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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. JT - I can't help wondering what your day consists of and how you've managed to seemingly let the so-called Russian invasion affect you. On a personal note, I find the Russians to be quite diverse in their looks, attitudes, and demeanour.

    Because quite frankly, I was on Jomtien beach yesterday afternoon and early evening with my wife, and I didn't see or feel what you did. I had a bloody good time just doing next to nothing and watching the sun go down.

    It is Russian invasion, maybe invasion is wrong word, but no one can argue that they now dominate Pattaya and Jomtien. Just as they dominate resort towns in Turkey, Alnya and Atalya. In Egypt Sarm el Sheik was over taken by Russians 4 years ago.

    There are hardly European tourists in Pattaya area now, compered to just 4-5 years ago.

    To me this no big deal, in some ways I like it. But I can see how many expats, who moved here 10, even just 5 years ago now find themselves in completely different town.

    Russians are gloomy, they never smile to strangers, smiling is considered weakness, if in Russia a guy smiles at another guy, a stranger, in Russian mans mind it can mean only one thing.

    But they are very friendly to each other in all Russian restaurants, in baht buses strangers always start frindly convo, usuallt talking about where they are staying and what they payed for their 2 weeks holyday. Then they start talking about what an awful place this is, and rude ThAis are towards them. I listen these convos in baht buses every day

    Jomtien has changed so much, the scene is very different from few years ago.

    It can be still a pleasant place to visit once or twice a week, you enjoyed your day there, but it something entirely different if you live in Jomtien, day after day, 12 months of the year. I did stay there once almost for 2 years. Not any more. I can't, and I don't.

    Valgehiir - I do live in Jomtien permanently and have done for three years, so yes I've seen the changes you talk about.

    I guess the point I was making to JT was that if you fill your life with activities and friends, things that depressed or concerned you (as in JT with the Russians) can be a non event. I take a certain pleasure in honking the scooter horn at them if they do crazy things walking on the road, or making sure they don't get past me at the 7/11, and observing their bluntness with the Thais and their reaction to it.

    Life is a game if you want it to be and I suspect JT struggles with that concept.

  2. I almost always tip 500 baht. If the caddy is particularly bad or annoying, maybe 300.

    I also always split any winnings with the caddy... we usually play a 100 baht near-pin contest on all par 3's, carrying over if no one wins a given hole. When I win that, I give half to the caddy.

    Note... sometimes we also play the Par 3 near-pin game and let the caddy of the winner have all the cash. We explain it to them up front... it's amazing how interested and serious they get when they know they stand to win some cash! It's fun.

    300 is the going rate in Pattaya, especially if you play all year round. My caddy is thankful that I play all year and she has never let me down yet and turned me out for a tourist that may tip more. I got a T-Shirt for Christmas from her and obviously gave her an extra tip to cover that and then extra for Christmas.

    As to giving them extra for winning a bet with your partner, you can guarantee that your caddies are also betting amongst themselves. They may be just betting on the value of your winnings but most caddies spend their spare time gambling dominoes and cards in the caddy shack, so they'll be having side bets and showing real interest in your performance - not a bad thing really.

  3. Replace "Russian" with blacks and we'd all be bigots.

    And for any of those that can read Russian, check out their forums, be amazed at what they think of "Foreigners" here...

    The point is that Jomtien has become extremely dreary and also it is now dominated by Russians. The former is my subjective impression while the latter is a fact.

    People crying bigotry, you make me laugh. Is it bigotry to have subjective impression of a travel destination? That's daft. Read some great travel writers like Paul Theroux and maybe get educated.

    You've got to be able to talk about stuff. To talk about the feeling in today's Jomtien without mentioning the Russian domination would be an exercise in absurdity. If they were bringing massive festiveness to the region and I could feel that, would it be bigotry to say that?

    No more that saying blacks are good at basketball.

    Or that white men can't jump. thumbsup.gif

  4. Mine resolved to actually get out and drive. She's got her 5 year car license (cornflakes version) but couldn't drive a nail into a piece of wood.

    Five minutes ago she took off in the truck to "practice" with the parting words "see you in one hour darling". I refuse to go with her as the last 15 minute stint aged me by 5 years and I used to be blond, but now a sort of executive grey.

    If you intend travelling in the Boonkanjana/Jomtien 2nd Road/Chayapruik/Sukhumvit block in the next hour, be careful out there.

    I will post future warnings as necessary - don't say I didn't warn everybody! sick.gif

    Update: She and the truck are home in one piece after an uneventful journey. She even bought a dozen slabs of drinking water while she was out, so it wasn't even a total waste of diesel. whistling.gif

  5. I used to carry a hammer in my Ford Zephyr MKII so when the gear linkages at the bottom end of the steering column locked up (daily), a simple task to raise the bonnet, smack them and be on your way.

    Had a smart arse boss with a new Ford Escort and would do a wheelie in the gravel as he left the yard, showering our bikes. We took it upon ourselves to put it on blocks and dig holes under the rear (driving) wheels and thinly disguise it so all looked normal. Boss does his usual, jumps in the car and boots it but the wheels just spun in place and he went nowhere. We all buggered off but the night watchman told us the next day it took him two hours to unblock the car and get going. It didn't help matters that we nicked his jack as well. coffee1.gif

  6. The officer did everything right. Hopefully these tourists kicked out of the country.

    Absolutely right! When the video went "viral", the "cop in question" was called in by his supervisor and was going to be disciplined or fired. Later, the girl in the video went in and explained what really happened. She was trying to take a photo of the policeman and he didn't want her to do so. He was "fanning away" -so to speak - the phone-cam and, on the video, it "looks" like he smacked her. All of this was on the local news here in Pattaya earlier today.

    That's exactly what happened. You can see the phone in her hand as she steps backward and raises it to frame the shot. The BIB walks swiftly up to her and swats it out of her hand. Not that I'm saying it was OK for him to do that, but he sure as hell didn't strike her across the face.

    But hey, why let the facts get in the way of a good story. coffee1.gif

  7. Three bedroom, three bathroom house. No pool. Pattaya/Jomtien.

    Electric circa 5,000B in the hot season running an average of 1 1/2 A/C units 24/7. Paid 3,500B last bin and expect it to be around 2,500B this month as it's been very cool and the A/C's are not being used.

    Water is about 500-600B per month.

    True Visions is about 1,500B and 10MB internet from Sophon is about 600B (can't remember exactly as I always pay for 3 months to save the hassle and I can't find the bin).

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