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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. It sounds like you've never hung wallpaper before. I'm not suggesting it's an overly difficult task, but speaking from experience, there is a certain knack required that is only learned by mucking the job up on the first attempt. 


    I agree with jacko, paint it.

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  2. Update your passbook and hopefully it has composite updates and the less than 800k won't show. But I suspect the balances they show always show the lowest balance reached. It might show the EOD (end of day) balance, in which case you might get away with it.


    If I'm wrong, when you submit the bank statements, remove the page that shows the drop in limit.  I've watched them checking the statements - they quickly scan down the balance column looking at the numbers, but they don't do what an auditor would do. i.e check for consecutive page numbers, or check the balance carried forward to the next page.


    It's worth a crack. 

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  3. Buy a cheap pressure gauge and check the pressure after the Thai numpty has blown them up to rock hard at 65psi. Then simply release the excess air in several stages to achieve your required pressure.


    The Thai numpty science logic assumes that tyres naturally lose pressure, so inflating rock hard means your tyres will stay inflated for longer.


    I run mine at the recommended pressures, but take off 3psi in the wet season.


    EDIT:  Forgot to add regarding your mobility, keep the gauge under the scooter seat and get the numpty to check the pressure under your supervision.  If you don't know the Thai for the appropriate numbers, learning them isn't difficult.

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