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Posts posted by Pattayaguy1999

  1. Govt to slap controls on noisy nightclubs 

    BANGKOK: --  The Pollution Control Department today promised to take action against nightclubs and discotheques, following a speech by His Majesty the King expressing concern for the aural health of Thailand's youths.

    Mr. Apichai Chvajarernpun, the department's director-general, said that he had discussed the issue of nightclub noise pollution with the deputy head of the Metropolitan Police and representatives from the Air Quality and Noise Management Bureau, and that next week the department and police would launch an inspection of nightclubs across Bangkok.

    However, he conceded that current legislation could not force nightclubs to reduce their decibel levels, saying that nightclubs would initially merely be given requests to cooperate with the authorities.

    He also admitted that rising vehicle levels on the nation's roads were contributing to a growing problem of roadside noise pollution, but expressed hope that the expansion of public transport networks would help solve this problem.

    -- TNA 2004-12-07

    I hope they can also address the unhealthy sound levels that residents of Pattaya have to cope with daily. Finding a quiet place to live is getting increasingly more difficult. :o

  2. I dont think letting the thais gamble would do anyone any favours,least of all the already poor.

    The Thai authorities want to tap into the millions that are going across the Cambodian border each week. Many developing countries do not allow their citizens into the casinos. A foreign passport must be produced. Now, how do the Thais get full benefit of local revenue but avoid the massive problems gambling can create? A question I hope the Thai authorities examine before they decide to open any casinos.

  3. NAKHON RATCHASIMA: -- Four workers for a housing development company were killed last night when their van collided with a diesel train on a level crossing, where police said visibility was obscured by high trees.

    The diesel train travelling from Thailand's northeastern province of Si Sa Ket to Bangkok crashed into the van in the centre of Nakhon Ratchasima shortly before midnight last night.

    Four people died in the collision, all of them workers for the housing developer--Land and House Co.

    Although the engine of the train sustained minor damage, it was able to continue its journey to Bangkok.

    Note:  The train driver DID NOT  run away from the scene.

    Police said that visibility at the level crossing, where there were no barriers, was obscured by tall trees, and that the area was poorly lit.

      Tall trees?  How high was the train coming from?

      1.  Stop BEFORE the tracks as you would normally stop before every intersection

      2.  Look both ways

      3.  Do not proceed in case of one of the follwoing:

            a. you see a big light heading your way

            b. you hear a train -they are very noisy

            c. you see a train

      I do not mean to speak ill of the dead, and my heart goes out to the families

    of these people.  I am curious if autopsies will be performed on the driver just to

    determuine if he was drunk.

      The public hospitals in this country would loose 1/2 of their inpatients

      if the driving problems were corrected.  Driving at midnighton Friday night.

    The train hit the van at full force, dragging it 50 metres along the ground before coming to a halt.

    This another example of Darwin's theory. The stupid and foolish will take themselves out of the gene pool. I am afraid alcohol was probably involved, but lack of driving skills will also be a factor. Way too many Thais are driving w/o proper licenses or knowledge of the rules of the road. Everybody on the roads pay a price for the plethora of horrible drivers in the LOS. :o

  4. Perhaps a bit of over-simplification, but I put the cause of the devalued dollar at the doorstep of the White House's George W. 

    In that regard, I hope he gets his sh1t together as it effects my comfort here.

    We all hope for a stronger dollar, but putting the blame on one man is naive. Oil prices, balance of trade figures and faith in the dollar will determine it's value. Even if W got out of Iraq tomorrow, underlying economic factors would keep the dollar from gaining much ground against most currencies. We all long for the days of 50bt to the dollar, but have to live with current reality. At least the dollar is still strong against the Vietnam dong. Perhaps it is time to move! :o

  5. There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

    Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

    That was DB Cooper flying from Seattle. Hijacked the plane to Portland - demanded millions and the plane took off again headed east. It was a DC 9 with the rear door. Over eastern Washington 'ol D.B. dons his parachute and jumps.

    The authorities did find some of the $$$ but not the majority of it and they never found D.B. :D

    I remember this case and have read several articles on his chances of surviving the jump. Consensus was it was not survivable. I don't think any of the money ever turned up in circulation. If anyone knows more, I would like to hear it.

    This Italian guy is going to give the Thais the wrong impression of farangs. Pretty soon they are going to think we are all a bit off mentally. Oh wait, they already do! :o

  6. Myself, I'd question the US$175 million "take."  I would think he would have quit while he was ahead. 


    Somehow the math seems a bit dodgy. Someone with US$175 million would be a pretty high profile Thai. A bit strange he would not invest in a new pair of shoes, but nobody said criminals were the brightest bulb in the store. :D

  7. "We need things done peacefully, but it has only been violence and cruelty dished out so far," he said.

    Kayahmati village chief Razalee said most Muslims condemned both the government and militants until last month's tragedy.

    "That was pointless and the preachers are seizing on that to influence the youths," Razalee said.

    --Reuters 2004-11-29

    Thailand has a very difficult road ahead. Harsh military action will create more recruits for the extremists, doing nothing could lead to an autonomous muslim in the south. I hope they can get it right.

  8. The problem with the Moslem faith... for the rest of us is... they do not care if they die in the name of Allah... The promise of Heaven and surrounded by 40 virgins if they die in the name of Allah. And they BELIEVE it. So, to chuck an atom bomb at the infidels is no problem for them, even if they receive several in return. And don't worry, 'when' it happens the USA will know where it came from. Personally I do not think the USA will let it get that far... They cannot afford to. My guess is the USA will do a deal with Israel and the Israelies will knock out the instilations. The War on Terrorism cannot end... as the man said, "This is a differnt kind of war." :o

    The Israelis will certainly bomb Iran's nuclear stockpile if at all possible. From what I have read, Iran has put everything nuclear very deep underground. They saw what happened to Saddam's French built nuclear reactor back in the 80s. It may not be possible to destroy their stockpile from the air. That means a clandestine attack by Special Force types. Isreal and the US simply cannot live with a radical Islamic state such as Iran joining the nuclear club. Isreal will do whatever it takes to keep nuclear weapons out of Islamic hands. They know all to well what could happen. Being surrounded by enemies will focus your mind on staying alive.

    This is assuming that negoiations do not succeed in convincing the Iranians to stop trying to build nuclear weapons. I think we all hope that the talks succeed. :D

  9. Well, in my honest opinion, man did create God/s and not the other way around. And having a God and a Faith is fine by me. And if that is what a person or people need for mental stability it is a sad state of affairs.

    And don't hold your breath for the solution to be solved by the Mainstream Isam and Radical Islam. Even if it turns to hatred between the two... as has been with the Catholics and Protestants in the Christian world. The two still exist.

    Perhaps the answer is for all the world to become Radical Moslems... then who the <deleted> we'd fight with??? Hmmm.... perhaps I should put that to the Pope and George W. Bush? :D:D:D

    I learned many years ago not to kick the crutches out from another. The vast majority of the people on Earth follow one relgion or another. They simply cannot face the fact that one day they will die and return to dust. That thought is too horrible to deal with on a daily basis, so an afterlife is needed to reassure the followers of that religion. I choose to believe that reincarnation is the way the world works. I like the idea of coming back for another round on planet Earth.

    We won't live to see everyone live in harmony here on Earth. Rodney King once asked, "Cant' we all get along? The answer is, "no, we can't". :o We will all have to live with sad fact. :D

  10. What is the answer? There will be no answer until we all know the Truth and all share the same belief system. I think such creatures will only exist once the human race is extinct. :D

    I do not think there is 'one answer' either. Humans are fallible; seriously flawed creatures. We know we are going to die, that fact alone may explain religion. As one wise man said, "If God did not create man, man surely would create God." The thought of being here on this planet for a few years, then nothing, forever, is very hard to stomach for most of us. We need to believe there is something after our time on Earth for mental stabilty.

    The 'solution' to the rise of radical Islam is not to be found in the West. The battle will be between mainstream Islam and the fanatics that use Islam to divide the world into two groups. The believers of Islam that will receive all of God's blessings and the rest of humanity. Non believers deserve nothing but death and the radical Islamist are happy to take you there sooner rather than later.

    I see no realistic solution to this problem in my lifetime. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. :o

  11. Sad to say... but this is a problem that is not going away... a problem that there is really no answer for. There are too many radical Moslems and extremists and unfortunately they are growing in number around the globe... I am sure there a people right now working on a genetic virus to solve the problems. :o:D

    Lets hope they finish the one for biggotry first eh!!

    Stop being led by the nose

    be part of the solution not the problem

    sheep boy

    I would love to hear a solution to the rise of radical Islam. From what I have read, the radical muslims simply do not want to live in peace with the other religions. The Saudi financied madrassas are teaching the Wahhabi sect of Islam to a trememdous number of young muslims. They memorize the Koran, particularly the part that divides the world into two parts believers and non-believers. Not condusive to living in peace when the non-believers deserve death.

    If you have a solution on how to neutralize the radical wing of Islam without creating more martyrs, please let us know.

  12. There is a considerable difference between the state prisons and federal. This a federal crime and he may do it in a minimum security prison as a first time offender, non violent. Many of these are located on airforce bases. If that is the case, then he may not be the target of the other inmates. Very few in minimum security want to be placed in maximum securty prisons by comitting another crime while in custody.


    I have little sympathy for those convicted of sex crimes, but the prison sentence should not included assault; sexual or physical by fellow inmates. American state prisons are not a shining example of progress. :o

  13. Buddhists "treated like 3rd class" in Thai south

    YALA: --  Thailand, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Buddhists in Thailand's Muslim-majority south say they are being treated like "third class citizens" .........

    Now they know what we farangs feel like :D

    Thats true. :o One advantage we have is the ability to change where we live quite easily. :D Most Thais', muslim or buddhists are not as lucky.

  14. Oh, well.  Here comes the Western world, complete with it's 'advanced' thought.  This type of legislation doesn't work anywhere else in the world so what makes anyone think it'll work in Thailand?  You needn't look any further than the premises behind the thinking to know the eventual outcome of the policy.  Rotsa ruck!

    Training camps = brainwashing.

    When Thailand becomes just like the rest of the 'civilized' world I'll be off to the next 'third world' paradise!

    I hope you will post what 'third world paradise' you land in and tell us the advantages of said country. :o

  15. BANGKOK: --  The cabinet today passed a set of regulations which will limit online gaming among under 18’s to no more than three hours a day.

    Hard to imagine that the poo-yai in the upper echelons of the Thai government don't have anything more pressing on their collective agenda than this. :D

    We had crackdowns on drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gambling and now online gambling. Thailand is becoming quite the 'nanny state' with it's current philosophy. :o

  16. Well... two weeks in prison... and probably sooner... he is going to be in an awful lot of PAIN. Inmates have no mercy for child sex offenders and it gives them a "legitimate'' reason to vent their anger. And his a55 is going to be the size of a bucket!

    He'll get his just deserts and end up wishing he'd never been born.

    There is a considerable difference between the state prisons and federal. This a federal crime and he may do it in a minimum security prison as a first time offender, non violent. Many of these are located on airforce bases. If that is the case, then he may not be the target of the other inmates. Very few in minimum security want to be placed in maximum securty prisons by comitting another crime while in custody.

  17. Points taken on the differences... But not a good example either... Somewhere in the Bible it says, "I am a jealouss God." Not a very good example is it? The point is, neither religion is good. God is good, God is jealous, God will destroy his enemies. Allah is Great, Go kill the none believers... All Hypocricy.

    And your last sentance is the most frightening of all. "The fanatic muslims are going to be a tremendous problem for everybody else for the forseeable future." The day will come and maybe in the forseeable future... when the Moslems will go too far... worse than 911... and there will be a war against Isam. And there will only be one winner. The side with the most Atomic bombs. It will come to a showdown... it has to. And all because of 'belief systems' being so diverse. Sad init. :D

    Good point, but again I think you are quoting Old Testament. Even a quick read will demostrate what a harsh and unforgiving God is presented in the Old Testament.

    Several radical muslim groups are actively trying to acquire nuclear weapons now. Iran is very close to producing both nuclear weapons and a delivery system. A cause for worry by the rest of the world. I agree that the possibility of a major terrorist event is all too likely. How a western country will react to an attack with WMD is open to debate. If it is a group with no affiliation to a country, it is hard to retaliate against a country as in past wars. This is why the current 'war on terror' is asymmetrical. Much different than the good old 'cold war'. Very unpleasant situation for years to come. :o That much we can agree on.

  18. Well, somebody is going to have a lot of hiccups and the supply is gone!!!!!!!!  Interesting to find out who wants to take over and lead another group.  Typical.


    As the movie "Traffic" pointed out, there will always be someone to import/deal drugs as the profit potential is so enormous. Even with the death penalty, somebody is willing to take the risk to become rich, just the way it is. :o

  19. Policies push poor `further into debt'

    Cash-injection not the answer, says governor


    Pattaya _ Policies which inject cash into local communities have only put poor people even further in debt, the governor of Nakhon Ratchasima said yesterday.

    Pongpayom Watsaputi said he agreed with the government's attempt to solve debt problems, but many government policies themselves led to debt problems.

    Cash-injection policies had resulted in unnecessary spending on luxury goods such as motorcycles, televisions and mobile phones.

    These policies included the one-million baht village fund, the SML scheme and the proposed community bank.

    Speaking at a four-day retreat for CEO governors, Mr Pongpayom said the government did not seem serious about tackling vice, particularly alcohol.

    Alcohol was widely available, even from mobile food vendors and cheap karaoke stores with permission from the excise department. Widespread alcohol consumption led to social problems including accidents and HIV/Aids.

    Mr Pongpayom suggested an emergency debt fund be set up for governors, or a centre to tackle poverty and buy the debts of poor people.

    Many elderly people lost their assets after their children used their houses or assets as collateral when requesting loans.

    Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh said governors should solve the problem of land shortage and find living space for poor people. The government would finish surveying land across the country next year, which would give a clearer picture of land problems.

    Deputy Prime Minister Pinit Charusombat proposed a special economic zone be created in the three southernmost provinces under the supervision of the prime minister to increase investment in the deep South. This would be a good way to develop Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala since it would allow flexible management.

    Mr Pinit pointed to Shenzhen in China, which was transformed from a rural community into one of the fastest growing cities in China after a special economic zone was put in place, as a good example to follow.

    (Bangkok Post, Thursday 25 November 2004)

    I would be a little more positive towards the econmic zone idea if the muslims in the south didn't consider themselves muslims first and Thais second.

    The infusion of cash just pointed out what we already know. Thais are not very good at the long term view. With cash available they are going to spend for today, tomorrow may never come.

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