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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I received the photo letters in the mail for the previous occupant for over seven years. They turned up regularly - at least one a month.  We had no forwarding address and the Landlord didn't have one either, so they never got passed on.


    I can only assume the Thai lady never paid any fine.  Some good photos though - and the speeds were impressive.  The highest was 175K.  

  2. If anybody cares to dig deeper than the MSM you will discover seemingly authentic reports of Ukraine soldiers also refusing to fight and quitting their posts.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeFSGUPemzc&t=492s


    I don't claim to comprehend the current conflict.  But it seems that virtually nobody in the media, or even in politics, knows anything at all about Russo-Ukraine relations over the past century or earlier.


    I have not yet seen any mention of Stalin's Holodomor - the Russian state engineered starvation of Ukraine and the oppression of the Kulaks in the '30's that killed at least 4 million, or the fact that many Ukranians did actually join the German army in WWII and there were even Ukraine SS brigades.  Treblinka was virtually manned solely by the Ukranian SS.


    If you research this you will become to understand Putin's reference to Ukraine Nazis and some of the bitterness that exists between the two sides.


    This is a propaganda war that Ukraine is winning if you believe the western MSM.  But in reality, the Russians are not the Keystone army the MSM would have us believe, and on the ground, they are achieving their objectives. 






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  3. I was on a tour with 30 bikers with the Ulysses club for over 40's riders.  Everything from my GSXR1000 to restored RD400's, including a few Harleys.  One morning as we prepared to depart the motel, I casually mentioned that I'd never ridden a Harley.


    A kindly Doctor (with a stutter) in his 60's offered me a ride of his Sportster before we left. I think it was  a Sportster - not really up on the models.


    Being a sports bike rider, and because it was early morning and a 3km straight stretch of road, I did what comes naturally - full throttle to near the red line, clutchless change, full throttle to near red line, clutchless change, and repeat.


    Upon my return to the carpark, I was greeted with howls of laughter.  Apparently, the stuttering Doctor who had never heard his beloved Harley go anywhere near the red line had had a near heart attack and was quoted as saying "J..J..J..jesus w..w..w..w..wept.Th..Th..There w..w..w..w..was n..n..n..no f..f..f..f...arrken n..n..n..need to do that".


    Later that day, his Harley stopped functioning and had to be trailered home.:coffee1:



    • Sad 2
  4. The Katoey's nicking the imaginary gold chains is just the beginning. 


    I'm waiting for the first report of an Asian sub-continent gentleman getting his wallet nicked by the Ladyboy hiding under the bed while he's enjoying a massage from her accomplice.


    And I miss the days sitting at a Beer Bar in WS watching five similar gentlemen negotiating with a Freelancer for a bulk-buy deal. That "W-T-F" look on the Freelancers' face is indubitably priceless.


    Halcyon times indeed.  :coffee1:

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