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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. BOB has so many unbelievable stories. What a vivid imagination I’m we wrote that he was saying his last post from the airport and he was leaving the country forever. He didn’t post for like two days then some miracle he came back with him less than 24 hours and he posted he was gonna go on a cargo ship somewhere I went amen That was not exactly what happened now posting about gangsters moving in on affluent Street has five other properties. That’s not forget this. What a vivid imagination on this every day so I’m thinking reality is life must be very boring TIT
  2. BOB, didn’t you post a few months back that you left the country you didn’t like it here anymore and then two or three days later you came back or then you were taking a cargo ship to leave the country you post so much you must have a very interesting life lol
  3. Yeah, a lot of stuff that comes out of China. It’s all counterfeit and where is the big Market they sell them to Thailand opens up to China for everything come on TIT.
  4. He does act so presidential doesn’t he?
  5. With all the money, the Red Bull kid has I’m surprised the family just didn’t buy everybody off oh wait a minute I guess I did buy everybody off and they never sent the red notice to Interpol. Everybody knows where the kid is. Nobody wants to touch that TIT
  6. when some people can borrow watches worth millions from dead friends, criminals on the run getting the red carpet and VIP threatment, where a high up can have his own gambling ring and get away with it, when a drug officer can plastic bag criminals and get millions of worth of cars and houses.... is anyone surprised?Amazing Thailand TIT
  7. So his brother up,said Ood was a kind person TIT
  8. Nothing is going to happen. I’m waiting for his announcement that his sister is coming back and all charges are dropped and should have a parade when she returns. TIT.
  9. Trump spent more spending than any president he got the national debt. The largest it ever was he never pays. His bills is a cheat is a liar is a thief and is convicted felon. These are the fact you can believe whatever you want, but Trump is definitely a man probably the biggest bankruptcy ever in America’s history.
  10. How about the curry Prime Minister her aunt day before the final verdict? Supposedly they regards around her property so she couldn’t leave the country. It was amazing how she was able to meet her brother’s jet and fly away how did justice system works in Thailand? Should be back very soon. All charges be forgiven. They still millions and people just forget about it. TIT.
  11. I need to check all the financial records of all the people involved follow the money. Why don’t they just issue a red notice and pick up the kid it just shows how Thailand justice really works here. Amazing thailand. TIT
  12. If porn and prostitution is illegal here, I guess it’s legal for them to import two ladies from Japan. I still don’t get it. TIT.
  13. This whole thing with the Red Bull kid is a big joke. The guy kills a cop send the butler to the police station he have on his jet flies to Singapore. Send the judge a note. He’s too sick to come back knows that he’s in Dubai or London there’s pictures of him With issuing a red notice with Interpol 24 months she’ll be back. This is how the justice system works in Thailand. Look at the other guy who stole billions comes back after 15 years and he’s like the PM now I mean his daughters now. TIT
  14. Getting my pilots license in the mid 70s instrument multi and commercial rating I would never ever step into and fly a small aircraft in Thailand. The maintenance must be terrible.TIT
  15. Yeah, I’m sure it’s very easy for dentist to remove all his equipment and change location he needs to give the cops a few thousand and I’m sure they’ll talk to the lady in person TIT
  16. They know where the Red Bull is there is never a red notice really issued to pick them up. Too many high officers. Here were paid a lot of money. We’ll see him back once everything. The statues limitations are run out TT.
  17. For your own peace of mind, I would bring this up with an attorney and let them and you figure out what your best options are. There are many options what you wanna do, but I think it’d be best if you talk to illegal minded attorney rather than getting these answers from people that don’t fully understand or don’t have a legal law to help you. TIT
  18. Yeah, these type people need to watch these tricky Chinese people taking away money from them TT
  19. Whatever happened with the red notice how come they can’t issue a red notice now and capsule before the statue of limitations right now oh I forgot we’re talking about justice in Thailand TIT
  20. May be cheaper just to buy clothes down in Krabi TIT
  21. The date is totally in his favor. He will not show up. He is a coward. He’s a liar and he’s a crook.
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