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Posts posted by noitom

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You don't need to be an 'Economist' or a 'Leading Organisation' to fabricate any lines of numbers stacked anyhow you like them, which is what these people do. My days of trusting the words of Economists, Bankers, Accountants and Politicians have long been over !

    Especial Thai "leading."

  2. This Thai "stresses" and "points out." The Thai has nothing to specifically report but he "points out" that an "increased number" of corrupt officials have been "punished." This is a real Thai laugher, typical puffing and blustering sidestepping and mumbo jumbo. I hope Barbara wasn't taken in by this Thai double talk.

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  3. Thais bluster first the German model, now the Northern Ireland "formula." What next? The Thais are thrashing about. The circus has opened in New York. It should have opened in Thailand. Thailand has its own circus right here and the Thai press prints it up ring by ring, side show by side show.

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