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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. In 12 years I have never been asked for a copy of the reverse side of the departure card (bearing  a date-stamp), nor have I seen any officer of any immigration office or airport staff even look at the back of the card.  Twice I have lost my card and when departing BKK, simply grabbed a blank arrivals/departures card and completed the necessary section.  Never had a problem.


    • Haha 1
  2. I've been reliably informed that the official "town planner" in Patts is 9 years old and his tools consist of two six inch rulers (formerly a one footer but it broke) , a blunt 4B pencil stub, a 210 piece set of leggo, and one of those city street playmats of Miami.  


    That's where the Miami idea came from.  We should be thankful it wasn't a street playmat of Venice. Oh wait........

    • Haha 1
  3. If they conk out of hospital space I know a fantastic location that would probably fit 100,00 + beds, has great logistics for food, parking and emergency vehicle access, it's own emergency services team, is fully air conditioned, and totally vacant now and the foreseeable future - it's known as Suvarnabhumi. 

  4. In my youth my "go to" snack when arriving home after an evening on the turps was a tin of baked beans (with sausages) on (usually burnt) toast. The secret was to throw in a handful of grated cheese while cooking and let it semi-melt so it had that pizza gooiness texture. I'm a Kiwi so they were obviously Wattie's.  There jingle was "It must be Wattieeeeeeeeeeeeeee's!


    One memorable occasion was when I was 17 and woolshed parties at the farms of numerous sons of farmers was a thing.  Arrived home and cooking my BB a bit late at 6am - Dad awakens and goes to fetch the newspaper and enquires as to why there are four waratahs and 30 yards of barbed wire hanging out the back of my Ford Anglia.

    • Haha 2
  5. Pro forma, the Latin phrase which means "for the sake of form", is the basic principle of Thai driving regulations and general Thai law. Pro forma is applied in both the formation of law, the way in which law is enforced, and the way in which Thais live their daily lives. That's why many foreigners struggle with Thai concepts of constant fluidity and change  - I suspect that those of us who enjoy and are good at dancing get along better in Thailand than non-dancers.


    As long as you understand that red lights, green lights, traffic lane lines, stop signs, railway signs, no parking signs, speed limit signs ad infinitum  are merely there for the sake of having them there, and not rules to be abided by, you'll do OK.


    Me thinks I consumed too much ouzo and yoghurt last night.

  6. 7 hours ago, Amdesign said:

    It is absolute nonsense to name the places once there 20,000 reported cases per day in the country. In reality, this would mean 20,000x10=200,000 real cases. There is no sense of doing that for many months already!


    However, naming the places in such negative context could be treated as defamation, which is criminal offense by Thai law.

    To continue your math to it's logical conclusion - if the initial 20,000 infected only had contact with 3 people each, and those 60,000 people contacted 3 people each, and iterate this for only 7 days, then you have over 43 million to "contact trace" in 7 days.


    If you assume the number of contacts is actually 5 persons each day and iterate this, you reach 1,562,500,000 potential contacts in 7 days.  On the 8th day it goes to over 7.5 BILLION.  


    And that's why the world's tyrannical reaction to the entire sars-cov-2 thing is not only laughable, it's criminal.


    There's a reason you don't see too many people successfully pushing string uphill, herding cats, or displaying their collection of wooden horse r-soles.

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