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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. We have a similar problem. Sometimes the barcode doesn't print, or partially prints. The amount to pay was missing once as well, but it's usually the barcode at fault. Maybe happened 4 times in the past 12 months. This means we can't pat ay the 7/11 as normal and have to go to the Electricity Office to pay the bill.

    Pain in the backside as the lazy meter reader should realise the dockets are faulty and do something about his machine to fix it. Oh wait, we're in Thailand..........

  2. I reckon this Major General is one cool dude Thai - he obviously has a penchant for sarcasm and wit.

    As a rule, Thais don't do sarcasm very well. So this is an interesting development in the upper echelons of the army.

    I bet he didn't attend university in Nakon Nowhere. coffee1.gif

    And he's also displaying another trait that is distinctly alien to the Thai administration. He's thinking totally outside the box!! He offers a dynamic solution to a problem that let's face it, would probably work. thumbsup.gif

  3. A lot of Thai people don't bother registering their business dealings. Everything is either cash or deposited into a savings account in their name.

    No business or accounting records, no tax, no VAT. No anything.

    Things only start to get complicated if they deal with large businesses that require more documentation.

    I agree with your post. However you've grossly understated the position.

    "A lot" should actually read most, or the vast majority.

  4. After taking the bike apart, the mechanic discovered that not only the front forks and wheel were destroyed, but the front neck part was slightly bent. I said to him that since this meant the 'chassis' was bent, the bike was "totalled" (ruined), but he stated that in fact he could fix it. I assume he still means "for a reasonable price", since he knows me, and he knows I know as well as he does the value of the bike (at most 6k baht). I had originally mentioned I would be interested in fixing the bike only if the total cost was under 3,000.

    I was a little bit surprised the mechanic expressed such confidence in being able to fix a bike with a bent neck - seems to me that the 'neck' part is by definition part of the chassis. Is the neck a replaceable or straightenable part?

    Regarding your bent neck (steering stem), there's nothing in metal a Thai repairer can't straighten with a blow torch and a sledge hammer. blink.png

  5. I have the same issue.

    When are the TV management going to realise that they are simply overloading their pages and making it difficult to use, and even embarrassing with dating sight advertising all over the place. It makes it uncomfortable to use in a public place where your screen is visible.

    Less is often more!

    I see many regular posters have drifted off the site in the past 2 years. And as you cannot disable or quit membership, TV get no feedback as to why users have left.

    Perhaps they should consider having an exit process so they get feedback rather than just having long standing members move off the site. Or even conduct a survey about the site to all regular users about the good/bad/indifferent aspects of using and interacting on the site.

    p.s. In the real world where I have performed similar consultancy work, I would have charged you USD1,000 for the above brief advice, and circa USD20,000+ for implementing a well designed and simple strategy to assist you to keep your existing members happy, improve your advertising revenue without having more adverts, and further improve the usability and functionality of the site.

    However I'm retired and don't really want a job of any sort - it would interfere with my golf. So don't PM me. coffee1.gif

  6. He had all the usual jabs including MMR until the age of two, that's when we moved to Thailand, I have not honestly heard of a vaccine for chicken pox. Too late now but correct me if I'm wrong.

    MMRV includes the viral immunisation for chicken pox, the V stands for varicella. What country were you in that he didn't get immunised for it?

    Some countries do it all differently so maybe your country did the varicella later then the MMR.

    Anyway, as I said I am no doctor. But I'd recommend you figure out what he has had v what he should have had by your countries standards and make sure you keep up to date with the requirements.

    Good luck.

    Oh, and on a side note. I have had 2 cases of shingles - a related viral condition to shingles that adults can get when exposed to the CP virus if you've previously had CP. If I even think I've been exposed to a kid with CP I dose up immediately on anti-virals. If you feel any sort of tingling sore or weeping sore on your nose or face, get to the doctor quickly and get some medication. If you catch it and medicate within the first 48-72 hours you have a chance of stopping it developing.

    Shingles is a nasty disease that you do not want to experience.

  7. I've landed at Swampy about 25 times in the past 7 years. Admittedly I have the Emirates flight that lands at 1am, but I have yet to see any customs security staff.

    The first time I hung around for 5 minutes thinking I must have somehow got to the wrong area and was looking around for the right place to queue to get checked.

    Then I figured it out and went out the exit with no screening whatsoever. To this day, I'm still waiting to see one and have never had my luggage screened - I think they are like the yeti, a bit of a myth.

  8. Until the spots are gone and he feels comfortable, maybe up to two weeks. DON'T let him scratch them, he'll be scarred for life.

    It begs the question WHY wasn't he immunised?

    Should have been done at 18 months. If he hasn't had the routine immunisations for everything else by this stage, you better chase it up in a hurry.

    And I'm no doctor, but even I know that anti-biotics are totally useless against a viral infection, so go and google the medication and see what he has been given.

  9. Another quake hit Christchurch today at 1.13pm local time. 5.7 and some big aftershocks, biggest was 4.0 at 3pm local time.

    No deaths, injuries or major damage reported but some rock slides and liquefaction. Best place to follow the updates is on www.stuff.co.nz

    Let's hope they get smaller and not bigger. If they get another one over 6.0, it won't be pretty and a major setback to the confidence of the city.

  10. You can put red lights on the front, white lights at the back. Anybody can put red/blue flashing lights on the roof.

    You can underpass, you can overtake on the brow of a hill or around blind corners.

    You can load your Vigo 5 metres high with stuff extended out the back, over the cab, and out the sides.

    You can load a 30m Tree out the back of your Vigo, or you can carry 35 Cambodian workers on its deck.

    You can have no number plates, or even number plates that don't match. You can even have them upside down (true - saw one once and saw the same distinctive ute 3 months later, still upside down facepalm.gif )

    But I guarantee if you fit your plate to the side, you'll probably get nailed by the BIB on your first outing.

    My suggestion, keep the number plate in the cab. If you're ever stopped (unlikely), "it just fell off". whistling.gif

  11. Maps view has several advantages over voice only guidance (ear plugs). Example : map view shows up today date distance to next turn. On voice this comes sometimes pretty late. Nobody stare all of time navigator, quick look occasionally improve only safety and confidence. Everyone who has used navigator in bigger cities knows this. GPS is huge safety improvement when going from A to unknown B!


    And even back in the dim, dark, distant past, it was normal as a touring motorcyclist to have a map pocket taped to your tank. They used to make tank bags with a map pocket on top that magnetised to the tank - they probably still do.

    So mounting a GPS to a bike is just a modern version of having a good old fashioned paper map stuck on the tank.

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