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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I saw this coming from day 1 of this debacle.  My prediction 18 months ago was that there would be no "seeing the light" revelation from the compliant masses until the WHO issued a Sex Permission Passport, and it's not far away. If WHO believe they can stop cows farting, I'm pretty confident they can successfully argue that sex is detrimental to one's health.


    I was hoping world governments would get involved  in the manufacturing of beer to control Sars-cov-2.  The inevitable cockup would lead to instantaneous mass red-pilling.

  2. Check out Chic Republic in Pattaya (on Sukhumvit between Tai and Thepprasit) or online - they have quality old school traditional type furniture. If you want quality but  a more modern design, try Boontavon and Index on Sukhumvit (near Homepro, between Klang and Nua).


    I've furnished my place from a combination of Index (sofas and a bedroom suite, and their Italia range for built-in wardrobes), Chic Republic (modern glass/stainless steel coffee table, a rug which they arranged to get specially made to my size requirements), Eurovision for a custom designed kitchen, and Boonthavorn for random furniture and bathroom cabinetry.

    • Thanks 2
  3. Can anybody who has actually received any form of vaccination for SARS-cov-2 in Thailand please let us know what documentation (digital or paper-based) they received confirming their vaccination/drug used/drug source/batch number etc.


    It's all well and good getting a vaccine shot, it's another issue entirely trying to prove it satisfactorily to airlines and bureaucrats, or to get the eventual Covid Passport that the authoritarians will definitely impose upon us.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm in Jomtien. Mail delivery seems largely to be operating as normal.  Made an online purchase from BKK on Friday afternoon, delivered to me by the PO on Monday afternoon. I haven't specifically monitored other deliveries day by day, but I can think of a dozen mail items arriving fairly recently that were not noticeably delayed.


    Overseas deliveries is another issue - mail took 5 months to arrive from NZ early 2021.  But that's more likely the NZ :Post Office fault - the NZ Socialist Party shut down the border tighter than spandex on a 200KG Russian woman weightlifter.


    • Haha 1
  5. I've used online reporting since 2015 and my checklist for ensuring success (assuming their intranet is actually working) is:


    1. Use IE.  Chrome and everything else are problematic - the problems vary depending on hardware used, software version, and everything else including which way the wind is blowing on the day.

    2. Before you start, check popups are enabled, clear the browsing history, disable or bypass any VPN.

    3.  MOST IMPORTANT - clear the IE browsing history AGAIN before submitting a page or proceeding to the next page.

    4. Use ALL the dropdowns.  If a dropdown freezes or is unresponsive (usually the nationality), CLEAR THE BROWSING HISTORY yet again and the dropdown will usually function.

    5. For the first time yesterday, the nationality dropdown froze on me while checking my report status - I simply cleared the internet history/cache and it worked fine.

    5. If it all goes tits up, have a coffee, go back and start again, do not pass GO, and do not collect $200.

  6. On 7/31/2021 at 1:53 PM, paul1804 said:

    I wonder why  90% of New Zealanders don't see the truth, she, Jacinda in my opinion is selling the nation down the  sewer and they think she is wonderful!! Who in their right mind would believe what the Ardern government is telling the nation??? Whilst it would appear on the surface that she and her cronies have controlled the virus rather well there were some very obvious monumental blunders, to add the cost of her control measures are going to hurt their small economy for a very long time and you know that anyone with money is going to get fleeced whilst those that don't have money or have no principals are going to continue milking the system for as long as Jacinda holds the reins!!! 

    You're spot on.  Comrade Jacinda knows how to control the NZ media like a true soviet commissar.  Reading a Kiwi newspaper (and I use the word grudgingly) is like reading Pravda.  And now Youtube have banned Sky News Australia, and they were one of the few media outlets that dared to critique Ardern, as well as their own corrupt and power mad politicians.  The premier and health minister of NSW are behaving like satanic camp-mothers at a girl-guide jamboree, and totally screwing over the population with their matriarchal lunacy.  Even Oedipus would run a mile.

    • Haha 1
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