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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. 1. Replace at 100,000km. If it has dealer service history, they can tell you.

    3. 136,000 km. Overdue for a timing belt if it hasn't been changed.

    4. Is the clutch slipping? Apply the parking brake and try to pull away. If it stalls, the clutch is ok.

    But at 136,000 km the clutch is probably coming to the end of its serviceable life.


    It dosent have service history with it so i will need to speak to the ex-owner again to see if he ever replaced it. The clutch is not slipping but i wanted to maybe replace it if anyone knew that at this kind of mileage it would have already been replaced (which i assumed) and was maybe due for another replacement. I spoke to the owner the ex-owner the other day and he said he had it replaced about 9 months ago so happy days!!

    Would you know how many KM this engine would run for if serviced regularly?

    Thank you

    OP - I'm attaching links that will provide you with two things:

    Firstly, a link so that you can download the Owners Manual for your car (it's called a Ford Ranger in NZ and the USA, but it's the same vehicle as a Mazda Fighter). Download it and most of your servicing questions will be answered. http://justgivemethedamnmanual.com/ford/ford-ranger-owners-manuals/

    Secondly, a link to a Vehicle Maintenance 101 site where you can learn all about vehicle maintenance. http://www.carbibles.com/ This site is a bit comprehensive, so you may want to google alternatives. If you go to youtube you'll find instructional videos on everything from how to put air in your tyres and change the oil and spark plugs, up to how to fit twin overhead foxtails to the aerial. Umm...as yours is a diesel, don't spend too long looking for the spark plugs. smile.png

    A clutch can be demolished from new in 3 minutes if somebody tries hard enough, or treated respectfully can last well over 200,000 klms. It kind of depends how often you change gear and how much you slip the clutch.

    And finally, nobody knows how long your engine will last. It might blow up tomorrow or still be running perfectly at 500,000 klms. It depends on so many factors. But assuming you treat it right, the body will probably rust away before the engine gives up the ghost. smile.png

    Happy reading on what would appear to be your first venture into vehicle maintenance.

    • Like 1
  2. "2. I was wondering first if this pickup even has a timing belt or a chain" facepalm.gif

    Yes it has a belt. Rubber bands were discontinued post WWII whistling.gif

    "3. the pickup has 136,000 on the meter. Is this miles or KM? The speedometer is in KMPH" facepalm.gif

    Make sure you've pushed the reset button on the speedo as this may in fact just be the "trip meter" you're looking at and could just be the last trip as opposed to the total distance covered. coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  3. PoorSucker - as I mentioned above - I do not have a work-permit.

    asiaexpat, ubonjoe - thanks! That's very helpful. If a utility bill is all that's need - I'm good to go, although I'll take extra docs along just in case.

    We'll also try to call the DL in Bangkok again on Monday to see if they need a translated version.

    Will post an update when I'm done.

    You don't need a work permit.

    You don't need anything from your Embassy.

    You need a proof of address from Thai Immigration as well as the usual copies of passport, visa, photos, old licences etc. Make sure you apply within the 30 days of expiry of your one year licences. DON'T go before they expire or you get another one year.

    EVERYTHING you need to know is on the attached pdf file in easy English. And all you need as evidence of proof of address for Immigration is a utilities bill, a lease document, or even just a simple letter from your condo or hotel stating that you live there. I think I even got my first one with just a business card from a hotel but they're bit tighter now.


  4. And the correct protocol is BEFORE you tell her you're leaving her, have all your ducks in a row as in bags packed and personal <deleted> sorted. Even better, just do a runner while she's out eating or getting her hair done.

    Don't continue to share a bed with a woman you've already told you're leaving her. At the very least, remove all sharp and blunt instruments from the apartment.

    • Like 1
  5. Sirs

    Ladies( not just bargirls) say i am funny,got lovely blue eyes and hung like a donkey, i need to get away from Thailand,getting mobbed so much.Word gets atound that u are well hung and its getting bad now

    Are you perhaps getting mixed up between a Donkey and a Mule.



    ......or an Ass, which I think is more likely. coffee1.gif

  6. Sirs

    Ladies( not just bargirls) say i am funny,got lovely blue eyes and hung like a donkey, i need to get away from Thailand,getting mobbed so much.Word gets atound that u are well hung and its getting bad now

    Mr. Bernie Flint (Cockney slang for skint/broke), I hope you realise that to a Thai woman, the translation of "hung like a donkey" means anything more than 4 inches. You've seen the local condoms right? Really handy if your little finger gets an infection and you want to keep it clean.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Blokes with big ones never actually say anything about it, they don't need to. thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  7. *little off-topic*

    "Moo 10 Tambon Nong Prue, Amphur Banglamung, Chonburi province"

    I thought this was an address in east-pattaya (nongprue).

    Still haven't figured it out how the addressing system works here, or is there no system?

    My "Moo" is 10 too and I'm way down towards the end of NPW on the Darkside. I guess it's a very big moo.

    Most of "Municipal" Pattaya and Jomtien is in Moo 10 with a Post Code of 20150. And all of Tambon Nongprue is in Amphor Banglamung. and all of Amphor Banglamung is in Chonburi Province.

    Not to be confused with Chonburi City, and Banglamung City.

    However, as to "is there a system" Yes there is, but tell anybody your formal address and they will never find you.

    Ok, but Nongprue is only at the east-side right? Nongprue is the city with it's own mayor so it's not Pattaya ... right?

    Rather than explain it to you, go to Wiki and all will become clear Grasshopper. wai2.gif


    • Like 1
  8. as my dear father used to say, "cats don't belong in fridges".

    I miss his wise words

    You're slipping with your particular style of Troll grammar.

    You used an uppercase 'I' at the start of your second sentence - this does not conform to your cashpower norm.

    However, I'll give you a Brownie point for failing to use a full-stop.

    • Like 2
  9. very unfair that bargirls are looked down upon and denigrated. in my country it is quite normal for young women to work as barmaids part time while they finish their education. it is not fair to attach a stigma to these girls just because they serve alcohol.

    Hows your multi condo purchase going ? Did your flights work out OK. ?

    I thought he was renting a Lear?

    • Like 1
  10. *little off-topic*

    "Moo 10 Tambon Nong Prue, Amphur Banglamung, Chonburi province"

    I thought this was an address in east-pattaya (nongprue).

    Still haven't figured it out how the addressing system works here, or is there no system?

    My "Moo" is 10 too and I'm way down towards the end of NPW on the Darkside. I guess it's a very big moo.

    Most of "Municipal" Pattaya and Jomtien is in Moo 10 with a Post Code of 20150. And all of Tambon Nongprue is in Amphor Banglamung. and all of Amphor Banglamung is in Chonburi Province.

    Not to be confused with Chonburi City, and Banglamung City.

    However, as to "is there a system" Yes there is, but tell anybody your formal address and they will never find you.

    • Like 2
  11. Quote

    I rarely get chated up in bars ,when i once asked a girl why ,she said"you live here ,you know to much ,not worth wasting time on people who live here".

    As a resident I've had similar feedback myself. The first time "two week millionaires" are the ones the girls can spot and will target.

    It's funny as a fight to watch the girls reactions when an obvious newbie walks into a bar (especially gogo bars). The newbie has eyes the size of a Frisbee, his tongue hanging on the ground, a winter suntan (so white you need sunglasses), wearing new but ill-fitting Beach Road shorts and a Chang/Singha wife-beater. He wai's everybody in sight while saying sawatdee krup so badly it sounds like Russian.

    The girls can almost see the flashing "Newbie and Stupid" sign over his head and gravitate to them like a magnet.

    I've seen reasonably intelligent looking blokes no sooner get their backside on a seat and they've been conned into drinks for 3 girls plus the service girl, then Mamasan wanders over and scores one, then he's throwing Ping-Pong balls, then a second round, then the girls bugger off for their next newbie victim that walked in.

    One girl usually stays with him (as organised by the girls on a rotation basis or who needs the money the most basis) to see if they can offer further services, but usually the bloke is a bit slow on the uptake or often it's the chubbiest of the girls that stays, and then she leaves him as well.

    The newbie is then left sitting there with no company and his Bin is 2,000 baht or more. The wide eyed Frisbee eyes then turn into that stunned mullet look as he checks his bin. Then he probably gets short changed and doesn't realise it.

    And no.......I can't say that something similar didn't happen to me either before I got my sea-legs, but that was a long time ago.whistling.gif width=19 alt=whistling.gif>

    Couldn't have described that better myself................thumbsup.gif

    Cheers. I should add that when I am occasionally approached by girls I wave my wedding ring finger at them and tell them I have a wife. Invariably, and 100% of the time, their immediate response is either "no problem" in English, or mai-bpen-rai in Thai. Aahhhh.......Thailand. biggrin.png

  12. I have often wondered. Is there a Thai word for irony ?



    My Missus I-rrrons my shirts. And her verb to describe what she's doing is I-rrroni. Goes out of her way to nail the R, but doesn't manage the ng as in ironing, so it sounds remarkably like a Glaswegian saying "irony". whistling.gif

    Re the whistles - I bet the counterfeit copiers are annoyed that the original counterfeiters have blown the whistle on them.

    Half time - change ends!

  13. What a waste time and energy.

    And "what they are really trying to achieve"!!?? Maybe the one clueful guy that wrote the rule in the first place.

    For the thousands of bureaucrats working on the ground that follow, they couldn't give a toss about rationality or the real world, they have their rules, and if you want to deal with them efficiently and move on to more productive pursuits you simply provide what their rules state in the format requested, they put stamps all over the papers and you move on with your life.

    Put some of that creative intelligence into an activity where you'll actually receive some real benefit in return.

    What am I trying to achieve?

    OK its a fair question>

    Simply this.....Knowledge of what works and what does not work.

    Asking why ?

    • Is healthier than moaning about confusion.
    • Being curious rather than accepting - bit by bit - will be useful forever.

    The personal benefit so far - Having a friendly and very open relaxed conversation with the officer formed a kind of a relationship that was comfortable enough for him to gave me his personal details - This is not time spent trying to 'change face' in a transaction - This is time invested in a conversation.

    Next time you go to see your "friend", hand him an envelope with 10,000 baht in it and he will suddenly see your unique form of logic.

    That's why he's talking so amicably to you.

    Thinking this - Died a long time ago - It is lazy and unhelpful to others.

    Suit yourself. It's as obvious as dog's balls that he's playing with you and leaving his answer open ended. Did he rub his chin and give you that inscrutable look as he considered your investment maturity suggestion?

    You don't meet the criteria - end of.

    He's implying that he could possibly consider your 85k investment as "income" and will sleep on the matter. This means he is waiting for you to wake up and smell the coffee at your next meeting.

    If you feel uncomfortable handing him an incentive, don't. It happens a million times a day all over Thailand and he won't be offended.

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