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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Apart from the imported spuds that some of the large retailers sell, the majority of spuds we see in Thailand are grown in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, and other northern regions. I think some are grown in the south now as well.

    I quite like the Thai spuds. The varieties are not what we get back home as most wouldn't grow here very satisfactorily, so the taste is quite different. They're sweeter than most western varieties but certainly nothing to complain about. The main varieties are Spunta, Bintje and Kennebec.

    Kennebec is the best one for frying if you're lucky enough to find a vendor who knows enough about them to know what variety he's selling. I think this variety is what's used to produce commercial French fries for the big chains.

    For frying, as CharlieH said, blanch them first and you'll get a better result. For boiling I cut them (because they're normally huge spuds) into even sized pieces, quite small, and boil slowly. There's often a fine line between being boiled perfectly and going to mush, so time it right.

  2. Will the weight of your goods be over 5 tons?

    If not, then can use 6 whelk truck rather than 10 wheel...

    This would be cheaper than 10 wheel

    If it's only 5 tons, just use a pickup truck.

    You'll have to get a Thai to pack it 6 metres high though. I tried it and could only get stuff to 4 metres before it got too ugly. whistling.gif

    But a 1 tonne pickup truck is easily good for 5 tons as observed on every road in the country every day of the week. blink.png

    Oh - 10 tons? No problem - that would be two pickup trucks, or maybe just one and a half in reality. coffee1.gif

  3. 100ml of liquid is the rule at most Airports, most should know the procedure when being scanned.

    The items would normally have to be destroyed, so I don't see a problem with the products being resold.

    Incorrect - if alcohol or cosmetics or any other liquid is purchased at the duty free shops on the departure side of immigration and delivered to the departure gate in appropriate pre-approved packaging from the store, it is allowed on board.

    The problem is it's a scam between the duty free stores and the gate check staff that confiscate the goods. The shops conveniently forget to tell you it should be delivered to the gate, and the gate check staff merrily take it off you.

  4. There is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder. It is a mental problem that can not be cured, and they are so annoyingly frustrating you end up stooping to their level just to get even. She will bring you down, actually sounds like she already has.

    Don't punch her teeth out as the KIwi suggested (jake the mus?) apart from the fact it will make you pissweak for hitting a woman, it won't do any good.

    Accept she won't change, the only thing to do is get her out of your life as quickly as possible.

    The reference I made to dental repairs was as a threat only.

    Although I do confess to striking my ex wife with a back handed closed fist after she attempted to gouge my eyes out repeatedly in a drunken rage, and not for the first time. She was a vicious cow.

    It worked - she was a narcissist as well. I'm not proud of what I did, but she was under no illusion that was the end of the relationship.

  5. What happens to the booze? (Rhetorical question). For YEARS I have observed DOZENS and DOZENS of passengers having their booze conficated at the pre-gate screening point, most commonly on flights to Australia. In some cases they had bought the bottles in other Thai airports while in transit to BKK but in others, until quite recently, at BKK itself.

    Apparently not told at the point of purchase that there are restrictions on this and they risk confiscation. Very good business arrangement for the duty free monopoly ( in addition to the fact that the booze for sale is usually retail plus 20% rather than duty free).

    Yeah but it's not only Thailand. I got pinged by the Nazi Border Patrol transitting through Sydney. Bought the duty free bottle of JD at Christchurch no problems but the Aussie Nazis wouldn't let me transit back on the same plane at Sydney.

    Solution - take a few hefty swigs and then spit in the bottle, crush the metal cap so it's unusable, then give them the open tainted bottle.

    Bottle of JD, $34

    The look on the Nazis face, priceless.

    The other passengers pissing themselves (and one bloke copied me), beyond value. thumbsup.gif

  6. And of course it's not just me using a fixed term deposit for purposes at Thai immigration (and some just for interest).

    Many other reports in the forum.

    Currently rates are not overwhelming though sad.png

    "....rates are not overwhelming though."

    If there was a TV award for understatement of the year, this would be up there in the final three. blink.png

  7. An extra problem of sorts for AOT because as they investigate, if they bother, action will depend on how far up the employee chain this goes so the problem may be explaining / excusing it away rather than dealing with those involved.

    It must be well organised to go from seizure to online sales so it's more than likely supervisors / management are involved because at the very least there's no accounting for items seized or there's ' creative accounting '.

    That goes without saying. In these organised governmental or quasi governmental corruption scams, everybody gets a slice of the pie commensurate with their place in the pecking order.

    They invented multi-level marketing payoffs. rolleyes.gif

  8. Wait until she is out. Pack your bags. Take a walk. Don't look back. Change your phone number. Go somewhere she won't find you.

    The above isn't what I'd do because that's running and hiding, but judging from your post that is what you are probably best to do.

    Me - I'd have a blazing row, give her her pedigree in no uncertain terms, kick her out and throw her shit over the balcony, and make sure she knows that a return visit to my abode will possibly result in the need fro some dental reconstruction.

    It really is that simple.

  9. It's obvious that some make money doing it because there are millions of people doing it. His best bet is to use ebay or facebook. From my observation, it seems that the Thais are really into buying things on Facebook and there are no fees involved as with ebay.

    As to what to sell - well let's face it, if he doesn't know what to sell, and doesn't know how to sell, he's on a bit of a rocky road to ruin. He should have those ideas himself shouldn't he? I mean, a budding entrepreneur should at least have a little bit of a clue. blink.png

    You don't need to set up a company, doesn't need any licences, don't worry about tax or anything else as he will be well under the radar. His business will be along the lines of a street trader and not subject to obligations for VAT etc until turnover hits 1.8M baht, which he will struggle to ever get to.

  10. ThaiVisa is merely a tabloid type forum that publishes news items from either the local tabloid press (and I use the word "press" very generously there) as well as the recognised foreign tabloid equivalents.

    The local and foreign rags that TV subscribe to are as far from the Fourth Estate as you can get. coffee1.gif

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