money money TIT
  4. So a few of the very wealthy Thai families will get richer they don’t care what happens to Thailand or the poor people all they care about is one thing TIT
  5. I know many Thai guys that have two or three wives and they still have a few girlfriends on the side I think it’s a normal thing here and for sure the police here have many on the side because they have a lot of money TIT
  6. Thailand does not believe in refugee status when it comes to China whatever China wants Thailand follows TIT
  7. Yeah go to the islands and you see these nice bars and restaurants and different establishments you know the type people aren’t the real owners of these lawyers have been selling these things up for years next thing you know they say there’s no prostitution in Thailand TITPS where is Red Bull kid
  8. This polls are dropping I just watched on the news the first meeting had with all his heads of the different departments that they put in there Elon talked more than anybody else including Trump doing a fire all these people when there’s a wildfire somewhere there ain’t gonna be any people to put it out planes you could be crashing because he’s firing a lot of the FAA people he has no idea what or how to run a government these little cut that he’s making at the same time they’re trying to increase the debt by over $23 trillion during his last presidency the budget was the highest in the negative that it’s ever been over Parn and now he wants to cut everybody’s benefits except for the alter ritual I’ll give him a tax break
  9. If he’s only gonna be here for 30 days it’s very easy for him just to get transportation using the apps just like in Bangkok except here it’s a lot cheaper TIT
  10. every time I go into the bank to pull money out I have to show my passport and I look at my sticker I wanna get into my lockbox in the bank I have to show my passport if I stay in a hotel I have to show my passport I don’t understand how they can survive for so many years without having to show their passport and people checking for their stamps TIT
  11. . In a burst of anger, they restrained him and called the police.TIT
  12. When I go to the bank they always look at my passport and make a picture of my Visa stamp or whatever I don’t understand or you wanna rent a place where you stay at a hotel they ask for your passport that always look for your stamps I don’t understand how I can get away for 25 years without having somebody check for his stamps in his passport TIT
  13. Wow when the doors open these elevators here I’ve gotta make sure the elevator is there TIT
  14. If you have money in your pocket Tylen will welcome you if you don’t have money in your pocket or your refugee forget it they don’t care TIT
  15. It’s almost laughable you’ll hear him talk about in the morning 50 million condos were sent to Gaza then three hours later it was 100 million condos sent to Gaza then two days later you hear no condoms were sent to Gaza he keeps talking about millions of dollars hundreds of dollars saving show us the numbers show us something And this guy you have is firing people without even knowing what they’re doing next they’ll be firing the people that are in charge of the nuclear warheads in the defensive America the whole country is going to <deleted> thank you Trump
  16. How many weeks will be rating about the same stuff in pai TIT
  17. I thought it was done with and then I woke up at 3:40 in the morning took a piss and went back to sleep BOB your stories are so unbelievable if only a third were true TIT
  18. So the president of America is telling the district attorney of America to not release the files so he can see everything that’s almost like President Trump saying he was gonna release his taxes he was under you know indictment or some reason he kept on saying I’m gonna show him but you’re gonna have to wait While I have a funny feeling that he was good friends with the guy for over 10 years it’s probably a lot of dirt on some of this with his name on it he doesn’t want people to see it so I’m sure he’ll somehow erase his name from it almost like that tape when he was in the van saying how he treated Women And then denied it the guy convicted Fallon he’s a liar he’s a thief he’s a crook he’s a con man that’s a President of America is and he’s selling out Ukraine and saying that they started the war can you believe that I think the reason being is the president of Ukraine wouldn’t play ball with them when he asked for dirt on Biden This president is gonna ruin America look at all the thousands of people that are losing their jobs it’s even affecting the people on the border with Thailand the hospital was shut down the refugee program was stopped all the goodwill that America is done for all these years is going down the toilet Can never be fixed from another term with this crazy guy TIT
  19. The police need to look at all the cameras in the area and find this guy‘s wife there’s three kids at home wondering where their mother is obviously this is a lot of money for this husband having three kids please need to get off their butt and find this lady track her down ask if anybody noticing her something is not right TIT
  20. They have shopping malls for fake watches purses etc. they have a bunch of fake monks here so is it possible they could’ve got bought a fake gold necklace absolutely this is the land of smiles TIT
  21. You already paid off the cops so TIT
  22. But he said it was 20 million lol well the police will get their big cut you probably seeing those trees by the border pulling up next week in new Mercedes-Benz or something TIT
  23. A few weeks ago four young Israeli acted terrible in the hospital they were deported but yet the story is like never ending I think it’s time to move on TIT
  24. A few Israelis I don’t know four or five and whatever it was acted very bad in the hospital agreed but now it just seems like it is overkill the last two weeks that’s all I’ve been reading about the police investigating a religious temple in Pia please go to investigate it’s almost laughable we’re talking about four young kids that totally acted wrong OK but let it go let’s move on from this TIT
  25. You know I used to get this grilled salmon at the place in the shopping mall and it was always good a few months ago go in there and order the exact same thing I usually get and the salmon looks smaller the vegetable is nothing like they used to be before I think it’s so went all downhill Now the price of the salad bar I guess is OK but I’ve tried a few other dishes there it just seems like the last year or two it’s gone downhill TIT
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