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Posts posted by irishken

  1. Hi all,

    2 weeks ago i tried to book flights with Nok Air. 


    During the booking my payment failed twice using different cards.

    I then booked with a different airline but later the near 300 Euros was taken from my bank account for the Nok Air flight without any tickets.


    I have been chasing them for 2 weeks via emails, phones and surprise surprise, i finally get an answer through facebook.

    Now they sent me the tickets which i do not want and say if i do not want them, i can collect the money within 45 days at the counter. 


    I wont be there within the next 45 days(In Thailand) 


    Anyone had a similar situation with this lot?

  2. 6 hours ago, BestB said:

    Would be good if he also provided some medical study to back his assertion it was bad for you.


    But got to love the irony , after the fiasco he raids a few dozen shops to prove the point .


    what is more ironic is that he is the boss of immigration and last time I checked immigration had nothing to do with raiding shops for illegal products 


    one might start to think BJ is the boss of all police as he is involved in all sectors of it from immigration to road blocks 

    Do you really need medical evidence to show they are bad for you?.

    Their is  nicotine in these things, so yes they are bad for you.

    • Sad 1
  3. I seen this happening many years ago while having a break at a petrol station on a trip to Bangkok. 

    The truck came down the wrong side of the road and pulled into the petrol station obviously after missing the turn.

    When he "jumped" out i seen he actually had no legs and had previously thrown out his wheel chair.

    It was a modified truck.

    After seen him driving i can only imagine how he lost his legs.

  4. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Sorry if I'm not entirely sympathetic to old folks throwing themselves in front of me while I'm driving along the road minding my own business. I'll do my best to avoid them (along with all the other 'surprise' obstacles on Thai roads), but sometimes they're gonna be hit.

    Can't help feeling a person this age shouldn't be out on their own at night on a busy road.

    "It came from nowhere" when they were clearly in the middle of a busy road, is an indication of her mental competence (or lack of).


    If I'd been the driver, I'd probably have stopped (not medically trained, I'm not sure how I could have helped), but I can understand those who wouldn't have stopped.

    And ill do my best to avoid you . 

    • Haha 2
  5. I was insured with this crowd back in 2015 when my Mother died after me been in Thailand for 7 days out of a 3 week holiday.

    I had to cut short my trip and fly myself, Wife and 2 kids home and they never gave me a penny back.

    They went through my Mothers complete health history and basically said F..k off your not getting anything as she had been sick for years 

    with many other different illnesses, even after me getting letters from her GP and the Hospital.


    Lesson learned and ill avoid in the future. 

    • Like 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

    In the UK they would not allow her to be photographed until she has been charged and named before a court, and only then if identification is not an issue, to avoid contaminating the witness evidence.


    There have been many complaints here about suspects being identified by releasing photos, as until they are convicted they are innocent. Also the charades of re-enactments, simply an opportunity for finger pointing and lining up smiling hordes of uniforms most of whom have played no part in the investigation for the photo call. 

    I've no problem with them not showing anyone's photo or doing any re-enactments but i'm talking about their been no consistency when they choose to do it.

    Maybe later today you will see some other story and that suspect will have their face on full view. 

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