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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I particularly like the way they haven't included the principal gain/loss on the notional commodity. Of course, the coupon will vary with the changing value of gold and the number/value of out of money option holders on the other side of the bet. Remember that the option holders are taking both buy and sell positions.

    They're assuming there will always be losers, and in that regard they're probably correct. But the coupon will never replace any losses incurred on the initial investment, assuming the market goes against you.

    I see they have a yield of 9.7% in the last three years, and the value of the initial investment is down 50%. Getting a yield of 9.7% on an ETN that has halved in value in three years is um.....not particularly good.

    In essence it's the same as a dividend from a share, they are just using a commodity (gold) and a process (option sells and buybacks) to generate "profit".

    True, if gold is your baby then this method gives you a method of getting cashflow from the actual metal, plus a way of investing in the metal itself, albeit by investing notionally via the Nasdaq.

    I'd rather go for investing in shares of a real business if you want dividend yield. Or if you want more risk just play the options market.

    But from your post I'm assuming you're looking for cashflow from gold - just don't forget you're taking the risk of the value of gold on board as well.

    The irony is, it's a "covered call" investment, which means they minimise risk by not taking advantage of huge changes in value of gold. So if gold doubled in price for a week, then went back to were it was, they are still only going to unload the worst 3% of their portfolio. It works equally if the price halves. The actual price of the ETN will move in this scenario, but only by the anticipated positive/negative casflows from that week, and certainly nowhere near 100%.

    I'd much rather invest myself and make my own decisions. This is no more than a managed fund with a strategy that is designed to generate positive cashflow, while leaving you at risk in the value of your principal investment.

    And they take 0.65% off the top for their trouble.

  2. Lol. When my best mate came here first time (pun intended!!!) age 38 he did 3 short times a day?! At home his wife found google searches for STDs on his phone. Tosser said I used his phone. Lol.

    Ps. First and last time btw... Self-protection he calls it. 555

    Great post!

    And that's why I have my phone set so only my right thumbprint can open it. I praise the lord every morning I wake up next to the missus and my right thumb is still attached to my hand. rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

  3. Had to look twice... I thought it was a fire drill at a hospital. whistling.gif

    With empty? scotch bottle cartons on steps?

    Perfectly normal in Patters. thumbsup.gif

    And off topic, I actually know two genuine nurses who moonlight at a WS gogo bar. The irony is that they wear schoolgirl uniforms - well, most of a schoolgirl uniform. The knickers are optional. rolleyes.gif

  4. Looking at the pictures I suspect that the driver just took that corner too sharply and didnt go wide enough to clear the concrete bollards on his right. Easy to do if you are distracted by something else or cant see the bollards too clearly.

    It's unlikely to be brake failure.

    No No No, we can't have that - you're implying a skill deficiency or error of judgement was the root cause of the accident.

    There will be a "legitimate" reason - I'm picking brake failure or a tyre blow out will be reported in Pattaya One in a few days as the cause. facepalm.giffacepalm.gifwhistling.gif

  5. I don't know the answer, but it may pay to tell us what sort of debts, and if the debts legally documented and in whose name, and if any assets that have a debt against them are owned jointly or not.

    A mortgage to a bank or an official car loan will be different to a loan from a friend, or an unpaid internet bill.

    EDIT: Just found this really comprehensive link about death and wills etc in Thailand. http://www.bia.co.th/032.html

  6. ....when you can buy everything you could ever need from the comfort of your bar stool from a passing vendor.



    Fried Chicken

    Noodles etc etc ad nauseam








    Cane Furniture






    Ear rings





    Blow Jobs



    Sausage Rolls & Pies




    Bucket & Spade Set


    Ice Cream


    Manicure Sets

    I'm bored now. Feel free to add to the list facepalm.gifblink.pngthumbsup.gif

    I never sit on a barstool, but I get the drift. Ice cream and bread together.

    OK, for the non drinkers, let's assume it's a beach deck chair and not a bar stool. thumbsup.gif

  7. When some 75 year old farang posts a question on TV asking random strangers if it's true his 20 year old girl friend really loves him because he's a "sexy man."

    When some 75 year old farang suspects his 20 year old girl friend is exploiting him and fails to see that he might be accused of the same thing.

    When some farang thinks everything in his passport is a visa.

    When many foreigners feel Thailand is making too big a deal over their multi-year overstay and that the police should spend more of their time arresting Thais for blocking the pavement/sidewalk while texting.

    When farang feel a convenience store is scamming them because they rounded up their Internet provider's invoice to the nearest 25 satang.

    When a farang announces he was doing a "boarder" run and asks for "advise" while simultaneously complaining about the poor level of English employed by Immigrations officers.

    When a farang English teacher announces he was doing a "boarder" run and asks for "advise" while simultaneously complaining about the poor level of pay he's receiving.

    You're in Thailand when, people spell border as boarder, and advice as advise....and you have the urge to correct it....sorry mate, gotta be done, lol

    Um.....you missed the satire facepalm.gif

    But to be fair, maybe he should have used (sic) instead of quotes. thumbsup.gif

  8. Now this is without a doubt, a very just and propositional damages award to someone who was fired

    from her job.... but why only 31 millions? what's wrong with 310 millions? the latter is as ludicrous

    as much the former.....

    a smaller amount would had being peanuts for Walmart and more profitable to keep doing what they were doing, for the action to be punitive it would have to be substantial .

    anyway , Walmart will appeal, if any award is ever collected it will be years from now.

    I agree with it needing to be a large amount to be punitive, but 31M awarded to the woman is ridiculous. Give her a mill and let the rest be a fine that the state gets.

    Are damage costs in the US tax deductible by the way? whistling.gif

  9. At restaurant/cafe. When your food comes out in staggered intervals and the first person served has eaten their meal before the last person get theirs.

    While I take your point when applied to a Western restaurant or when ordering western food, I don't concur when it comes to Thai food. Thai dishes are (in the most part) not single dishes to be consumed by one person.

    The dishes are meant to be shared - so having the various dishes arrive at intervals is entirely appropriate.

    Sure, it's a pain when one wants a single western dish and the others order Thai.

  10. ....when you can buy everything you could ever need from the comfort of your bar stool from a passing vendor.



    Fried Chicken

    Noodles etc etc ad nauseam








    Cane Furniture






    Ear rings





    Blow Jobs



    Sausage Rolls & Pies




    Bucket & Spade Set


    Ice Cream


    Manicure Sets

    I'm bored now. Feel free to add to the list facepalm.gifblink.pngthumbsup.gif

  11. On a per capita basis, here are the numbers of police (per 100,000 capita) in a few countries:


    Australia 217

    Norway 222

    England 227

    New Zealand 247

    Germany 296

    Austria 326

    Netherlands 328

    Thailand 344

    USA 348

    Singapore 752

    You would think that with 344 coppers per 100,000 people (about the same as the USA), the BIB could at least solve a few crimes.

    I mean Jesus, that's 230,000 of the buggers. It just goes to show how thoroughly inept and corrupt they are.

  12. Wow. Lots of cynicism expressed.

    I think it is quite appropriate for the guy to be acknowledged and, yes, rewarded for right action.

    I found I was missing my wallet yesterday with my one bank card, I.D., and a few thousand baht cash in it.... the month's rent, in fact.

    Put on my "thinking cap" and could picture my wallet sitting on the ledge of a sidewalk coffee bar I frequent. Walked down to the place, and everybody's face lit up when they saw me coming.

    Yes, they had found it and set it aside for me. Nothing missing and refusal of a reward.

    I will as promised go to a wat and make wai for the folks in praise of their merit. Hey, their belief, and they really saved me from a jam of my own making.... they appreciated the gesture more than the offer of cash.

    So yeah, I agree with Gsxrnz that it is noteworthy anywhere.

    Well said.

    Had many similar instances myself. Sunglasses returned to me 2 months after I lost them at the golf course when I returned for a game. A waitress chased me on her scooter with the 500B and coins that I'd forgotten to take from the folder.

    Just last week I watched a bar cashier have an argument with a mildly drunk Norwegian. He'd put 3,000B in the bin to pay for his 260B bill. Cashier tries to tell him he's overpaid and he misunderstands and gives her another 1,000B. Laughs all round and she manages physically force all the extra money back into his hand.

    I still don't think he understood. He's probably telling all his mates about the crazy cashier that gave him too much change. facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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