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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Ok, she ploughs into multiple vehicles at the railway barrier so I assume there is wreckage all over the show. There was obviously a train approaching, so I wanna know what happened next. 


    Did the train get stopped? Did anybody go running up the track waving a lantern to warn the approaching train? Was there a train anyway or was it two maintenance dudes on a bogey powered by a 2 1/2 HP Briggs & Stratton? Did the train (or the two dudes) go sailing through the carnage with a <deleted> look on their faces? There are a multitude of possible scenarios that could have eventuated but we are left wondering.


    I feel the story lacks the element of "closure" that is a pre-requisite in any written piece involving a mystery - just ask Agatha Christie.

  2. The Thai system of governmental decision making is based on the "two punches and a hug" philosophy. First they have some lowly gimp publicly announce a slightly draconian measure to be implemented. Then they have another slightly less lowly gimp announce an even more restrictive full-metal-jacket version of the draconian measure.  That's the two punches.


    Then along comes the all seeing, all knowing PM who has tested customer feedback following the first two announcements and issues a decree that is usually less restrictive than either of the first two announcements or maybe in the middle somewhere.  That's the hug.


    Just to add some controversy and switch the idiom a little, Trump was a master at this - but he used the "I only really want half a mile" philosophy.  His rhetoric implied he wanted ten miles, the explosive reaction from the media was that even going one mile was too far, so when Trump agrees to only half a mile, guess who won.

  3. 18 hours ago, dddave said:


    If you believe the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two-weeks, the 100B amateurs that barely know one end of a pair of scissors from the other is the way to go. 


    I ain't got a lot of hair and get what we called a "short back and sides" in Old Skool language.  Toni takes about 40 minutes over my haircut and does a great job. 


    We all get statements of the obvious from friends after getting a haircut such as "had a haircut?  had your ears lowered?" etc, but after this guy cuts my hair I've had a number of comments regarding how good the cut looks - which is definitely a reflection on the barber because I'm one of the ugliest sons of bitches you're ever likely to come across.

    • Like 2
  4. Withdraw the money as you wish.  On your next extension date just use an agent and pay the 15-20K fee to get it extended. Do the 90 day reports online or in person, up to you.  Don't bother going to show them your "money in the bank" proof every 3 months that Chonburi and others ask for, it's not necessary - I haven't bothered since they introduced it and no problems.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. I feel supremely confident that the health authorities will ensure the correct temperatures are maintained and the product will be stored handled and transported in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. There will be a robust audit trail for every unit used , the audit trail will not be lost or corrupted in any way, and we can safely assume that if any problems arise with the particular batch of product we were issued with we will be notified personally, or there will be a national publication to ensure public awareness of the details.


    'Nuff said.

  6. 12 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Let @Gsxrnz decide, but I think this is a different one from "Toni".

    Not the same - here's Toni's facebook page for directions etc. to Watboon, Soi Watboon, Soi Watboonkanchana, Soi Boonkanchana, Watboon Alley etc.  Soi actually means "alley".  "SaaiR"  is the classifier for "road", so Saai Saawng is what we would call Second Road - not to be confused with "Thanohn" which actually means road, as in Beach Road (Thanohn Talay, or Thanohn Chihaad".  All very confusing.  




    Side note - I love it when we haggle over the names of locations (and directions) transliterated from Thai.  This Soi is known by many Thai locals as Soi Grand Hotel as well as the multitude of other usual names.  The intersection is also known locally as NongPong. 


    I once heard an Italian and a Frenchman arguing over the location of a particular hotel - one swore it was on Pattaya South Road, the other swore it was on Pattaya Tai. They were talking about the same hotel.



    • Thanks 1
  7. Here's a coupla recipes once you've pickled your own or purchased your beetroot.


    Aussie Burger:  Make a hamburger, add a slice of beetroot.


    Kiwi Burger: Make a hamburger, add a slice of beetroot and a fried egg. Soggy coleslaw is optional.

  8. Just now, ThailandRyan said:

    If it is such an earth shattering Statistic then post the actual graphic from your link instead of expecting us to not only open the link but then download the graphics into a file on our computers.  You should know better than that....


    You still want to state that it is only the elderly and infirm who are dying and getting sick.  I think you need to look again and then look at those with long Covid and still being disabled.  It is not just about deaths as a single metric, but you folks who want to insist this is a hoax being perpetuated on the world will grasp at what ever little straws you can instead of looking at the Whole picture.



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