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Posts posted by happyjune

  1. "we've still got two more days of madness in pattaya"

    That is only an opinion of course, I do dare say that this so called madness was already there before you chose to live there, so that makes you the mad one if complaining about it laugh.gif

    Note, 19th April Pattaya will be awesome with some 20km of fun, thousands of pickups battling it out, dancing, the reason why people live there.. Come on Down.jap.gif

  2. Good Morning Mr Sunbelt,

    I am looking at a 30year lease on 1 or 2 Rai, and either build a home or possibly a small block of monthly rentals for Thais. This will be funded in part by a small personal loan from abroad which is garnetored abroad as well, hence I want some personal security, if in the unlikely event that my wife and I fall out.

    I understand the lease would be registered on the chanote in the land office.

    The land is in my wifes name with no company or anything set up, can I do a 30 year lease and still control this land if a divorce happened for the 30 years?

    In saying security, if we were to seperate, could I 'sell' the remainder of the lease? eg, after two years, could I sell the rights for the remaining 28 years of the lease to someone else as the rooms would be a good investment and I could recoup funds to pay back the loan.

    In this case, would the name of the leaser change on the chanote?

    What would happen if wife sold the land?

    Thank you very much.


    EDIT: Also, if both parties agree, can a 30 year lease be terminated, so the land cuold be sold 'clean' with no lease hanging off it after, lets say 5 years ?

  3. I am curious more than anything, not really in the water pump market at the moment !!!!

    I really do not remember what pumps have been used in the past when houses have had pumps, I can remember one pump had a tiny tank of about 2l, that when having a shower, was constantly on / off every 5 seconds.

    I could be wrong, but another place I was in, I think it might have been an automatic on /off pump but it had a yellow tank, like a composite material in construction of about, I guess some 20l. I can not remember any issues of shower water pressure up / down as it went on off ?

    So my question is, Is it really an issue in real life? Does the low pressure switch kick in at such a high pressure you don't notice it?

    I would like to know, so if I need to buy a pump, I am pre armed !!!!! rolleyes.gif

  4. I am trying to understand Thai bank loan system better. The idea of putting a Chanote with a biz which is located on the land into the bank as security.

    I am sure this is a language problem, but by the looks of it, the terms of the loan sound ridiculous.

    1. Interest is worked out on the original loan amount and the same interest is payable each year.

    Back in my homeland, eg, 100,000b loan at 10% the first year has 10k in interest plus paying some principle back, lets say 20k of principle, = total repayment year 1 of 30k.

    The second year, the interest would be 10% of the remaining 80k principle remaining, so 8k interest and 22k off the principle so there would be some 58k left to pay off at the end of the second year. (OK, I understand, it's not worked out only once a year, but just trying to make this question simple).

    In Thailand it appears that you keep paying 10k interest every year, even when the loan is down to less that 10 grand to pay back. Surely this is ridiculous and a mistake int he translation.

    Secondly, there is no incentive to pay it out early. You still have to pay all the interest for the initial term of the loan, delibratly drawn out over many years.

    Can you comment on this please, I amuse I understand wrong, but Amazing Thailand still amazes me.

  5. Well I actually have some answers now, yes it is true re the tax situation, a hotel will pay up front per year (by memory) 12.5% of expected occupancy rates, seems often deemed at 60% the rooms are expected to be full. A home-stay pays tax on income after the fact.

    Farm stays are actually registered with a farm stay organisation, you do not have to work on a farm.

    Home stays not sure about any organization in Thailand to be sure( tad confused)

    Both, are not allowed to have in the room, a toilet, fridge or TV, there is a definition on a Thai Gov website, very clear.

    I have seen some rooms well designed though, that looking like resort hotel rooms, but there is a airconed room, and under the almost built in porch out the front has a fridge, separate toilet room / shower and TV area.


  6. On another note, any subscriber here know how many True towers there are out there? What I am getting at, is TRUE going change over all their 2G into 3G this year. My understanding is that a company owned by TRUE us owning, maintaining and installing all these 3G gizmos, leasing 100% of the band width to CAT, which is keeping 20% for them selves and then leasing back the rest to TRUE at a 20% mark up profit.

    It will change so many things having 3G coverage, even if on 850MgHz and not the "normal"2100MgHz, but, then again.

  7. When you rent it, take heaps of pics with the shop int he back ground for scratches etc.

    Also, Google the shop, to see if people have reported horror stories like jet ski scams.

    NEVER leave them your passport.

    You might want to buy another helmet, unless you like inverting salad bowls on your head.

  8. 35 Deaths during Sonkran last year, really?

    what, per hour?

    Oh, I see, clever wording "35 deaths reported" , so the other 300 plus are not reported, clap clap, very clever.

    Doing a quick search in Google, this same web sites news source,


    Sonkran, many people hate it, I enjoy seeing Thais all happy, little water is ok, but the roads are a drunken death trap.

    I am expecting to see next week the annual call for a ban of alcohol sales over Sonkran that the media run with, just like the twice a year call for Uni students to wear other cloths as they are to sexy !!!!!!!

    I have lost count how many taxi drivers I have seen drunk in BK during Sonkran, I mean really drunk, seems to be operations normal laugh.gif.

    Have fun, squirt squirt biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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