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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. We live in dystopian times. Not sure if its 1984 or Brave New World - probably a combination of both.


    The ever decreasing birth rates around the world are probably the biggest threat to the survival of humanity. Eventually the despots that rule us will realise their fiefs are declining and the serfs are not reproducing themselves.


    The dystopian solution is obvious - enforced birth rate targets and eventually, enforced pregnancy. The government will seize your daughter and turn her into a breeding sow for 20 years.


    Think it can't happen? Think again.

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  2. There's a world-wide debt crisis and the proverbial will be hitting the fan Q1 2024. The only remaining question is whether the Kabal decide to get us out of it with an inflationary, or deflationary recession. Either way, it won't be pretty.


    If they go inflationary by printing money to replace the written-off debt (essentially an international bank bail-out), expect 1980's level inflation. 


    If they go deflationary by allowing the debt (cash) to be removed from the M2, you might be able to pick up a Lambo for the previous price of a small Singha.:coffee1:

  3. Reading the article, it appears the alleged slur was spoken in Thai language (“I can understand Thai. He scolded me so clearly: “Ni**a! Get up!...).


    I wonder if the actual N word was spoken in the English vernacular, or if some Thai language equivalent was spoken. It also begs the question if the referee correctly understood the (English language) racial implications of his use of the word.


    Personally, I've never heard a Thai use the word and I don't think they understand it - they usually revert in reference to a Cadbury or Hershey's product.


    If a Thai bloke is telling me something in mixed Thai/English language, and I indicate my understanding by uttering  "I hear", in which language should the listener interpret the utterance? :coffee1:





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  4. 7 minutes ago, phetphet said:

    Mostly... A girl once started work at my former place of employment. She was from one of those islands north of Scotland. maybe the Hebrides. I can't quite remember.

    It was really difficult to understand her. At least until we got used to her accent and she had toned it down a little.

    Probably had a brother named Donald, from the Isle of Skye.

    • Haha 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Nicholas Paul KNIGHT said:

    Good idea, touited a few years ago but then most books have American English, but it is not the English that is the propblem, it is the inablity of manmy Thai Teachers to think outside the book, zero experience in the real worl of speaking English foloow the book for fear of being criticised, unable to hold long conversations are but a few of the problems coupled with the fact that many THAI Teachers who teach English refuse help or assistance in English as and as one said to me I studied at University I know what is correct. despote showing him he was wrong. Fragile egos and lack of knowledge showing there, and most NEVER let students ask questions.


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