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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I suspect most women from any culture in the world would say you've just described a "typical" male, irrespective of race. coffee1.gif

    I would be very, very surprised if that was the case.

    Besides, I'm sure you mean 'culture' and not 'race'. smile.png

    No, I meant "race".

    You don'y know many women then? blink.png

    Well, Thais are not a race, per se. So you are incorrect from the get go. Beyond this different members of the same race act very differently depending on the culture one was raised in/lives in. smile.png

    .........sigh. coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  2. I've had dozens of off's over the years and always worn gloves, so never had hand damage. Your friend was unlucky, that's for sure. Hanging on to the bike in a slide isn't generally recommended either, but in those split seconds it's difficult to make decisions as such.

    I recently hit a kerb on my scooter trying to squeeze between the small gap between a speed bump and the gutter. Was only going 10klm/h but went over the front. Wasn't wearing gloves but no hand damage at all - I involuntarily "elected" to land on my face. The helmet probably saved me but I was still unconscious for 10 minutes.

    My hansum man status is somewhat reduced but when the scabs come off I'm hoping to regain my former hansumness. whistling.gif

    A "face brake" haven't heard of that one before, surely not that efficient....GWS..

    Well, it works on the same theory of friction....but agreed the efficiency leaves a lot to be desired.

    I'll be investing in a full-face helmet as soon as I'm able to show my face in public again. It's always worried me having a pea-pod, and the lesson is well and truly learned.

    • Like 1
  3. Our house has the same setup- one heater situated under the sink and also provides hot water to the shower and bath.

    The only problems I have is that I need to run the shower for perhaps 2 minutes to get the hot water delivered at the shower head, and secondly, if anybody is in the shower and the sink tap is used for hot water, you suffer reduction of pressure and temperature at the shower head.

    Have you considered installing a separate heater at each location? Obviously more expensive in the shore term, but removes the confusion over what sort to get, how to plumb it, and how to wire it.

    Maybe over the long term the savings of electricity and water would make up the difference. i.e less wattage required at both locations, less loss /wastage of water/electricity through having to run the shower to get warm water fed through, plus leaving wasted hot water in the pipes when shut off.

    To be honest I hadn't considered thst, but on reflection it might not be a bad idea as our shower takes about a minute to heat up too.

    It's been a long time since I used a stand alone electric shower and can't remember if the hot water was instantaneous or not.

    They're pretty much instantaneous, plus it's guaranteed to be much quicker than the water running (in my case) 8 metres from under the sink. The other advantage is no loss of heat if (read: when) the missus decides to run the hot water at the sink while you're showering. Mine has a sadistic streak and does it for fun anyway!facepalm.gif

    Plus, if at some future stage one of the units craps out (as they're bound to do), you'll always have hot water available at the other unit in the interim.

  4. Our house has the same setup- one heater situated under the sink and also provides hot water to the shower and bath.

    The only problems I have is that I need to run the shower for perhaps 2 minutes to get the hot water delivered at the shower head, and secondly, if anybody is in the shower and the sink tap is used for hot water, you suffer reduction of pressure and temperature at the shower head.

    Have you considered installing a separate heater at each location? Obviously more expensive in the shore term, but removes the confusion over what sort to get, how to plumb it, and how to wire it.

    Maybe over the long term the savings of electricity and water would make up the difference. i.e less wattage required at both locations, less loss /wastage of water/electricity through having to run the shower to get warm water fed through, plus leaving wasted hot water in the pipes when shut off.

  5. I'm posting this in the General forum because many may not read this in the computer forum.

    My IE upgraded to version 11 automatically. This version is a dog! Many sites (including thaivisa.com) do not appear to support this version so I have been unable to get into TV for 4 days or so. The page would just not load. The same applied to one of my banking sites so it's been a nightmare.

    I searched the web to try and resolve the issue and all of the regular "fixes" failed - clear cookies and history, reset DNS, reset HOSTS file, add site to trusted, etc etc. I even uninstalled 11 and reinstalled 8, but I suspect some of the program remained in place because it didn't revert. Even Chrome and Firefox couldn't load the pages.

    It was only through sheer luck that I stumbled across a fix that involves using Developer Tools (F12) and changing the compatibility mode to IE8 and the Document Mode to IE8 standards.

    My recommendation - stay away from this version and make sure your Windows setting are not set to auto update Internet Explorer.

    Mods - were you aware that TV has an issue with the new version of IE?

  6. Everybody seems to want the baht to do this or the pound to do that, or the SET to do this/that or the other.

    Any so-called investor/speculator who wants one thing to happen is either too long for too much in one specific instrument, or more likely, only has one specific instrument (read: risk).

    While I'm no fan of Warren Buffet, he did get one thing right, and I quote: 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'

    You can't make money in a stable market (national or international). Long live volatility and I don't give a monkey's if my NZD or the THB or the CHF all do a topsy turvy and <deleted> themselves 7 times over - because if they're at a trough, they have to climb out, and if they're at a peak they have to fall.

    Volatility generates profit, stability rarely does (unless you consider the 2 or 3% from your building society TD as "profit"....yeah right.coffee1.gif

  7. Everybody seems to want the baht to do this or the pound to do that, or the SET to do this/that or the other.

    Any so-called investor/speculator who wants one thing to happen is either too long for too much in one specific instrument, or more likely, only has one specific instrument (read: risk).

    While I'm no fan of Warren Buffet, he did get one thing right, and I quote: 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'

    You can't make money in a stable market (national or international). Long live volatility and I don't give a monkey's if my NZD or the THB or the CHF all do a topsy turvy and <deleted> themselves 7 times over - because if they're at a trough, they have to climb out, and if they're at a peak they have to fall.

    Volatility generates profit, stability rarely does (unless you consider the 2 or 3% from your building society TD as "profit"....yeah right.coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  8. I always wonder how people like this get by in everyday life.

    You can jest all you like, but it can be difficult to impossible for a small Asian lady to find warm clothing in Pattaya if she wants to look somewhat stylish, as most ladies do. I certainly would want my wife to look good too.

    I was faced with this very same problem when planning a trip to New Zealand with my XXS sized wife a few years ago.

    A small Asian lady will look like a child (ridiculous) if she puts on jumpers and jackets too large for her. It'll be even harder to find anything to fit in Ireland unless she buys at children's clothing stores....which would prove to be very embarrassing for any full grown Asian lady. It was impossible to find the right size for my wife in Australian and NZ.

    Solution: Head straight for Central Department store and pick up good quality, stylish cold weather clothes. There's no where else to go. They're not going to be cheap but you can find fashionable, quality clothing in the small sizes.

    Tropo - expected the same problem in NZ but discovered that virtually every shopping mall (certainly in ChCh, Wellington, and Auckland) invariably have at least one shop owned by Asians (usually Chinese) that are dedicated to Asian sizing and styling.

    Re the OP's question - try the Pattaya Tai market - I was there yesterday and there seemed to be about 3 acres of second hand cold weather clothing for sale. All laundered and in A1 condition. My missus bought about 5 kilos of clothes for 500 Baht to send to her rellies in Phrae.

    • Like 1
  9. No, I'm white. The baby is quite fair skinned like me.

    Doesn't mean a thing. The kid could be dark as chocolate once he/she starts toddling outside in the sun. How dark/light are the former Thai boyfriend/s and the supposed current boyfriend/husband to be?

    Interestingly, you haven't stated if it's a boy or a girl........I thought that rather strange, and just a little suspicious.coffee1.gif

  10. Not worried about the individual, worried about the spirits upsetting the equilibrium of the item and putting us all in danger.

    Just do what you were going to do, and then buy three bottles of red Fanta and stick them outside the door (don't forget the straws). Stick some incense sticks in a beer bottle and light them, do a wai while facing towards Mecca (that's roughly NNW, but check on a map to be sure), get on your knees and say a few Hail Mary's and a few "Allah is Great's" while tapping your feet to the beat of "Onward Christian Soldiers" that you're playing on your smartphone, and run a rosary bead through your hands.

    That covers all the bases. Sorted. coffee1.gif

  11. Signmakers all over the country.

    Look for sign outside shop


    And lots of abandoned signs paint and wood cutouts

    Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yeah, that was my point in my earlier post. You can't drive down a soi almost anywhere in Pattaya or Jomtien without banging into one. They're almost as common as Mag Wheel Shops.

    Just cruise down Thepprasit or Pattaya Tai or 3rd Road and you'll be falling over them. There's probably 20 of them on the Darkside alone. In the alternative, just find a sign outside an existing shop that you like and the shopkeeper will happily recommend their "friend" to you - they gain face and maybe a favour for recommending them.

    Tip: To avoid getting your sign written with Thinglish spelling mistakes, print out your request in large characters on a printer as Thais often have trouble reading and distinguishing English handwriting. That's why a bloke that builds boats has a big sign outside his premises down towards Bang Saray that proudly advises that he is a "Bout Builder". smile.png

  12. She's obviously as much to blame as the con-artist - of which Pattaya has plenty of local talent. Apart from the stupidity of being so eager to part with B300,000, including using her car as collateral, one would think she would know the THB has declined against the USD and isn't likely to go back up by much any time soon.

    I'm guessing the reason she was willing to even consider the deal was she was offered such an attractive rate that she knew she could take the money straight to an exchange booth and make a 10 or 20% profit, being 30-60k Baht.

    That was the "con" part of the whole deal. He convinced her that he was willing to sell USD at a ridiculously cheap rate and she could immediately make a profit.

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