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Posts posted by marcus

  1. I was bitten by a dog 6 years ago, and had my shot's in a local "clinic" - not a private hospital. I remember the cost was not more as a couple of 100 baht/shot.

    If I remember well, there is a "Gibbon Resque Project" in Phuket. Maybe they can inform you better about the dangers of monkey bites.

    A very well known institute is the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. I doubt they will be happy if too many farang from Thailand mail them for advise, but you might be lucky if you mail them a picture of your wound and provide them the name of the brand of the shot you already had.

    You should read this text from their site. It contains the following alarming phrase : "The problem in developing countries is that vaccines are often of a lower quality since they are prepared on the basis of animal brains and the correct immoglobulins are not available. In the event of a suspect bite the traveller may decide to leave home at once; or to try and obtain the vaccine or immoglobulins with the help of the travel insurance company or the Embassy."

    Good luck !

  2. Why the hel_l bother posting something that no one understands? <deleted> is this about, as if anyone cares? What is "Shushi"? Or are you trying to spell sushi? The mind is such a terrible thing to waste....
    Say it as you see it mark... :D

    What? Naked P...y? :D

    :D:D They have certain parts covered with banana leaves.

    I see they also offer "take away". I wonder if it would be a big issue if the banana leave moves a bit during the long trip back home on the back of the motorbike :o

  3. George is on holiday. So, if koheesti wants to take up organizational reins, as he seems keen?

    why not wait till george gets back.

    If my understanding is correct, these Thaivisa parties are organized by Thaivisa, not the individual members. Thaivisa is a well known organisation over here, so they are in a much better position to negotiate good rates and sponsor contracts anyway.

    All George asked in his first post was to suggest him a place and a date, something which seems to be quite difficult :o

    So we will have to wait till George is back, and let him make the final decision.

  4. Hey all,

    I want to do a Big Thaivisa Party on Koh Samui in May or June!

    We want to identify our "Home of Thaivisa in Samui" that can take care of our members for a night of fun.

    Could be a big bar, a nice restaurant or a resort or hotel that welcomes us. We are open for all ideas

    I'll do the marketing and promote the place so we fill it up for a great night.

    Where is a good location on the island that Thaivisa can deal with to do a big Samui Thaivisa Members Party?

    Please advise, we can discuss the date, time and details later, FIRST lets find THE place that you guys like.

    Looking forward to your replies and ideas! Post photos and a map or description of the place you suggest!

    George :D

    A little list of our last parties, have a look:
















    I just checked some of these links and saw nice things like :

    - Buckwheats famous Mesquite smoked BBQ Ribs and a variety of snacks.

    - Free local Beer

    - Thaivisa T-shirt lucky draw etc.

    Any chance there will be free drinks over here ? Or maybe free taxi's ? :o

  5. Dried corn is for sale in Makro.

    No offence to the Americans intended, but in my country we wouldn't consider to use it for human consumption, however we admit it is the perfect food for chickens. If it is the same in Thailand, you might be more lucky to ask it on the "farming forum" :o

    There are two distinctly different kinds of corn, sweet corn and field corn. The difference between them is very like the difference between English garden peas and field peas. Americans don't consider field peas to be fit for human consumption, but others certainly consume them.

    Sweet corn is the stuff you see used all over in Thailand, like corn on the cob, corn in a cup, and corn sundaes. It is sweet and tender. Field corn, on the other hand, isn't fit to eat as it is. It has to be dried and ground into flour, coarse for cornmeal, fine for masa.

    The stuff sold in Makro is probably not meant for human consumption, but for animal feed, as you point out. As such, it hasn't been processed in a way to avoid contamination with unwanted things like fungus. Or worse, it's been treated with chemical dangerous to humans to kill fungus. I wouldn't risk it even if I had a way to grind it into cornmeal.

    The Macro corn is for pop corn, so it should be safe to use it.

    You are right that the animal corn might be treated with chemicals, however I doubt that they will be dangerous for humans.

    But we forgot the easy thing : dry it by yourself :D

    According to this site, it works like this :

    Drying corn and beans has been done for years and years. The Pennsylvania Dutch, in particular, are noted for dishes made from this vegetable.

    *To oven dry corn, plunge the freshly picked ears into boiling water for five minutes. Then dunk them into cold water. When cool enough to handle, cut the corn off the cob. Spread it out on large trays, preferably enamel, some home dryers say. The corn can be one to 1 1/2 inches in depth on the trays. Place them in a warm oven, about 150 degrees F. and leave them until the corn is thoroughly and rather brittle.

    *If you have a wood burning stove, you can dry corn on the back of the stove or in the warming oven. You will want to stir it occasionally so it dries evenly.

    *With a food dehydrator, follow the directions for drying corn that come with it.

    *Store the corn in glass jars, plastic bags, plastic containers ,or clean coffee or shortening cans with tight fitting lids.

  6. If Chaweng wins the vote, Tropical Murphy's would be my first choice. Plenty of room and live music.

    Euhm, might sound a bit ridiculous, but I think it should be in an area with a lot of parking place. I suppose most of us will come by car, so Bang Rak looks more practical to me as Chaweng or Lamai beach road.

  7. Like so many other American expats who grew up in the south (i.e., southern states of USA), I love and miss cornbread.

    I am surrounded by corn, but it seems impossible to find dried corn. So, I cannot just grind that up.

    Question: Is it possible to make cornbread using fresh corn?

    Think about it.......how do you make cornbread.........you add milk and eggs and some butter to dried corn. So you make the dried corn wet corn.

    Why can't you just skip the dried corn step and use wet corn?

    If anybody has a recipe, especially for fried cornbread, please let me know. I am starving for pinto beans with ham and cornbread.


    Dried corn is for sale in Makro.

    No offence to the Americans intended, but in my country we wouldn't consider to use it for human consumption, however we admit it is the perfect food for chickens. If it is the same in Thailand, you might be more lucky to ask it on the "farming forum" :o

  8. Dont use the Thai apps store!

    Are you installing from itunes right? Change the country setting in Itunes to U.S. or something like that, then you can access more apps.

    Thanks, haha I thought I had to use the Thailand store here. I'll give it a try.

    Well I tried that but no joy, whenever I switch over to the US site and try to download it detects me and sends me back to Thailand. It appears you need a US credit card to join the iTunes store there. I can't figure out why they don't offer google apps like Earth, strange.

    Try the stuff we are not allowed to discuss :o

  9. Great everyone agrees wired is better.

    But please for the sake of my sanity where can I purchase a 10 meter cable here in Pattaya that will allow me to connect my PC's VGA output to my TV in the bedroom's PC/VGA input ?

    I can only use the LCD TV in the living room because I brought the cable with me from the US.

    I will be willing to travel all the way to Bangkok, if I can be guaranteed to be able to purchase a simple VGA cable that will work.

    (and Yes, I have tried the male to male cable that is offered here)

    Why dont you just site your pc next to your tv?

    please feel free to ask anything else

    Impossible since the TV in the bedroom is mounted on the wall. Therefore the need for wires. I know where to get the cable from in the US, I just don't want to have to go to that expense when I know someone has to have the cable.

    Come on, every LCD TV in Thailand has the PC / VGA input, someone has got to have a cable to connect them and not everyone wants a PC sitting next to the TV :o

    I bought mine in Samui, probably not a very big help for you :D (And as my pc is next to the tv, it's not exactly a 10 meter cable...)

    As an alternative, you can consider a composite cable. The quality of the image will be a bit less, but on the other hand it's a thinner cable which is easier to hide. If your pc doesn't have a composite output, you will need a video card. Then you connect the VGA out to the living Tv, and the composite out to the bedroom, so no need to change cables all the time.

  10. All you would need is someone here in Thailand, with a fast internet connection to host it for you.


    Might be a problem... An alternative is to use this company. They capture the Truevision signal in Taiwan, and send it with a Hava box (similar to a slingbox, but more possibilities) over the superior Taiwanese internet to you.

    Going to the URL that was in your last post, it leads to a vanilla satellite povider in Taiwan, just like UBC, here

    Not having anyone to host it here is a deal breaker with a Slingbox.

    I just assumed that she would have relatives here that could let her plug into their cable. With the 550 Baht, 2MB Internet plans now available it would be cost effective.

    There are companies in the US that will let you set up a "managed Slingbox" set up for a fee if you don't have someone to "host" it for you. But I doubt such a service exists in Thailand. So I hope the Taiwan option is viable for you.

    I wasn't even sure the Slinbox was available in the UK till I googled it for you.


    It's a small firm with a good reputation, owned by a foreigner in Taiwan. They offer foreign satellite packages (including Truevision) to expat costumers. They also have a slingbox/hava hosting service. I'm not sure about the price, but believe they can offer up to 5 Mb upload - something I can only dream about. If the OP is interested, they have a free trial.

  11. All you would need is someone here in Thailand, with a fast internet connection to host it for you.


    Might be a problem... An alternative is to use this company. They capture the Truevision signal in Taiwan, and send it with a Hava box (similar to a slingbox, but more possibilities) over the superior Taiwanese internet to you.

  12. The best radio station for me is www.pandora.com In fact, it is not a real station, but an algorithm which analyses music and suggest similar music.

    For instance : you like the Cure. After signing up, you enter your favourite Cure song, and the program generates a radio station which plays mostly newwave from the eighties . If there is a song you don't like, you tell it to the program and you will never hear it again. If you would like to have more variation, you add more artists/songs from different genres.

    The good thing, it's free and you will never hear a commercial. The bad thing, it's no longer available outside the US due to copyright issues. The solution : be creative... :o

  13. Vol au vents sold in supermarkets like friendship, foodland villa etc , not sure abour carrfour

    Thanks ! Unfortunately, none of these supermarkets have a branch over here, so I will have to wait till my next visit to BKK :o

    I tried to make them by myself using the frozen pastry from Makro, but the result looked more like some piece of modern art, not something you can fill.

  14. For the OP,

    The beeb has a 'white list' of all IP addresses in the UK and will only give some stuff to them. If your IP is not on the white list there is no easy way to use iPlayer.

    Proxies do not work as they are not on the white list.

    There are ways around it using friends in the UK but it ain't easy - words like slingbox spring to mind.

    edited for spelling error of their - there!

    Mine works fine, also for zattoo.com

    May I suggest to have a close look at the picture below if you don't believe me :o


  15. I read recently that true will soon have adverts. This will ruin the little tv i do watch.

    It got me thinking. What are the alternatives nowadays? I often hear of tv on the internet, but have no idea about that, but really, i'd like any alternative to be some other satellite kind of system. I need my sports, which might ideally include cricket that true never put on.

    What do people use instead of true? How does it compare?

    Slingbox ! The max :o

  16. Me too.

    Come on, guys, someone must be able to confess to this knowledge......

    .......surely :o



    Contact their school (St Joseph, opposite the church)


    81/1 หมู่ที่ 4 ตำบลอ่างทอง อำเภอเกาะสมุย

    จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี 84140

    Tel : 077 421129 Fax: 077 420 771

    Email : [email protected]

  17. Anyone use one of these for your computer monitor? Do they hook right up to your box with the standard monitor pin?

    I bought a previous model around 8 months ago, and it works fine till now. It is connected to the VGA output of my multimedia PC, so in one way I use it as a monitor. It's ok for watching movies and my slingbox, but I would not recommend it as a replacement for a normal monitor on a computer you use for business. As the TV is a 720p one, the resolution is limited to 1024x768 pixels, which is on the low side for graphic applications. It also produces a lot of heat, which makes working on it very uncomfortable.

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